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Dr. Barry Hendler

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  • Senior Member

Use the 'find feature' young waggy :-), if you can't find any comments on these docs chances are that you will not get any feedback.


I will re-iterate what is a strong consensus on this forum, do not let geography or cost be a determining factor in getting your HT. The best doctors in the world whoose many patient results are listed here are cheaper than the 'hair mills'.

1344 grafts with Ron Shapiro - June 2006

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  • 6 months later...
  • Senior Member

I've never heard of him, Eagle but would love to see some of his work. Do you have any before/after pics you can share?


Since this is your first post I want to mention that you need to mind the "posted" date in the upper left corner of each post.........this thread hasn't been active since last September.



1st HT 1-18-05 - 1200 FUT's

2nd HT 2-15-06 - 3886 FUT's Dr. Wong

3rd HT 4-24-08 - 2415 FUT's Dr. Wong




current regimen: 1.25mg finasteride every other day


My Hair Loss Weblog


Disclaimer: I'm not a Doctor (and have never played one on TV ;) ) and have no medical training. Any information I share here is in an effort to help those who don't like hair loss.

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Thanks for the welcome guys. Yes, I am aware that the thread has been inactive but thought waggy may have utilized the auto notification feature as I did. Sorry, I don't have any close-up pictures like many of you have posted. To date, my hair loss has been minimal compared to pictures posted in this group. I never took any "pre" photos as I honestly didn't care to have any. I've got too much stuff as it is.


I am 53 years old and the hair at the front of my head has been gradually thinning for the past 5 years or so. A bald spot in the back has also developed over that same period. To compensate, I have been gradually moving the part up on the side as I brushed my hair over the past several years. My hair length is usually slightly over my ears and down to my shirt collar in the back. I guess I'll never get over the 1960's. My hair diameter would probably be considered normal or medium and neither fine nor coarse. It is dense everywhere except in the triangular area in front that is thinning and the crown area in back. Dr. Hendler said I have enough donor hair for six procedures. Although he may have been exaggerating, I think the point was that donor hair availability is not an issue with me. He described me as a Type III. As I have a small bald spot in the back/crown, maybe I am a Type III ??“ Vertex? I also have had a receding hairline for so long that I honestly can't remember when it started to happen. It is not unsightly or significant to me and has been that way for so long, probably 20 years or more, that I didn't have any desire to drastically change it. I initially thought that I just wanted to thicken the front up and maybe fill in the receding area on each side a bit.


During the first of two lengthy consultations with Dr. Hendler, he said it would only increase the price by about 25% to fill in the back too. Although this is my theory only, I think there is probably a "base" fee or charge that covers the hours in the afternoon that they need to perform an HT. One of his staff told me they only see one patient per day. I think this may drive a "base" fee that they don't go under no matter how little you need or decide to have done. I have visited the facility four times in the afternoon in addition to the time I was there for my HT. They were performing or finishing an HT each of those times. Dr. Hendler was always involved with the procedure along with both of his technicians, not sure if that is what they are called, but Debbie and Sue are great. A second doctor/partner has been involved several of those times also. As it is a business, they probably need to generate some predetermined amount of money for each procedure they perform. Everybody has to eat. In my opinion, they are very thorough and professional and don't crank out a lot patients. It is definitely not a "hair mill." All of the Drs. are both MD's and either a DDS or DMD. All are also maxillofacial surgeons. You can visit Dr Hendler's website at www.hendlerhairtransplants.com. It is important to include the last "s" in the web address. I found if you omit it, you are redirected to his University of Pennsylvania webpage. As I said, both of my consultations were lengthy. When I came back the second time, I had two pages of questions. I felt Dr. Hendler answered all of them honestly and thoroughly. I was not rushed and there were no surprises.


