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my farjo transplant experience


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Moderator Note


I am not going to let this thread turn into a war zone.




If you came here to share your experience with Dr. Feller alone - that would have been fine. But the fact that you are making statements that you were "butchered" by the Farjo clinic - you now have to provide the evidence of such in pictures. I am going to have to ask you to present the photos I asked you for or I am going to lock and archive this thread as defammatory.




I am not going to let you come over here and start a war and make false accusations. If you have anything valuable to add to this thread, feel free to do so - otherwise, I'm asking you to stay out of it.


For one reason or another you have a problem with this community. I can track it back both publicly and privately to the fact that you were upset that nobody (but a few including me) paid a lot of attention to you when you had your first hair transplant. If there is another reason, I don't know it.


You and I were friends once on this network - I trust we still can be.



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Bill, please show me where i said i was butchered???


Baldoy, Try reading my posts. For the third and final time as you seem to be having a problem reading and you are persistent in trying to sleazily make me out to have an ulterior motive, i will spell it out AGAIN.


As mentioned twice previously:


1st time:

It is no coincidence that i make this post now as i am a very busy guy and wanted to wait it out until i saw results from my last surgery with Dr Feller to compare. Well now i can compare easily! This is the reason for my posting here now. I don't see anything funny about this post at all. I am a legitimate unsatisfied patient who came to you for a transplant. I knew nothing of transplants when i had a procedure with you. Now i am much more aware and realise how poor the work performed by Farjo was in my opinion. You called me remember Mick chasing me up so its not the first time at all you have heard of me. Your first lie right there.......! I told you what I thought back then of the work and my intension to get repaired. Only now can i comment on the night and day difference in transplant experiences pubically here.


2nd Time:

As stated before i was always waiting it out to see the results from my recent surgery in order to determine the benefits from it before i posted my account. If the results had been as poor as the first time round i too would have posted the information openly also. These recent results have allowed me to compare the 2 well and enabled me to gain a much better understanding of the results i previously received which i now know were poor.

This was 3 yrs ago and maybe Farjo has improved his work, i hope he has!...i don't know but i for one an existing patient of his would not risk having another procedure especially after the results i received from the last one.




Although i will elaborate further just for you as you just don't quite seem to get it or want to get it.


My surgery with Farjo was 3 years ago but i only found the forums about 18 months ago. At this point i had nothing to compare my surgery to and thought that was transplant surgery. Only when i researched further did i start to realise that the work i had previously had was potentially unsatisfactory and that it should/could have been much better. This was then only confirmed when i took the leap of faith to have a second session to make my previous situation better. I didn't want to make judgment though on my result like many do immediately post op due to already being bitten before and wanted to see the results before i made any comment about my experience. Does that spell it out enough for you or would you like a drawing?


You mention you don't know what you are supposed to be looking at, well as i am sure you know pictures do not always paint an accurate picture. My shown here clearly highlight the Farjo scar postion, just not all the scar as hair is covering it. The pictures also show nothing on top as the hair right at the front is my original hair. So from the picture you can see nothing as there is nothing to show you hardly, where are the 1500 grafts that i paid nearly ??4000 for.


Based off your picture here it looks quite unnatuarl to be honest and nowhere near world class BUT you claim it is. Anyone here see your result in person or are we just taking your word for it? I am sure many will agree it is not world class, but you say it is. The picture is not highlighting your hair at its best is it? ...or is it?




As you personally are so determined to prove me and everyone else wrong, please can you direct me to all the UK happy satisfied patients from Farjo patients that are more than 12 months post op who feel their results are world class? You appear to be the only one...why is that??? There are more satisfied UK patients who travelled to the US on this one topic alone than the Farjo clinic has on any /all forums combined, can you explain why that is?


Can you find me just 5 satisfied 12 month post op posters with world class results from Farjo who actually post and have documented their procedures from start to finish on all the numerous forums combined? Why do not more patients post? Maybe that helps you understand why i didn't chose to post previously also...


For all your information i have requested further pictures from Dr Fellers office but have yet to received them. Half of me thinks he is keeping them from me to be honest as he doesn't want to be associated with this at all which i don't blame him as it puts him in an awkward position and i am sorry to land him in it. But when people call me a lair it kind of fuels my fire so i will try to highlight even further to show you the poor growth and scar thanks to my Farjo surgery. Unfortunately only Feller possess these pictures although i have a few others which i will try to add that i have added information to.











