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I've accepted it and I'm finished fighting it.


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To bring to a conclusion on my experience with this site and hair loss. I will boldly state my ideas and thoughts.


So Here it goes. I also Don't feel like typing for a long time so I'll make this short and simple. If you don't get my point what ever.


I experienced a problem! Hair loss! Soooooo I did this!


#1 Looked for man made concoctions or remedies!


#2 Sought out advice from interent sites and other hair loss sufferers !


#3 Put all my hope into Pills, topical solutions and ETC!!!! Vitamins etc etc etc.


With that being said! I forgot why this is wrong!


In a religious stand point!


I screwed up! I should of put it in His hands to deal with!


I'm not gonna say anything else.


I didnt have to say anything at all, but I did!


Just thought someone that reads this might understand my point of view!


I wasted a lot of money, False Hope!, Time!, and I'll never take anything out of Gods hands again! Well I'll try at least not too.


Last thing just in case you dont see my point!


for example: If your mom was dying of heart failure, what would you do!


A) Have heart surgery?


B) Pray from your heart?


No need for ridicule commments! It's my opinion and ideas and I just wanted to share them!


I am not a priest, or a doctor, just trying to help!




yomommyz icon_rolleyes.gif

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I should of put it in "His" hands to deal with!


That's when religions become a problem...


Let your hairloss in the hands of your god if it makes you feel good...


But what if your god actually wants you to be a "grown man", and take care of the problem yourself... because he's a bit busy working on something more important than follicles (or a human/mammal being depressed because of his hairloss)? icon_wink.gif


Was it the devil that played with your genes to start with... and activated the bad one???




Would it be a lack of respect, to express the fact that I think this kind of imaginary reasoning is childish, or even more: unacceptable?


While I respect your philosophy, I think that in this modern era we have the "chance" to live in, it's now our "ultimate responsibility" to put every single aspects of our beliefs into very close inspection, rather than just be a follower.


As "innocent" this attitude can be when it comes to hairloss... as "dramatic" this same attitude can be in other situations.


A friend of mine was stuck under a pile of debris (about 25 feet of junk over her delicate body) 5 years ago after being in the wrong place at the wrong moment: the Tsunami in Indonesia.


After the set of waves and the water left gradually, her cry was heard by tourists and local people.


The tourists started to panic and were literally almost killing themselves to put her out of this pile of debris to save her life... while the local people were telling them to stop to worry and let it go... as god would take care of her, and she would "reincarnate" soon anyway, after she dies.


These local people were "not" bad people... they were just following their beliefs, and their religion.



Thanks to this amazing era of knowledge, communication and progress we live in, we now start to put more objectivity and relativity into our human existence.


And that 150 years after a big book about biology.


About time...



Best of luck

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If your mom was dying of heart failure, what would you do!


A) Have heart surgery?


B) Pray from your heart?


No need for ridicule commments!


There is no proof that prayer actually does anything (apart from making you feel better). Would you really choose prayer over medical treatment which has a proven chance to save your mother's life?


There have been reported cases of parents who've allowed their children to die from curable diseases because they chose to ignore science and 'let god decide'. Would you also 'let god decide' if this was your child?

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People believe in all sorts of crazy stuff! Let them be is what I say, ignore the ignorant.




PhD (Experimental and Clinical medicine)


1.25mg Finasteride

Minoxidil 5% (EOD)

Nizoral 1% (x3/week)


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Well. I thought I would share my Conclusion to my hair loss problem. I was told again and again to keep these kinds of things o my self. Butttttt.


Every one is entitled to there own choices.


I guess just ignore the ignorant!




Oh and I would like to add this:


Guys thanx for your comments! I think it will be nice for the readers to see the difference in opinions/beliefs!!


SERIOUS I kind of seen your point. Thanx

ScottishGuy: Yes I would just pray if my son or daughter was dying of something! It's called Faith!

Blondie: I'll just ignore the ingnorant


Any other comments?

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Yes I would just pray if my son or daughter was dying of something! It's called Faith!


