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question on dhi tech and dhi greece. GOOD OR BAD ?


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  • Senior Member

Show us the pictures, you can post till the cows come home but without photographic evidence it is very hard for us to believe that you're not a shill.

When i started my HT journey i had a consult with Dr K, seemed nice and i was impressed with what he was going to do.

However i had no terms of refferance and when i did some reserch i realised that it might not be the best road to follow, I cancelled my appointment and the rest is history.

He was at the time offering 3 sessions of 1000 grafts for 12000 euro (16000 US dollers)not what i would call top of the game and for that amount of money you can travel to any of the top US doctors.

Show me the pictures and if they are as good as mine are now i will drive the 2 hours to Cork for my crown HT.


HT2 2570 grafts Dr Feller

HT 2350 grafts Dr Epstein

Finax 1mg per day

nizoral 2% 3/week

MSM 3000 mg / day




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Well I have confirmed that William and coolwex are not the same person....


Members will remain skeptical however, of new posters who give glowing reviews without pictures, especially after a not so flattering opinion was shared. It appears to many as if the physician is doing "damage control" to cover up a negative with multiple positives. I honestly have no problem with this as long as experiences shared are legitimate.


I am truly happy for both of you if you are both satisfied patients of Dr. Kiely. As the Associate Publisher, I'm certainly willing to keep an open mind.


Keep in mind however, that a picture is worth a thousand words. Those who truly want to show their results (good or bad) are encouraged to post detailed pictures showing their before and after condition, and immediately post-op pictures if you have them.


If you are indeed legitimate posters with genuine experiences, you are invited to create a hair loss blog to share your experiences and photo results.


Best wishes,



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Hi guys,


I did not know that my original post would upset other members or patients of Dr. Kiely,it was definatley not my intention - in no way was my comment ment to be a personal attack on Dr. Kiely,or on anyone else for that matter.if you took it that way I apologise.I actually originally contacted this forum to get advice on Dhi in Greece,- I have no axe to grind with them either by the way, and I was grateful of the advice recieved . You are most definatley right to post your positive reviews if you feel were happy with your results, you are entitled to them

I respect the fact that we all had different experience, and I guess all opinions are welcome in the interest of balance, and I would hope that is what this forum is about.I am sure you respect that.I had a bad experiance, both of you had good ones.

At the end of the day it is up to the patient of any doctor, in any disipline,to let people like myself,and yourself go and decide for themselves.


I will not be revisiting this subject again.

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Guest josh - b



Richie doesn't need to spoil dhi's reputation as there are plenty of unhappy patients across all the forums who have done that.

The really good result u keep linking to is somebody with moderate growth at 7 months who hopefully may have a lot more growth to come...but to refer his result as 'really good'?


By the way, i can link to many unhappy dhi patients if u want. Just let me know.


And to the new posters singing the praises of dr kiely....show some pics please.

Some people might think that you are in fact dr kiely himself and a doctor friend of his. icon_eek.gif

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Welcome to our forum. You are welcome to post here. But if you represent DHI, please add a disclaimer in your forum signature as listed in our terms of service.


That reminds me, I should contact Petesman to see if he has an update. I do know that he is happy with the way his results were turning out. 7 months however, was way too early to evaluate, so hopefully he has a lot more hair growth.


All viewers of petesman's album be aware however, that the last picture currently in his photo album is with dermatch, a concealer that thickens the appearance of hair.


Best wishes,



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Originally posted by Thinair:

Hi there,

I am a new user to this great site.

To my regret, I hsd a hair transplant with Dr. Kiely in cork a few years back with very poor results. he was not a pleasant person to deal with and gave the impression that he was the only show in town.

The strip tech meth,od that he used left me in considerable pain for a number of weeks on the scar line, with obvious ""cobbelstoneing on my scalp.This was obvious for again about twelve weeks post op, and pretty noticable and embarassing.