My procedure lasted from 12:30 pm to 5:30 pm. Before starting, Dr. Hendler went over my medical history a second time and gave me an oral antibiotic and some Valium. After getting settled into the chair, Dr. Hendler drew my new hairline and after my approval, began making dots on my scalp and counting the number of grafts that he would need. I think after that was finished he gave me the Novocain shots. While some of the shots just pinched, others hurt like the dickens. I didn't count but I would estimate there were between 12 to 15 shots spread over the front, crown and donor area. I've described the experience as putting my head in a hornet's nest for 10 seconds. Once that was over, it was all-downhill. When Dr. Hendler started taking the donor strip, I initially felt a little twinge. I probably exaggerated a bit but I didn't want to feel any cutting. He gave me another shot or two and then all I felt was some tugging in the back. After that, Debbie and Sue started preparing the recipient areas and all I noticed was a crunching sound each time they made a hole or incision that reminded me of poking holes in a saltine cracker. I decided I didn't want to see any of the instruments so I don't know if they make holes or slits. After they were finished prepping the front and crown, they went back to the front and started planting the grafts that Dr. Hendler had been preparing. I noticed he would stop his dissecting from time to time and check on the planting process. Although there was a DVD playing during ?? of the procedure, we all talked off and on and I would say that Dr. Hendler was rarely out of the room.


The procedure proceeded routinely as far as I could tell. Although as I said we talked off and on, Debbie and Sue seemed very focused on what they were doing. I noticed towards the end that the planting started to sting a little. Since it was not too uncomfortable, I didn't complain. I didn't want any more shots. The entire procedure was performed with me in a slightly reclined sitting position. Towards the end, Dr. Hendler snuck a shot in my arm to help prevent facial swelling. I had told him about my face swelling up several years ago after being stung in the face by a bee while biking. He also told me I should discuss the incident with my GP, as a second sting could be serious based on my reaction to the first. I appreciated that advice. After they were finished, some bandaging was applied and a white surgical looking net was placed over my hair. I was given 5 days worth of antibiotic, a steroid for swelling, and both 500mg Tylenol and Tylenol with codeine in case I had any pain. I slept well that night and didn't experience any pain at all.


I had to go back the next morning at 8:30 am. The bandages were removed and after examining my head, my hair was washed and blown dry and styled to cover the little bit of work in front that wasn't already covered with existing hair. I was instructed to gently wash my hair again that night using only the palms of my hands and low water pressure and then again twice each day for the next five days. I have to admit I couldn't bear to do it that night but then I did wash it twice a day for the next four days after. They said the washing was beneficial to the healing process. I never experienced any pain after the HT and never needed to take any of the pain medication I was given. The scales or crusting all slid off on the 12th and 13th day after the procedure when I washed my hair in the morning. The donor area sutures were removed in Dr. Hendler's office 13 days after the procedure.


Dr. Hendler said he placed about 900 grafts that represented about 3,000 hairs. His fee was $4,500 for the front and $1,000 for the back. I'm sure some will think I overpaid or could have found a cheaper doctor. Although I am by no means rich, I didn't base my choice of doctor on price. I was impressed with Dr. Hendler when I talked to him on both occasions and decided very quickly that he was the doctor I wanted to use. Although I looked at a lot of websites and feel I researched this extensively, I didn't feel that I wanted to shop this around like buying a car. I also wanted to use a doctor in my area so I would have easy access to treatment if a problem developed.


It's been about 7 weeks since I had the procedure. Many of the donor hairs have shed. I felt like a porcupine in the front and crown area before that happened. Debbie of Dr. Hendler's staff told me that the procedure sometimes traumatizes the existing hair. I think this initially happened to the hair I have left in the front. It seemed to look limp and thinner not long after the procedure. That seems to have resolved itself over the past week or two and my existing hair in front looks fairly good again. I have just recently been developing the small pimples or ingrown hairs that have been discussed in the forum. I went back to Dr. Hendler for the first one but started taking care of them myself lately. I clean the area with alcohol, pop them with a Q-Tip dipped in alcohol, clean the area again with alcohol, apply pressure with a cotton ball for five minutes and then apply some Neosporin twice a day until they disappear in a day or two. My wife performs the cleaning and popping steps. If someone has any suggestions on this, please let me know.