In this context, "faith" would be called a complete "irresponsible" act, and even a complete "illegal" act (in most developed countries).

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My bad.... It wont happen any more


And!!! Serious !! lol


In this world it is not uncommon for someone to say do not operate on me, or do not give me a blood transfusion, because! of religious stand points/view. They cannot operate or help him. Its that persons choice, rather we like it or not.


This is not uncommon. And I Think it does relate to my topic of discussion.

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Well I respect your opinions. And Like I said in the topic.


I've accepted it, and finished fighting it.


I cant say anything else about religion in this section of the site.


Sparky: You dont know that


Hair me out: (I love your kitty pic icon_smile.gif) But, No, I hit rock bottom about month 5 on propecia.I am not depressed anymore. Acceptance is a gift in my case


Thanx to Faith


Robby icon_biggrin.gif


Feel free to move this topic of discussion where ever you deem necessary.

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Nothing wrong with putting your faith in god. But if i recall correctly almost every faith asks you to put faith in god, make or state your wish, but then u need to go out and do ure part. u cant just pray to be successfull and sit around watch tv all day. go out and try and maybe if ure prayer is heard He'll do his part.


If your opinion is correct then even the most relgious individuals of each religion would never take medication, or get a job. They'll just sit home praying their illness goes away on its own or sit home praying for money to come their way without any effort on their part.


I'm not religious but i do believe in god and i have studied religions. make your prayer, then act on it.

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I know what you are trying to say. And believe me, I dont expect faith to work miracles with out sacrifice , faith, dedication, having a pure heart, and a lot of other circumstances go into play, that I'm not gonna list.


I made my prayers then! I have tried my damndest do to do my part.


And by the way: I dont have a job either. And I dont have to worry about money somehow.


My whole life faith! has protected me from a lot of things.


Very importantly!!!! Every one!! experiences darkness. No exceptions!! Hair loss was mine! I never really experienced depression before my hair loss problem.


Buttt Dont get me wrong! it will always suck BECAUSE I was soo beautiful with thick hair. And It's hard to accept something like this. For my example, its like a beautiful sexy girl looses her hair now she's like WTF icon_frown.gif.. Thats how I felt. But I finally did accept this shitty thing that has happened.



I used to think God helps thoes who help them selves. And that was what made me go to the doctor in the first place! Buttt just as I thought, My hair loss became Worse. More hair loss, plus Dermatitis!!! (From Minox)(God helps thoes who help themselves) only works in certain situations and problems. (Such as college Etc. Etc Etc.


Thats all I got for your response Einstein and readers.


Thanx for your comments


Robby icon_smile.gif

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I was a born again christian for nearly 20 years. im not now. I still believe in "God" but not the same way as I used to. Yomo, youve made up your mind and its great if you now have some peace about your hair. I wonder what God thinks of HTs, lipo, facelifts, boob jobs etc...I know he looks at the heart but I think it boils down to conscience. if it offends your conscience its wrong. If not fine go ahead as long as its not immoral or illegal or hurts someone else. So if its ok for christian women to wear makeup, how about a lttle botox, to smooth out some lines...Is that ok...well how about a small facelift cz botox can get expensive, when they look in the mirror....how a bout a HT for a christian women whos losing hair...how about an Ht for me or you...is that Ok in Gods eyes....God understands our humanity I think, our weaknesses. he gave us the knowledge to advance medicine...every good thing is from him...isnt that true. Its not lack of faith to have a heart transplant or blood transfusion to save a life if God gave us the ability to do it in the first place...I think cosmetic surgery is vanity...but there are no perfect christians, we/you are at different stages in our walk...as for me, im "lost" I think right now....whatever that means... ok Yomo best wishes to you. Would be sad to see you go from this site...



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Thank you Sunny


I have thought more and more about this. And I have come to the decision that I am not right in any way. It is only my belief right now.Like you said it, stage in my walk icon_smile.gif. I think you hit it right on the money with your reply! I'm really thankful you stepped up and swang, and you hit a home run in my mind!@


I will definitely not leave this site, only because. I now know there is an off subject topic section! And I have some other thoughts I would like to talk about! I think I could have hurt some peoples feeling in my frustration, and I only wish I could of been smarter guys.


