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Help. 2nd week after HT and i have dandruff on Grafts.

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Congratulations on your recent hair transplant. Remind me - who was your surgeon?


Scalp itchiness is very normal the first couple weeks. You can try using Aloe Vera which will help temporarily soothe the scalp. Other anti-itch ointments and solutions also exist such as benadryl that you could consider if it is too intense. It would be wise to wait until at least 10 days to start massaging anything topically into the scalp to give your transplanted hair the proper time they need to take root.


Best wishes,



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  • Regular Member

its probably your scabs comming off, which looks like dandruff, and yes, your scalp will itch for the next few months.


I've heard this from many members, and mine definately itches! haha but you get over it when the hairs start to come in =p


Bill has some good points though. Listen to that guy

Anything worth doing is never easy

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Yes, the itching is quite annoying and you can use some head and shoulders after about 10 days to wash your hair...


There will be a host of feelings and sensations you will experience over the next month so don't panic


Good luck



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My views are based on my personal experiences, research and objective observations. I am not a doctor.


Total - 5621 FU's uncut!

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"ditto" to all the above comments-

I would recommend neosporin or bacitracin ointment to help keep the grafted area moist and help loosen the skin and hair shafts which are inevitably going to slough off. By two weeks all should be healed so there is no need to worry about "injuring" the grafts- Those follicles are glued in for life!!!!

Grow Well!!!!

Timothy Carman, MD ABHRS

President, (ABHRS)
ABHRS Board of Directors
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thank you all for responses..i have another question though..About 3 maybe 4 days ago, i began to notice empty rows of grafts running through my transplanted area. They look like lines running through the transplanted area. Is this how the grafts shed?

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Everyone seems to be saying that itching is normal on the recipient site but I've had none at all. I'm right at a month post op. So, now I'm a little concerned since everyone is saying itching is normal. Bill, what gives here?

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Posted June 14, 2008 07:18 PM

Hey guys. I finally got a HT. It is my 2nd week in and my scalp is VERRRYY itchy. I see alot of dandruff on my grafts and they are itchy as well. Is this normal?? I wash daily, but very carefully




I thought you werent going to get a HT now and you were going to wait? So who did you go with then?

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At the very last minute, my cousin, 27 yrs old, called me up and asked about Alba Reyes and i told him i wasnt going to do it anymore. He toldme thats fine, but he wanted to go ahead and do it. He didnt care about the doctor. As stupid as that sounds, thats the way he thinks. Then he told me to go along with him, just as a vacation to Santo Domingo and watch him do it. I agreed and went along. I was pleased with the clinic there and their procedure. I got a consultation from the doctor and was very comfortable, so i did it with Alba Reyes

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Turns out this was not dandruff..im washing my hair daily and if it were dandruff i think it should have been gone. It looks to me like its white crust..is that normal and will it effect the grafts?

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