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ht on diffuse thinners...

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I've got the typical 'V' shape receding hair line. In the front and center I still have hair almost all the way down to where my original hair line was, but on the sides (above the temples) it has receded into a typical v shape fashion. My question is if I have a ht to both round out my 'v' shape-i.e. lower the hair line on the sides-- and to thicken up my diffuse thinning areas, then won't the native hairs in the front middle part of the v make that area look twice as thick as the new transplanted areas on the hair line? Because, I do also want hairs transplanted within the native existing area so I don't look like a circus act when that starts thinning as well. Any ideas how the doc compensates for this? I just think not transplanting within the native hair 'v' area would not be a viable option as the transplanted hairs would not only stand out (i.e. thicker and coarser) but in addition when the v thins out Ill look like a freak...

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If the area is starting to thin the doc will usually place grafts within the native hair to add density to the area so everything blends together for a cosmetically pleasing appearance and a stand alone HT; however, if the area you are referring to is not effected by MPB yet and is dense, it would be difficult to place grafts within the existing native hair; in that case, the doc would recommend you get on Propecia if you are not already to maintain the native hair; IMO propecia is effective in that mid-scalp area yor are refering to and should maintain that area for a long time; it has has for me;

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thanks dhoose. responses are nice. Im virtually certain that the area Im referring to has undergone mititurization. I just wonder how it would look when the sides which are skin bald would compare to an area such as the front middle which is the thickest area of my head, if they recieved a comperable amount of grafts...make sense? Because if I go through with a ht I want to think long term: in 5-10 years if the front middle area balds then I dont want to end up with thick sides and a bald front...ya know? thanks for the input dhoose...

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hey ng2gb,


if you go to a coalition doc, he/she will use their artistic skills to blend the HT hairs with the native hairs to look natural, cosmetically pleasing, and stand alone; I don't know your age, family history of hair loss etc. but if you get/stay on propecia you shouldn't have to worry about that middle area progressively thinning out for a long time; so in summary if you go to a coalition doc and stay/get on propecia your concerns should not be an issue; worse case you may have to get a future surgery to fill in that area if/when it miniturizes;

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  • Senior Member

thanks dhoose, your the best. its just me and you here. no one else cares to contribute...


I have not gone on propecia. Im considering it. While it sounds perfectly reasonable and rational to get on it for a year prior to a ht to see your results, for me personally it doesn't make much sense. Im a slow, diffuse thinner--yet I have a definite v shape receding hair line. In other words my hair loss has been so slow that I would probably not know either way if propecia has halted my hair loss inside of one year.


I should give it a shot and probably will, but I don't place as much hope in it as many others do. Maybe Im wrong. Im always a doom 'n gloom, worst case scenario type person anyway...thanks though.

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I think you should try it because it should at least prevent your slow progression from continuing. It only makes sense from my point of view because you don't want to make surgery a routine every few years due to continued loss. Any regrowth should be considered bonus but not the intent.

The Truth is in The Results


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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Guest josh - b



I'm a very, very slow diffuse thinner with the classic v shaped hairline...snap


I too didn't have much faith in finasteride but a year ago i got on it and after a couple of months noticed that i woke with almost no hairs on my pillow.

I haven't noticeably lost any hairs in 10 months and on my crown i believe it has actually thickened up a little.


Give it a try

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  • Regular Member

Hey ngtgb are you on rogaine foam along with propecia, this combo can be very effective, It sounds like we are in the same boat as far as hair loss, lets put it this way I am using less and less toppik eack week,the foam doesnt work for everyone but in my opinion people dont want to mess with the foam because they think it is a hassle, its not if you use it at night once a day full stength I have been on it 4 mos and I see a big difference. I think I should get an award for this post or send money thank you Jeff

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I guess I should get on propecia. It just seems that there are quite a few guys who post on here that claim they have experienced sexual sides. Also I didn't think it actually worked, but recently I have seen quite a few photos which indicate it actually does. For those who do not re-grow hair Im just wondering how they know it is actually halted their loss? Has anyone reading this been on propecia for 5+ years and has experienced no additional loss?




