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propecia after transplant

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Propecia is not required for transplanted hair growth however, the question remains, is Propecia helping to slow down or stop the progression of your male pattern baldness?


If hair loss is minimal, it may be because Propecia is stopping it. Or perhaps genetically, you are not losing any more hair.


The bottom line is, if you come off Propecia, there is a risk that male pattern baldness will continue. It's up to you if you want to take that risk.


Personally speaking, I'm on Propecia and as long as I'm not experiencing side effects, I will stay on it because it is most likely maintaining the hair below my crown.


Best wishes,



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  • Senior Member

Propecia isnt required post op, but if you want to limit future HL from your orginal hair and even your donor hair-- keep taking it with Rogaine. Even men without MPB start to get thinner hair in their 50's naturally without going bald. Its normal. So Propecia lows this progression-- also some studies are showing better regrowth and retention data with Propecia post op



Dr. Shapiro

Propecia/Rogain xtra

MSM/Saw Palmetto/Zinc

Zrii 3 oz daily

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  • Senior Member

Patients of ours who report they stopped taking propecia for one reason or another generally get right back on after few months when there's more noticeable hair loss.

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