He assured me that I would be able to return to work the following day.and that the procedure would not be duly noticeable.All lies. My face was swollen badly, while not initally, but two days after the procedure I looked like the elephant man and was in severe pain.The swelling eventually went down after about another five days.

Dr kiely rang me after 3 months to ask about engaging in a second procedure...not likely my friend.


Basically I have a great fear of a repeat poor procedure and result costing a lot of money.

Another strip procedure fills me with dread, hence my question - I have seen the DHI min invasive tech and it seems to give a result without the same trauma to the scalp. I am wondering is it a good tried and tested tech.

i went for a consultation to their offices in harley street in London and the lady I spoke to seemed professional and trustworthy.

By the info I was given the most cost effective way was to undergo surgery in Greece.

I was going to do this until I saw a few poor patient reviews on this web page saying they and the tech are rubbish, and have got very nervous

Are they any good , is the tech any good, and are people happy with the procedure or are they just preying on people looking for a miracle cure...?

My major concern is good reslts for money spent , and rapid recovery time,as I am paranoid about people knowing I had a hair transplant and wish to get it done while on holiday and return to work with no major scaring and trauma to my scalp.

My donor area is excellent, but I dont want to waste it if their recovery rate is poor

So guys... DHI, greece or DHI else where,


Good or bad?????


Thanks for your help.

( also started propecia a year and a half ago and it has saved my social life and restored my confidence.. and stopped the " double take " of friends eyeing your balding pate. Has halted piss taking as well .. only sorry I did not start takilg it eigth years ago. Would have saved a lot of heartache ...!)

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  • 1 month later...

lads dr.kiely is a complete and utter joke, never and i mean never go to a consultation with him, i unfortunatley did however and got conned. I had my first procedure with him when i was 21, i know alarm bells should have been ringing, but i was young and niave, i recieved 1000 grafs the first time round and let me tell you the pain i felt 2 hours after the procedure was probably the worst i have ever felt, i was close to tears, i called dr.kiely and let him know my situation were again "this was normal" and i should call him back if it conntinues, somehow i stuck through it( bit of machoism), next day the pain subdued but not to the level i would be returning to work etc after two days! after 3 months i contacted dr.kiely with some concerns over the shock loss and that i felt no hairs were growing, at this time i met with him in his house(must be second home) near douglas.. i expressed my displeasure and demanded a refund, he offered to do a second procedure for free. I know people will call me stupid etc for accepting but i was clinging to straws, i think every knows the situation we are in and how it effects your confidence. The scaring for the second procedure honestly looks like dr.kiely used a kitchen knife and fork to do the procedure. I contacted dr.kiely again to arrange a meeting to put across my concerns about the scar and lack of growth, at the meeting he seemed more concerned talking to my girlfriend who accompanied me for support than me. in the clinic he called the staff in to review the scar commenting how normal and good it looked!!! can you believe this man?? after having a heating arguement he offered a new "technique" that would put hairs into the scar, another waste of time which i left myself be involved with.


soon after i immigrated to canada, i only decided after much hesitation to go see another doctor, i visited hasson&wong i have never looked back, recieved 4371 grafs in february 08, still in the growing stages at the moment but the difference is unbelievable, just shows what a joker dr.kiely is in comparison to other doctors.


sorry for the long rant lads, im probably missing and leaving out some info, but just fuming everytime i think of this idiot....


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  • 8 months later...
  • Senior Member

What a surprise! Yet more negative reports about Dr. Kiely. Why is this man allowed to practice hair restoration surgery? I'm sorry to hear about your botched operation Corkbhoy. That's quite a nasty scar you were left with at the hands of Kiely. And it sickens me how he and his website are so deceitful. Not only are his 'before & after' pictures highly suspect, but he also has pictures on display that give the impression to the potential patient that scarring will be minimal. Check these out:




Once again, the results that he claims to have given his patients seem to differ vastly from the actual results that the patients have received (like Corkbhoy).