I took two weeks off from work after I had the procedure. Although my scalp was and is still pink in the recipient areas, I don't think anybody noticed the work I had done. I talked to someone last week who I know had HT and I don't think he noticed anything. People I have told about the procedure have all said they didn't notice anything until I told them.


If anything else memorable happens, I'll post it. If I haven't covered something or explained something clearly, let me know.


Thanks for reading!

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Wow...thanks Eagle for the detailed account of your experience.


Unfortunately, without seeing pictures of your hairloss situation, it's difficult to evaluate whether 900 grafts would actually be enough in your situation.


Truthfully, 900 grafts is a very small session, and if spread out over a pretty large area (front and back as you say), don't expect a lot of density. I'm not trying to alarm you by any means...but it's important that you are realistic with your expectations.


Do you know where you are on the NW scale? The general rule is to multiply your NW level of hairloss by 1000-1500 grafts to achieve decent results.


At 7 weeks post op, it sounds like you are right where you should be. All the grafts should have shed by now, with exception of maybe a few that will probably never shed and continue to grow as normal hair. The in-grown hairs you are experiencing are normal...it's a sign of activity underneath.


Regarding your experience, I'm glad it went well for you. Regarding your results...well, that's to be determined. Give it a full year before fully evaluating the results in full, though you should see new growth starting between 3-5 months or so.


I do, of course, intend on being encouraging with my post, but my gut does tell me that 900 grafts is going to be a disappointment for you. Bald spots or the crown area (depending on how much loss is there) typically takes a load of grafts for any decent density, and if you were getting front work done too, that narrows down how many grafts are being used in each area.


If you are willing, we'd love to see some pictures...even if you don't have any before, taking some pictures of where you are currently and posting them and charting your progress would be great for members here to see...plus, perhaps we can offer you honest feedback and encourage you in your journey. I know this forum has been a blessing to me over the years and now I try to give back as best as I can.


Hope to hear from you soon.



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  • Regular Member



What a pleasant balanced response. I was reading this as someone that recently came to the boards myself. I have always thought you have a balanced perspective on welcoming new people while being cautious. I do appreciate that and just wanted you to know.


By the way, I saw you put a new photo up on the board separately. I would love to see the suture scar as well. Something I've only recently started to wonder about (like most, you can't see the back so all you focus on is what everyone else can see!).

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Thanks Andrew, I appreciate the encouragement.


I will be posting more pictures, including the donor scar as time progresses. I feel it's important to show all angles to get a full perspective on how things turned out! Clearly, my hairline is the best shot to date. Since I'm only 5.5 months post op, it would be unfair of me to post any other pictures until at least month 8, more likely, month 12. But I will post them bro icon_smile.gif



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  • Senior Member

I can't even comment on this stuff anymore.


I am afraid I will simply come off as politically "incorrect" these days.


I remember a time when someone who posted an outside link to a clinic using 90's technology while simultaneously reviving a out-dated thread was not allowed.


We used to welcome the new "poster" and then advise them to research the site more in order to make a more "informed decision"




Two reasons... Number one, we didn't want one of our fellow brothers settling for a 3rd rate hack and number two, we didn't want anyone searching the site and finding ANY positive information about these clinics.



Now, our brother Eagle just received a micro/mini graft session of 900 grafts for which he overpaid and he will be back for several additional sessions.


Why are we not explaining this to him so he DOESN'T DO IT AGAIN?


Do we have to wait a year for him to be disappointed with his results?


According to the website link he provided, this clinic likes to bring patients back time and time again for "tune-ups"


900 grafts for 5500

900 grafts for 5500


1800 grafts for 11,000


Let's see 1800 grafts with top HT docs,



2800 grafts for 11,000.


