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Posts posted by mmhce

  1. Im a few days shy of being 4 months post op and my hair still looks worse than it did pre-op.. the hairline hasn't completely filled back in.. and there are very patchy spots. Even worse, things seemed to have been getting better, only to have the transplanted area seemingly thin out some






    1. I truly feel your pain. icon_frown.gif


    2. Have you been taking pictures at regular intervals to objectively view the development?


    3. Are you taking minoxidil and finasteride to aid in the hairloss?


    4. Is it possible that you are experiencing some shock loss also at this point?


    Not sure if using a concealer had anything to do with that.


    5. Doubt it.


    After my last procedure, people used to comment on how natural the work was and how I def. didn't need any more work.


    6. Many people believe that growth rates for multiple sessions are supposed to be the same. Some people believe that in subsequent surgeries, the transplanted hair grows slower.



    Cheer up! Things can only get better.

  2. at what point can you have a graft dislodge and not lose it in the future.


    This makes no sense. Once you lose a graft that is it.


    You must understand the distinction between a graft=follicle and the hair strand that grows out of the follicle.


    This you lose all the time because hair grows in cycles and is supposed to fall off.


    basically how long does t take to basically establish itself as a permanent hair to the scalp


    Earliest duration for security is 5 days.


    Permanent security 14 days.


    Check Dr. Mejia's article on this.

    If I find it, I will post the link.


    it seems like there is alot of contradicting statements and therefore confusing me.


    Different doctors have SLIGHTLY different views.


    But all agree that after 14 days, the graft is secure and needs to be surgically removed.


    just how can you not be alarmed when you start massaging your scabs at day 5 and the hairs fall out with them but people are saying to be careful by nit dislodging them until day 10.


    You can make slight circles in the shower, with the hair wet, so that you can dislodge the scabs.


    You can do this at 5 days, because of the explanation I said above.


    If you put excessive force the graft will be dislodged at day 5, but by 10 days you can apply more force.

  3. they say normally at around day 6 and on that you should start to massage the area in which grafts were placed


    This advice refers to the removal of the scabs, and this something that you DO CAREFULLY in the shower, when your hair is wet and shampooed.


    You make gentle circles or gently stroke the hair to remove the scabs (when your hair is wet, in the shower).

  4. P.D


    as I found it too difficult to cut it without it disintegrating everywhere.



    Cutting the tablets into four parts is a non-issue. It doesn't have to be four equal parts. The parts can be unequal.


    I suggest you brush up on your pill-cutting skills and keep with the 1.25mg daily recommendation.


    It's a much better regimen that way, with less of a chance of you missing a dosage.

  5. Did anyone used propecia and really worked for them?


    Yes. It works. It will maintain your hair, if not regrow it.


    and for how long should I take these relatively expensive pills?


    For the rest of your life.


    Finasteride can be gotten quite inexpensively from Indian pharmaceutical companies.


    Is it ok to take other vitamines while taking propecia?



  6. Shyguy,


    I am confused. Do you have MPB or do you have stress-induced hair loss?


    You mention:


    I have a consultation with Dr. Konior to discuss refining my hairline and removing the micrografts and replacing them with single units.



    which would indicate you suffer from MPB.


    So if you have MPB, why would you think your hairloss was stress induced and not progressive balding?


    If you suffer from MPB, you have to get on finasteride and minoxidil.


    Magnesium won't help you.


    If your hair loss is stress induced, you have to reduce the stress in your life and allow the body to recuperate, together with minerals/vitamins and allow time to regrow your lost hair.

  7. I understand your situation. I too worked in construction. And the harness on those helmets are meant to be fitted (with adjustable slots) so that your helmet doesn't fall off your head. Riggers working at heights have the chin straps. If your helmet falls off, it could be a safety violation.


    But to answer your question, perhaps you can put a bandana on (around your head, and under your helmet) to mitigate any tension of the harness straps on your excision line.


    Additionally, you may need to be concerned about the dust and exposure to direct sunlight in your line of work, and how this could possibly affect your healing tissues.

  8. 1) Should I have any blood work done or get anything checked beforehand (thyroid problems, hormonal imbalances etc..)?? I have not had insurance for a while ( I am 22) and I have not had any physicals or blood work done in over 8 years.


    No. Just watch for side effects.



    Anyways should I even try propecia right now or see where my loss goes from here and then get on it since I am so young. I heard propecia stops working after 5 years so I dont know if I want to waste it now, or maybe a better option will be available in 5 years.



    Yes. Get on Finasteride. Don't gamble and wait around for newer technology. Use what is available now. And get on minoxidil too!

  9. Is there anyway, I can get off propecia without causing anymore hair loss, and then start using it later in my life, when my hair loss is much more present.


    You have to continue with Finasteride.


    Stopping and starting back is a bad idea.


    Can I start using rogaine instead?



    You have to take minoxidil and finasteride together for the best effect.


    You have to take these drugs even after you do surgery, if you decide to do surgery.

  10. Even the food you eat inhibits, augments or transforms subtle components of your body structure.
    From your logic, it seems that anything that inhibits something in your body is not designed by nature and should be therefore avoided.


    Most medications work by either inhibiting, augmenting, or transforming subtle components of our complex body structure.


    Even the food you eat inhibits, augments or transforms subtle components of your body structure.


    The genesis of medical treatment involves the use of naturally derived unprocessed chemicals to cause pharmacological effects.

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