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Originally posted by Repairguy:






First off, I'm sorry to hear of your negative experience, but in judging from this picture it looks to me like nothing at all was done. It looks like a picture taken before any grafts at all were transplanted OR perhaps before any of them were allowed time to grow in.


I just dont see any evidence whatsover of any work being done from this picture, and there are much more knowledgable people than I on this forum, does anyone else see what I'm seeing?


Usually a bad hair transplant experience is visible, this looks like naturally thinning hair to me.

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Originally posted by PB:
Originally posted by balody:

hi pb you back again?


Hi balody, no, don't worry I'm not back - I wouldn't waste my time on a forum like this one has become.


This forum goes to great lengths to investigate claims of shoddy work and to also make sure coalition doctors meet a certain threshold of verifiable results. Its proven to be an invaluable resource for me and thousands of others, not sure why you see it so differently than the rest of us.

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wow,the infamous unnatural picture no.15,it seems only a couple of weeks ago i was being asked/baited about this on my thread by a poster who while asking advice on farjo then decided to put up as many unflattering pics of sean williamson he could find.incidently he is now almost certainly going to doctor feller icon_wink.gif

hold on a minute...you dont think...na.

i know my pics dont look the best,nor am i too niave to think 2300 grafts were going to make this bald man a norwood 1,this was made awre to me when i first joined by evryone here(including dr feller)this is why i am booked in with dr farjo for part 2 in the near future.

(and this time ill let someone else take the pics)

2381 fut Dr Bessam Farjo

2201 fut Dr Bessam Farjo

2000+ fut Dr Bessam Farjo


My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Bessam Farjo


challenge the unchallenged.

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i asked you about that picture with no response after you are a farjo patient. i am entiteld to ask questions like anyone else. i am looking into getting a repair transplant and since farjo is recommended here i was making enquires which fell on deaf ears, yours. i am actually planning on either seeing farjo,hw, rahal or feller.

you are a piece of work balody

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with $millions at stake, hell breaks lose and very few things are sacred. Goog luck moderating Bill.


Regarding the 1500 grafts: leaving aside the reason for doing only 1500 grafts (maybe in 2004 that was a large session, or the doc couldn't handle it) I don't see how you can complain. You have extensive hair loss. Before my loss stabilized, if I look at my pictures every 2-3 years, there is a huge difference between them. That native hair you have is very weak and you might have easily lost more than 1500 grafts in the past three years. It sucks that you lost it, but that is life. If you come here 4 years from now you will probably lose more hair.



And, I have nothing against or pro any doctor.

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Why do so many threads start to get nasty? We all need to be here for each other. I for one get tired of the BS. I also really hate to see the loss of members unless the member in question is an idiot. I hope that PB will rethink his stance on leaving this forum as he has to understand the difficulty Bill has in moderating all of us.





Dr.Cole,1989. ??graftcount

Dr. Ron Shapiro. Aug., 2007

Total graft count 2862

Total hairs 5495







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frog,you didnt seem to be asking questions about me or my proceedure,i got the impression you were just intrested in slagging seans hair off and then you started on mine,you seemed quite abrasive so i chose to ignore the question.then i read that it seems you are going to have to travel to get a decent ht and was meeting dr feller in jan.this made my mind up you was never interestd in farjos work.

if i got the wrong end of the stick i apologise i also thought it was you questioning mick about the work on the transgender patient aswell(it was chucky)sorry

2381 fut Dr Bessam Farjo

2201 fut Dr Bessam Farjo

2000+ fut Dr Bessam Farjo


My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Bessam Farjo


challenge the unchallenged.

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Guest wanthairs

repair guy...


Your fargo scar loks like it IS in the safe zone.....

1500 grafts that were put in spread apart is very little to make a huge difference and maybe you lost alot more native hair..


put some post op fargo pics if you have them, and explain to us where the grafts were placed.


we all dont want bad doctors recommended here...but apart from your anger we are not seeing concrete evidence to change our high opinions of fargo...

help us out here to understand, so we can help u...