You know what scares me the most?


The word "Mini-Graft"


900 grafts will usually cover about 18 to 28 sq cm of balding areas.


Even if these grafts are spread over 28cm, this represents about 14% of the 200cm male pattern.


Given that Eagle is a NWIII, I would hedge that he has 75-90cm of baldness or thinning area.


At 53, he should have been targeted with about 2600-3500 grafts in one session and paid 10-13K


Anyway, welcome to the site......I wish you all the best and hope that your choice of Doc meets and exceeds your expectations.


Take Care,



PS. For sake of argument, Eagle could have paid 6.00 per graft and went to Dr. Harris in Colorado for a 900 graft FUE session for the same price he paid to go to Dr. Hendler.

Go Cubs!


6721 transplanted grafts

13,906 hairs

Performed by Dr. Ron Shapiro


Dr. Ron Shapiro and Dr. Paul Shapiro are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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B spot-


Hey, bro, don't worry so much about being politically correct icon_wink.gif, just continue to speak the truth with concern for posters and you'll be fine as you have been icon_cool.gif. I understand what you are say and am in agreement that Eagle should be educated about what likely happened...............we just need to try and do it in a way that shows we care about him and his goals and are not just posting negative things about a Doc.


Eagle- I'm also glad to hear the experience was positive for you. Both Bill and B spot have some great information for you.


First, the 900 grafts cosmetically will likely provide thin coverage at best for that sized area.


Second, if you're contemplating more session(s) in the future you really should look elsewhere. There's no reason you shouldn't have likely been able to receive the TOTAL number of grafts you need in one session, especially at your age when you have a pretty good idea of where you're at without the risk of unknown such as someone in their twenties. Surgeons performing 900 grafts sessions on anything above a Norwood I are really behind the times. I have no problem with it as long as they're honest about the results the patient will achieve AND if they are candid about the smaller session size and that session sizes much larger are out there (I know, tall order icon_smile.gif)


No offense intended to you, Eagle icon_cool.gif. I hope the quality of the work is great along with your results. Just giving you some honest feedback and thoughts.



1st HT 1-18-05 - 1200 FUT's

2nd HT 2-15-06 - 3886 FUT's Dr. Wong

3rd HT 4-24-08 - 2415 FUT's Dr. Wong




current regimen: 1.25mg finasteride every other day


My Hair Loss Weblog


Disclaimer: I'm not a Doctor (and have never played one on TV ;) ) and have no medical training. Any information I share here is in an effort to help those who don't like hair loss.

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  • Senior Member

B Spot,

You need to keep telling it like it is. Don't worry about what other think. Your input is extremely valuable even if it hurts somebody's feelings.


You are correct. This doctor is using old school technology (small sessions and mini-grafts of 4 to 8 hairs).




2700 Total Grafts w/ Keene 9/28/05

663 one's = 663

1116 two's = 2232

721 three's = 2163

200 four's = 800

Hair Count = 5858


1000 Total Grafts w/Keene 2/08/07

Mostly combined FU's for 2600+ hairs


My Photo Album


See me at Dr. Keene's Gallery

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  • Senior Member

It is sad that Doctors today in the United States are even allowed to disfigure patients with Mini and Micro plugs.


Without photos, Pat should remove Eagles post, God help anyone who reads this as an endorsment and gets in the chair with this Dr.


B-Spot, keep bringing it strong brother, some guys need your tough love!





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B Spot is right. Unfortunately, I did not get a chance to look at the link Eagle posted until now. It does concern me to see that they are still using mini and micro grafts...if indeed their website is accurate. Their technology and techniques, if their website is up to date, are completely out of date...this is a sad thing.


Eagle...I don't want to worry you, however, we want to keep things real here...bring in the reality check.


The link here: http://www.hendlerhairtransplants.com/4.html says it all and it has red flag all over it.


The good news is, if the result does not turn out as you expect, you can always go to a reputable clinic using up to date techniques and technology for repair work.


