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Dr Rober Jones (Oakville Ontario) second transplant or not


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I do not understand the comment from havhairnow regarding a nurse at the Seager Center. What is implied here? I experienced nothing buy satisfactory hair restoration results and the doctors and staff at the Seager Center displayed th utmost integrity at all times in both their business practice and in their patient care.

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G Dominic Olsen


I meant no disrespect towards the Seager Center...I was mearly using them as an example...perhaps, in hindsight, I shouldn't have mentioned an actual doctor's name but a ficticious one instead. For that I apoligize. I have heard nothing but good things with regards to Seager's.


Thanks for bringing that to my attention.

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This is reply to Havhairnow comment!






I see that you are questioning Bigmac's post. What does this have to do with Dr. Seager or his nurses? Why are you trying to imploy that Dr. Seager or his nurses are in any way involved in this situation? If you feel that Bigmac's post was not factual, then state that! No need to bring others into it!!



I find that comment offensive. I hold Dr. Seager and his employees in high regard and have had nothing but a positive experience from my dealings with them.


You can see by yourself on my Web site:






Thank you Amir.

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So, the doctor comes in, draws the hairline, cuts the strip, then leaves, huh? So, they can pretty much do what, 4 or 5 transplants a day then? Sounds very assembly line to me.


I was under the impression the doctor would be the one inserting most of the graphs. As important as that donor hair is, I couldn't imagine that they would let a lowly tech do it who could possibly screw it up.


Are all clinics like this? In the end, it's the result that matters. And I suppose if all clinics are like this, then you don't have much of a choice.


Is there anyone else out there who had a transplant where the doctor inserted most of the graphs?


By the way, that Dr. Jones guy sounds like my worst nightmare.

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As far as I know, the Woods clinic in Australia is the only clinic that does not use any techs whatsoever. Dr. Woods or Dr. Campbell do the entire process themselves, but it is the FUE procedure and no donor strip is removed. In clinics where a donor strip is removed (the standard approach), techs are used to dissect the strip and place grafts. The question is how much skill and experience do these techs have, and how would you know what you're getting?


I am not a fan of the donor strip method, but if it's going to be used, it does help to have multiple people cutting the grafts up. A clinic that only has the doctor doing everything by himself with the donor strip is probably not doing top-notch work. It takes a lot of time to dissect a donor strip. The problem is that some clinics DO have an assembly-line mentality, in that the doctor is barely involved, and patient turnover is the priority (high turnover = profits).


If you want a strip excision and you want to have your doctor involved in every step, there are some doctors who DO take a very hands-on approach, but you need to look around and seek these clinics out.


I personally have had problems with techs before, they sometimes don't have the same level of professionalism as a doctor does. I prefer a doctor who gets involved in every aspect of the surgery, and only does one patient per day (YOU).

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Reread my above post to Dominic Olsen...apparently I didn't make myself clear...or at least not clear enough for you. I repeat...nothing AGAINST the Seager Center...say that to yourself 10 times...is it clear now??

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By the way, that Dr. Jones guy sounds like my worst nightmare.


On the contrary...I was his only patient that day 8:00 am to 3:30 pm


Rugger said it best with regards to the tech's job being as important as the doctor's in placement of grafts. Go back a couple of pages to find it. Lowly tech?? I guess you haven't had a HT yet then have you?? Educate yourself on the whole procedure before you make stupid comments like that. This website is full of knowledgeable posters with great information. All you have to do is read it.


Good luck

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I appreciate the retraction and apology from havhairnow concerning the Seager Center. Everyone makes mistakes in error and/or judgement but it takes courage and integrity to admit it - especially in a public forum like this. Havhairnow - you have my respect sir.

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G Dominic Olsen


Thank you for your post...As I said before, I have nothing against the Seager Center...in fact the choice for me came down to two doctors, Seager and Dr. Robert Jones...I chose Dr. Jones. It was a matter of choice for me. We are lucky that we are able to make such choices. I wish you nothing but the best in making yours.





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So are we saying that we'd prefer the techs to do the placement of the grafts all by themselves? Where would the doctor be at this point in time? Should I be ok with him being able to be free so a 2nd HT can be juggled at the same time? Also, do we have a problem with the doctor placing any of the grafts himself?



I'll will concede that qualified and skilled surgical techs are not only beneficial but essential to a good HT office...especially in the field of strip HT's. I have no problem with the dissection of the strip/grafts being solely done by the techs in the same room with the surgeon being available to supervise. I have no problem with techs doing part and even the majority of the insertion of grafts. The surgeon has done a great deal already, fatigue mentally and physically eventually starts to take affect, and that's why I'm ok with skilled techs to help handle the workload....so that the overall quality of the HT doesn't suffer.

I don't even have a problem with the doctor leaving the room on occasion to take care of some small business details, take a break, etc. I understand how having techs helps to keep costs down....I never once said that I would completely eliminate techs.


I do have a problem with how they described the doctor leaving the room and techs not having the proper supervision/ability to finish the work. I do have a problem (and this is my personal preference), with the doctor not placing any of the grafts, or being, more or less, completely absent from the entire placement phase. I think having the doctor place my grafts is a personal touch that I'm willing to pay for. I don't have to be in a "perfect world" to expect a doctor to participate in that phase, nor is it unrealistic for me to believe that more than one doctor participates in this phase of the surgery.

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I agree with NC30, I prefer the doctor to have a hands-on role in every phase of the surgery, if not just supervising each phase.


If you don't care about that issue, there are doctors out there who let the techs do everything except remove the donor strip.

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  • 1 month later...

I'm sorry if I missed it in the text, but I didn't see where 'Donna' told us which 'Dr. Jones' she's referring to. All I saw was the following which implies it is NOT Dr. Robert Jones of FUE fame.


from Donna,

"... I asked the DR to do a some FUE in the very front of the strip transplant to soften the look but quoted some ridiculous price. I dont think he does FUE ..."


Which Dr. Jones is it? Thanks.

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