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Shock hair loss of existing hair

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  • Senior Member

Shock loss is perfectly normal post HT. It will grow back unless the hairs were very weak and close to being lost anyway. You can try taking MSM about 3000mg per day as it does speed up hair growth.

Relax for now nothing unique is happening to you.


HT2 2570 grafts Dr Feller

HT 2350 grafts Dr Epstein

Finax 1mg per day

nizoral 2% 3/week

MSM 3000 mg / day




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  • Regular Member

MSM is a supplement which can be purchased at any vitamin store. I started taking one 1500mg tablet twice a day post hair transplant.

MSM may increase hair and nail growth.

I recently purchased the MSM powder. One small scoop has 5000mg (5gm). I currently take about 5000-700mg daily. I am almost 7 weeks post op and I plan to take it for another 3-5 months or whenever I run out of the item.


I also take 5000mg of Biotin daily and a good Omega 3 supplemment. I also take a potent multi vitamin.

Other than that, I take Propecia and apply Rogaine as recommended. Rogaine may help jump start the native hairs that have been traumatized or shaved down.


I also find that a high quality Emu oil is helpful to the hair and scalp.


I guess a lot of this is trial and error and I have followed recommendations from members on this site.

Will this regimen help preserve the follicle, jump start hair growth, minimize shock loss?

I don't know but I have shed very little recipient or native hair.


I am still waiting for the recipient shed since I have only lost maybe 25%. I do believe that some of the grafted hair in the hairline is definitely growing although it seems on the early side.

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Keep in mind that there is a certain fallacy going around about MSM. Though it may help increase the speed of hair and nail growth, many hair transplant patients use it thinking that it will help jump start transplanted hair growth. There is no proof on this.


What it MIGHT do however, is increase the speed of natural hair growth and this might be helpful for those who had their recipient area shaved.



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