B Spot...thanks for the heads up on that and taking the time to research the website.


Eagle...best of luck, we do hope it turns out to be a good experience...BUT, in the future, if you need another surgery (which you probalby will) I'd choose a clinic using up to date techniques. You would be best to start here: http://www.hairlosslearningcenter.org/hair-loss-content...s/our_physicians.asp



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  • Senior Member

Good commentary B Spot!


After visiting the site and reading the commentary, I felt like I was reading a brochure from Bosley ... about 5-10 years ago, with comparisons to 'old style plugs' and how mini and micro grafts are superior. While that is true, Follicular Grafting is completely superior to mini and micro grafts.

Look at this page:




and compare to this:




Plus ...




"Most patients can return to work 24-48 hours after treatment, although vigorous physical activity is limited for 5-7 days."


"Most Successful candidates for micrografting and hair transplantation require one or two appointments, usually several months apart. Our technique is designed to enable patients to achieve a full natural look with a minimum of procedures."


1662 with Dr. Ron Shapiro - Spring 2006

1105 with Dr. Ron Shapiro - Fall 2009

M&M Weblog

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  • 4 years later...

I am considering have hair transplant procedure with Dr Barry Hendler and found your 4 year old post. I wonder if you could give us an update on your experience.


Thanks for the welcome guys. Yes, I am aware that the thread has been inactive but thought waggy may have utilized the auto notification feature as I did. Sorry, I don't have any close-up pictures like many of you have posted. To date, my hair loss has been minimal compared to pictures posted in this group. I never took any "pre" photos as I honestly didn't care to have any. I've got too much stuff as it is.


I am 53 years old and the hair at the front of my head has been gradually thinning for the past 5 years or so. A bald spot in the back has also developed over that same period. To compensate, I have been gradually moving the part up on the side as I brushed my hair over the past several years. My hair length is usually slightly over my ears and down to my shirt collar in the back. I guess I'll never get over the 1960's. My hair diameter would probably be considered normal or medium and neither fine nor coarse. It is dense everywhere except in the triangular area in front that is thinning and the crown area in back. Dr. Hendler said I have enough donor hair for six procedures. Although he may have been exaggerating, I think the point was that donor hair availability is not an issue with me. He described me as a Type III. As I have a small bald spot in the back/crown, maybe I am a Type III ??“ Vertex? I also have had a receding hairline for so long that I honestly can't remember when it started to happen. It is not unsightly or significant to me and has been that way for so long, probably 20 years or more, that I didn't have any desire to drastically change it. I initially thought that I just wanted to thicken the front up and maybe fill in the receding area on each side a bit.


During the first of two lengthy consultations with Dr. Hendler, he said it would only increase the price by about 25% to fill in the back too. Although this is my theory only, I think there is probably a "base" fee or charge that covers the hours in the afternoon that they need to perform an HT. One of his staff told me they only see one patient per day. I think this may drive a "base" fee that they don't go under no matter how little you need or decide to have done. I have visited the facility four times in the afternoon in addition to the time I was there for my HT. They were performing or finishing an HT each of those times. Dr. Hendler was always involved with the procedure along with both of his technicians, not sure if that is what they are called, but Debbie and Sue are great. A second doctor/partner has been involved several of those times also. As it is a business, they probably need to generate some predetermined amount of money for each procedure they perform. Everybody has to eat. In my opinion, they are very thorough and professional and don't crank out a lot patients. It is definitely not a "hair mill." All of the Drs. are both MD's and either a DDS or DMD. All are also maxillofacial surgeons. You can visit Dr Hendler's website at www.hendlerhairtransplants.com. It is important to include the last "s" in the web address. I found if you omit it, you are redirected to his University of Pennsylvania webpage. As I said, both of my consultations were lengthy. When I came back the second time, I had two pages of questions. I felt Dr. Hendler answered all of them honestly and thoroughly. I was not rushed and there were no surprises.