But it's good to hear that you finally had Kiely's hatchet job repaired with Hasson & Wong (who I've heard nothing but good things about during my own short period of research so far).

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  • Senior Member

Not to mention the other thread with clearly photo shopped before and after results. I'd say this guy is a joke, but there is nothing funny about ripping people off and leaving them in a worse situation than they were before they had the misfortune to fall prey to odious greedy morale less scum bag.


I bet the guy shilling in this thread, Coolpix or whatever was Dr Kiely. BUYER BEWARE!



My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Feller


Dr Feller Jan '09 2000 grafts


Dr Lorenzo Dec '15 2222 grafts

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You could be right there Petchski. After all, he doesn't seem to have any qualms about editing photos and presenting them as his own work, not to mention ripping people off who believe him and his bogus claims. So I would say that posing as one of his own 'satisfied patients' wouldn't be too much of a stretch for him.

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  • Senior Member

DHI Greece Nhi Greece is bad news ! butchered me didnt grow complete rip off !

They change thier name every now and then to avoid bad publicity ,basically just avoid hairtransplants in Greece and while your at it the UK/ Ireland as well ! Research this site ,read the reviews the way to go is USA flight to New York / North America is well worth it , the decision is for the rest of your life get it right !!!!


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  • 4 months later...
Originally posted by hairguru:

Despite Richie48's attempt to spoil the DHI reputation, I see the Irish clinic gets really good results as posted by some patient at



Doing some thinking about HT and won't be running to DHI. A couple of things from my research on this site and around the web:


1. Looks like Petesman's final results from DHI aren't so good after all in spite of Hairguru's optimism (this link might be helpful for anyone who wants to know how things can end up even with promising beginnings) - http://hair-restoration-info.c...=413105672#413105672


2. Hairguru is - according to his profile - a male Irish GP with an interest in computers and racing cars. I wonder how much if anything he has in common with this guy: http://www.youtube.com/user/78thesweepstakes - he too is a male Irish GP who lists his interests as computers and cars (and travel) and with a direct involvement in DHI. Coincidence, no doubt, but that doctor is also the owner of the clinic that comes up first when you google 'DHI' and 'Ireland' Hmmmm???!


3. Funny that Hairguru never came back to reject the suggestion that he might be in someway connnected to DHI.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi all,

I have just got off the phone with dr. conor kiely. I went for a consultation in the georges street hair and scalp clinic a couple of weeks ago I was really looking forward to going as I had finally decided to do something about my hair. I arrived at the clinic which was an old and decrepit building (but not to worry) when I went in I was greeted by the receptionist who was wearing regular clothes and a tatoo on her breast (nothing to worry about either!) I had a one o'clock appointment but apparently so had everyone else so the little room was full up and you could hear the consultations of the rest of the people that went before me I have to say I left the building feeling humilated oh yeah wanted to pay for the 100 euro consultation (that lasted 5 minutes) with laser card but they had none so they took my card number and exp date clever huh!! Anyway my general impression was one of being totally unprofessional.

Decided to have a look for forums on dr. kiely and fell across this one and read the other people problems and comments so I phoned dr.kiely with some questions my first question was what were the names and qualifications of the people performing the surgery the technicians names and qualifications dr.kiely said that he trains the technicians and that they are normally not trained nurses never mind anything else.. so in that case could i be a hair technician and the answer is yes very likely then I asked him because remember he is a doctor not a surgen where he trained he told me (which I can't be bothered ringing to check up) because he basically told me to bugger of and that obviously I had a problem with this informations that he was NOT happy to devulge. I think I had every right to ask these questions and to get answers in fairness he did answer my questions but I find them to be totally unsatifactory and the lesson to be learnt here I'm afraid is that we are going to have to be very careful who we go for surgery with as alot of these guys are just after the money and if you ask questions your told to cancel your appointment as they feel threathened and suspicious but lets face it a full waiting room a hundred euro per consulation not bad eh?

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