Sooo it's saturday night, and I will deffinetely comment more on your reply tommmrrow when I'm doing hw


But your right, I am also lost in my own darkness.


Robby icon_biggrin.gif

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The interesting part of this yomommyz is that you gave up after it did not work. If propecia had grown your hair back into the nice beautiful thick mane you had you would still be taking it and praising god for giving you your hair back.


When some men grow their hair back with propecia do you really believe god has decided to have their hair grow back but not yours?


Either way as long as you are happy that is all that matters.

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we are who we are arnt we...physiologically, chemically, psychologically...so some of us dont respond to propecia or other drugs and some do...thats not God, its just our physiology and chemistry. If Yomo responded to drugs its not wrong to thank God for that..christians thank god for all things. the good they want and what they think is the not so good they dont want....sometimes the not so good can be a blessing...like maybe an HT??? So he dosnt have a good response to drugs..he can still thank god for all he does have ...How thankful would you be you be able to just accept your hairloss and be happy with your life and yourself and losing your hair..how many here wish they could feel that way. Its hard for alot of us on this site to imagine being free of that burden. Of course I think Yomo would prefer his hair back right now, but perhaps its not right for him as he says...anyway who wouldnt want to be free of that burden and not have to care about your hair...If Yomo feels like that...good on him....cheers



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You said Cheers icon_smile.gif I thought I made that up, after I was done typing stuff I would say cheers icon_biggrin.gif


I guess It wasn't so original haha


Buttt Ya you guys are right, I wouldn't of said certain things if Propecia would have made my hair beautiful again! but it didn't. And I'm left with questions and frustration. i'm kind of lost and bitter. Buttttt


Tomorrow is a different day, and acceptance is a gift. I'll reply in more detail when my head is clear lol


yomo icon_smile.gif I like it!@#$%


And Phill mascallpen: Some part of me says yes to your question (everything is Gods plan), the other says: every thing is not fate and survival of the fetus!? However; I am a 100 % true believer in Christianity because of crazy stuufff in my life! I do not understand my situation right now! It is beyond my grasable knowledge!@#

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I guess what I was trying to do is. An act of faith! I've read a lot about this and, I believe that faith can lead to miracles. And my happiness is in beauty and confidence rather than the size of my wallet. I have one friend that can approach any girl when he has a constant supply of cash flow. I do think this helps, but I would rather have beauty than money.


I also do not want this burden anymore, So I gave it to him. He can do anything! Maybe I can earn some happiness through him.

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Butt. Back to the topic.


I decided to stop propecia, but after debating with opinions and such.


I am confused about my decision.


My hair looks really good today. It looks healthy, and pretty. It is still thin, buttt .. It could be the nizoral, or the protein vitamins, or the propecia, or the sheds coming back, or IDK.


Sunny has really got me thinking about my decision.


Never the less I am confused what I should do now!


I've only missed a couple days on propecia, if I am going to finalize my decision, I should prob do it quickly.






And I only wish this topic be moved after it slows down, but i'll undestand if it is moved.

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Hi Yomo. I dont think God cares if you take propecia or if you have a HT either. He cares about how you are communicating with him, your relationship with him. Its a conscience thing. Like Paul said, some are vegetarian and some eat meat, each according to his conscience...thats it. If youre a christian under grace you are free to do as you please provided its not against the law of the country, is not illegal, does not harm your body and does not destroy the faith of another believer. You cant do anything to earn gods favor. Be free of rules that you think will earn you points. Hey maybe propecia has slowed down your hairloss. you wont know til you stop for a while. If you keep taking it fine...if you have a HT...fine...God just wants you to have a clear conscience and for him to be the biggest part of everything you do. Then he gets all the thanks for it, not you being proud. And if it dosnt turn out, well thank him for what you have learnt out of it.. Bless whatever you do mate...cheers



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