My procedure lasted from 12:30 pm to 5:30 pm. Before starting, Dr. Hendler went over my medical history a second time and gave me an oral antibiotic and some Valium. After getting settled into the chair, Dr. Hendler drew my new hairline and after my approval, began making dots on my scalp and counting the number of grafts that he would need. I think after that was finished he gave me the Novocain shots. While some of the shots just pinched, others hurt like the dickens. I didn't count but I would estimate there were between 12 to 15 shots spread over the front, crown and donor area. I've described the experience as putting my head in a hornet's nest for 10 seconds. Once that was over, it was all-downhill. When Dr. Hendler started taking the donor strip, I initially felt a little twinge. I probably exaggerated a bit but I didn't want to feel any cutting. He gave me another shot or two and then all I felt was some tugging in the back. After that, Debbie and Sue started preparing the recipient areas and all I noticed was a crunching sound each time they made a hole or incision that reminded me of poking holes in a saltine cracker. I decided I didn't want to see any of the instruments so I don't know if they make holes or slits. After they were finished prepping the front and crown, they went back to the front and started planting the grafts that Dr. Hendler had been preparing. I noticed he would stop his dissecting from time to time and check on the planting process. Although there was a DVD playing during ?? of the procedure, we all talked off and on and I would say that Dr. Hendler was rarely out of the room.


The procedure proceeded routinely as far as I could tell. Although as I said we talked off and on, Debbie and Sue seemed very focused on what they were doing. I noticed towards the end that the planting started to sting a little. Since it was not too uncomfortable, I didn't complain. I didn't want any more shots. The entire procedure was performed with me in a slightly reclined sitting position. Towards the end, Dr. Hendler snuck a shot in my arm to help prevent facial swelling. I had told him about my face swelling up several years ago after being stung in the face by a bee while biking. He also told me I should discuss the incident with my GP, as a second sting could be serious based on my reaction to the first. I appreciated that advice. After they were finished, some bandaging was applied and a white surgical looking net was placed over my hair. I was given 5 days worth of antibiotic, a steroid for swelling, and both 500mg Tylenol and Tylenol with codeine in case I had any pain. I slept well that night and didn't experience any pain at all.


I had to go back the next morning at 8:30 am. The bandages were removed and after examining my head, my hair was washed and blown dry and styled to cover the little bit of work in front that wasn't already covered with existing hair. I was instructed to gently wash my hair again that night using only the palms of my hands and low water pressure and then again twice each day for the next five days. I have to admit I couldn't bear to do it that night but then I did wash it twice a day for the next four days after. They said the washing was beneficial to the healing process. I never experienced any pain after the HT and never needed to take any of the pain medication I was given. The scales or crusting all slid off on the 12th and 13th day after the procedure when I washed my hair in the morning. The donor area sutures were removed in Dr. Hendler's office 13 days after the procedure.


Dr. Hendler said he placed about 900 grafts that represented about 3,000 hairs. His fee was $4,500 for the front and $1,000 for the back. I'm sure some will think I overpaid or could have found a cheaper doctor. Although I am by no means rich, I didn't base my choice of doctor on price. I was impressed with Dr. Hendler when I talked to him on both occasions and decided very quickly that he was the doctor I wanted to use. Although I looked at a lot of websites and feel I researched this extensively, I didn't feel that I wanted to shop this around like buying a car. I also wanted to use a doctor in my area so I would have easy access to treatment if a problem developed.


It's been about 7 weeks since I had the procedure. Many of the donor hairs have shed. I felt like a porcupine in the front and crown area before that happened. Debbie of Dr. Hendler's staff told me that the procedure sometimes traumatizes the existing hair. I think this initially happened to the hair I have left in the front. It seemed to look limp and thinner not long after the procedure. That seems to have resolved itself over the past week or two and my existing hair in front looks fairly good again. I have just recently been developing the small pimples or ingrown hairs that have been discussed in the forum. I went back to Dr. Hendler for the first one but started taking care of them myself lately. I clean the area with alcohol, pop them with a Q-Tip dipped in alcohol, clean the area again with alcohol, apply pressure with a cotton ball for five minutes and then apply some Neosporin twice a day until they disappear in a day or two. My wife performs the cleaning and popping steps. If someone has any suggestions on this, please let me know.