I started using rogaine, but I stopped because Im thinking of getting a ht fairly soon and was told that it thins out the blood on the scalp making the ht process take longer as the grafts keep "popping" out when they are put it in. So I stopped. I thought you had to use the foam twice a day as well? Is there a type you can only use at night? If you make a charitable contribution to the Harry Johnson foundation you will indeed receive a fake award for your giving philanthropist heart...

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i would seriously recommend u try propecia. i am a diffuse thinner as well & propecia has definitely halted my hair loss. by halting what i mean is..


almost no hairs on my pillow.

less hairs comin out when shampooing or combing.

& i took pictures to make sure I had the same amount of hair before/after starting propecia.


I have experienced some coverage on my crown which is good enough for me because i just have general thinning on some parts of my crown. propecia definitely thickens up thinning hair


given my diffuse thinning, if the individual native hairs thicken up then i can achieve good coverage without a HT. this is the goal icon_smile.gif

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thanks cricketlover. I guess Im somewhat concerned over the possible sexual sides of propecia. Is it pretty well established that if you are one of the unlucky one's who has sexual sides that they subside after stopping the meds?...not too certain as I have heard a few horror stories or maybe I have made them out to be too much of horror stories out of my concern for my nimphomaniacal sex drive...

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Hey NGTGB Matt Zupan from SMG told me if I cant use the rogaine foam twice a day use it once full strength, will work just as well. It is easier for me to use it a couple hours before I go to bed, this way it fully dries on my scalp.

Hope that helps Jeff

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  • Regular Member

hey ng2gb,


you could start the medicines & then stop them if you see ny sides. half life of finasteride is 6-8 hours based on which the drug would be out of ur system within a couple of days once u stop it. since so many people take it without sides & have had success stories, its worth a try.


as jfo mentioned, i too use rogaine once a day during nights.


since diffuse thinners r more prone to shock loss, it is better to try the medicines before goin for a HT. u don wanna run the risk of losin ur native hair after the transplant.

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jfo and cricket-thanks...


maybe I am too concerned about the sides of propecia, but I recently read that it also decreases sperm count. Are there any studies as to its inability to knocking up sm-yng-girl? Actually, I don't have any lil notgoing2gobalds running around yet and one day I would like to be able to give them fake awards and let them create their own donation websites where they too can live off of the giving hearts of others and squander their money while at the same time living a life of complete opulence, debauchery, and self-indulgence...anyone know about this?


please advise...

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I don't know about sperm count actually being lowered (anecdotal evidence aside); however, a side-effect very well can manifest in the form of (lowered) semen volume.


Btw, you must be very familiar with goverment to find inspiration for your will-be family business of "donations".


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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hey ngtgb:

i have a similar issue as you, but imo you should not be worried.

since, as you said, the front is not thin out yet and you are a slow thinner, then it will take many more years before it will appear to be thinning, in which case you can go for a second HT

most likely however, is that if you take finateride, you will keep what you have at the front.

BTW, don't worry about its side effects, and don't read to much about that because it can create a self-fulfilling prophecy. Personally, i started Propecia about 1 month ago, and so far no sides effect at all. I read somewhere that if you are going to experience sides, it will be within the first 2 weeks. Actually i think sex is even better now. Another thing to keep in mind is that most people bitch when they have a problem while they tend to stay quiet if there is no problem, thus i think the vast majority of fin users have no problem but they don't shout about it in this forum.


I am not a doctor. The opinions and comments are of my own.


HT with Dr. Cooley on Nov 20, 2008

2097 grafts, 3957 hairs

Proscar, 1.25 mg daily, skip the 5th day, started Nov 2007


My Hair Loss Blog - Hair Transplant with Dr. Cooley

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thanks. some very good points especially regarding propecia. Your right, I think Im actually MORE worried about the self-fulfilling prophecy aspect of worrying about sides of propecia than I am the drug itself!


The front of my hair: in the front middle it is the thickest point of all the top (thankfully). But, the 'v' shape is getting to be a thinner and thinner v...styling is becoming very strange. and it seems to be slowly gowing further back on the sides...


this is the only circumstance under which I could find the following statement applicable:


I have too much head...



I saw your photos and yes our hair is similar. I want to lower my hair line but I also would like to go in and thicken up the rest in advance and unlike you Im concerned about density.


Well see. thanks for the input.

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