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hi balody again

yes it was me asking mick about the transgender patient,do you not read posts properly.

i said this was a good result but i would like a full on frontal hairline picture to look at it closer as did Bill ask for similar or is he being a shill as well.i have been round the block a few times,have put in a lot of research now and satisfied with my choices.

why dont you offer to meet frog to let him see your results in person.he is a new poster and needs all the guidance available.i would PERSONALLY advise him to go with feller with no financial gain to myself but also have a consult with h&W ,rahal and a few others recomended on here who are consistently providing excellent results.

why isn`t mick or dr farjo answering any of the questions in this thread as i feel their input would be most usefull or is this asking to much.

balody i feel i am quite knowledgeable now with hts after 3 poor sessions and all the research i have done so i am no ones fool and my posts are truefull and i haven`t had my questions answered from my previous post

2 x strip ht`s with Norton,very poor results

1 x fue ht with DHI,very poor result

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hi rg are you on any meds for your hairloss and if so what are they and how long you been taking them and if you are did they stabilize your hairloss.

as for pb he is one of the most genuine guys you could meet and contributes hugely to various forums.

Bill i dont think you should lock this thread as it needs to be sorted out.rg may not have pictures of his surgery as i did not have any of mine.my first two norton clinic took no pictures whatsoever and me being so uneducated with hts i didn`t think anything of it.my third ht with dhi i was promised the world only to discover it was a big lie and the photos they took of me suddenly dissapeared as the camera they used broke nice and handy for them,

anyway i am wanting to say rg may not have the photos to back up his claim but the farjo clinic should have and being recomended on this site they have a duty to publish these and tell their side of the story or their recomendation stands for nothing

2 x strip ht`s with Norton,very poor results

1 x fue ht with DHI,very poor result

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RG -


Here's what I'd like to see to honestly evaluate Farjo's work..............immediately before and after pics from the surgery...........then some sort of progression pics up to 6 months, maybe 1 year later. Without them, I can't accept the photo you're showing as proof of a HT gone bad from Farjo.


This is an internet forum.........pretty much "no holds barred" when it comes to what can and can't be posted or claimed with respect to any HT. All the more reason, if you claim a clinic or surgeon is performing shoddy HT work you MUST have the proof to back it up.


Bill - if this proof isn't recieved ASAP I think this thread needs locked. The mudslinging has started and it isn't doing anything close to helping any poor balding soul learn about hairloss or restoration which is why we're all here.



1st HT 1-18-05 - 1200 FUT's

2nd HT 2-15-06 - 3886 FUT's Dr. Wong

3rd HT 4-24-08 - 2415 FUT's Dr. Wong




current regimen: 1.25mg finasteride every other day


My Hair Loss Weblog


Disclaimer: I'm not a Doctor (and have never played one on TV ;) ) and have no medical training. Any information I share here is in an effort to help those who don't like hair loss.

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Though I can sympathize for you that you feel that you've had a negative hair transplant experience, in my opinion, you have not shown sufficient evidence that Dr. Farjo gave you an sub-par hair transplant.


You have been asked to provide a certain set of photographs (see my last post to you) but you have not provided them.


From my observations...


The pictures of the scar appear ultra-thin and seems to be in the safe zone. The safe zone is a larger area than you think and the shape of the scar (frown verses smiley face) is irrelevant.


The postoperative hair transplant photos provided are 3 years after your first hair transplant and cannot be used as a means to conclude anything. This is true for two reasons:


1. You've been wearing a hair piece for some time that may have damaged the transplanted hair or temporarily stifled it from growing.


2. It is apparent that you have had a lot of additional hair loss since your hair transplant with Dr. Farjo. Though you have not posted a preoperative photo as I requested - A 1500 or even a 3000 graft session is way too small to meet the needs of your current hair loss condition.


1500 grafts may have very well been sufficient at the time but after a lot of additional hair loss, it's not going to appear like much. Subsequent hair transplant procedures are often needed when a hair transplant patient suffers from additional hair loss.


This is why a stand alone hair transplant is rarely possible.


Without before, immediately postoperative, and progressive pictures (6 months, one year, etc), a proper determination cannot be made of the hair growth yield you have received with the Farjo clinic.


It is my opinion that your expectations of your hair transplant surgery were unrealistic which is why you are dissatisfied with your experience.


You have shared your experience and feelings and we appreciate it.


Now it's time to move on.


If you or the Farjo clinic would like to post additional RELEVANT photographs on this thread, send me a private message and I'll consider reopening it. Until then, this thread is locked.


Note: Additional threads continuing this war will be immediately deleted. Any consistent attempts to continue a war or mudslinging may result in a suspension of posting rights.


Best wishes,



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