I took two weeks off from work after I had the procedure. Although my scalp was and is still pink in the recipient areas, I don't think anybody noticed the work I had done. I talked to someone last week who I know had HT and I don't think he noticed anything. People I have told about the procedure have all said they didn't notice anything until I told them.


If anything else memorable happens, I'll post it. If I haven't covered something or explained something clearly, let me know.


Thanks for reading!

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I am considering have hair transplant procedure with Dr Barry Hendler and found your 4 year old post. I am comparing his materials and procedures which may have been updated and do appear to include both follicular strip grafting and micrografting techniques. I would appreciate any advice you could give me.


I can't even comment on this stuff anymore.


I am afraid I will simply come off as politically "incorrect" these days.


I remember a time when someone who posted an outside link to a clinic using 90's technology while simultaneously reviving a out-dated thread was not allowed.


We used to welcome the new "poster" and then advise them to research the site more in order to make a more "informed decision"




Two reasons... Number one, we didn't want one of our fellow brothers settling for a 3rd rate hack and number two, we didn't want anyone searching the site and finding ANY positive information about these clinics.



Now, our brother Eagle just received a micro/mini graft session of 900 grafts for which he overpaid and he will be back for several additional sessions.


Why are we not explaining this to him so he DOESN'T DO IT AGAIN?


Do we have to wait a year for him to be disappointed with his results?


According to the website link he provided, this clinic likes to bring patients back time and time again for "tune-ups"


900 grafts for 5500

900 grafts for 5500


1800 grafts for 11,000


Let's see 1800 grafts with top HT docs,



2800 grafts for 11,000.


You know what scares me the most?


The word "Mini-Graft"


900 grafts will usually cover about 18 to 28 sq cm of balding areas.


Even if these grafts are spread over 28cm, this represents about 14% of the 200cm male pattern.


Given that Eagle is a NWIII, I would hedge that he has 75-90cm of baldness or thinning area.


At 53, he should have been targeted with about 2600-3500 grafts in one session and paid 10-13K


Anyway, welcome to the site......I wish you all the best and hope that your choice of Doc meets and exceeds your expectations.


Take Care,



PS. For sake of argument, Eagle could have paid 6.00 per graft and went to Dr. Harris in Colorado for a 900 graft FUE session for the same price he paid to go to Dr. Hendler.

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I am considering have hair transplant procedure with Dr Barry Hendler and found your 4 year old post. I am comparing his materials and procedures which may have been updated and do appear to include both follicular strip grafting and micrografting techniques. I note that Dr. Hendler is not one of your recommended drs. I would appreciate any advice you could give me.


B Spot is right. Unfortunately, I did not get a chance to look at the link Eagle posted until now. It does concern me to see that they are still using mini and micro grafts...if indeed their website is accurate. Their technology and techniques, if their website is up to date, are completely out of date...this is a sad thing.


Eagle...I don't want to worry you, however, we want to keep things real here...bring in the reality check.


The link here: Hair Restoration Social Network ? Community for and by Hair Loss Patients says it all and it has red flag all over it.


The good news is, if the result does not turn out as you expect, you can always go to a reputable clinic using up to date techniques and technology for repair work.


B Spot...thanks for the heads up on that and taking the time to research the website.


Eagle...best of luck, we do hope it turns out to be a good experience...BUT, in the future, if you need another surgery (which you probalby will) I'd choose a clinic using up to date techniques. You would be best to start here: http://www.hairlosslearningcenter.org/hair-loss-content...s/our_physicians.asp



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