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Everything posted by vocor1

  1. I use Aussie Real Volume Shampoo. It isn't expensive, but it definitely thickens my hair. I really like it. vocor1 Knowledge is Power If the worst question is the one never asked, then the worst answer is the one never shared.
  2. it's the same with my brother and me. My brother has very thick hair and really no recession at 26. I lot hair in clumps at 22. My hair has always been thin and even before the hairloss, I referred to it as "haystack hair". He just got a break in the hair department I didn't. I have my father's hairloss pattern. vocor1 Knowledge is Power If the worst question is the one never asked, then the worst answer is the one never shared.
  3. Bryan: I have personal experience with Propecia AND what you are going through. Give Propecia some time. It took me 3 months and then I started seeing results. I'd say after 1 year of using it, my results are probably as good as they'll get: no additional hairloss and mild regrowth in the crown area. Propecia is pretty much the best thing out there right now. It's worth giving it a real shot at helping you. I hear you on the young hair loss. Mine was so abrupt and noticable. Was fun gettting teased my senior year of college. I dealt with it and just had a "that's how it is" attitude. You can get by on that. Depends on how important status is to you, I guess. I guess it got more important to me and the BS is drawing to an end. I'm really pulling for you for Propecia to work. I wish I had tried it back in college. I was broke and Propecia was about 3x as expensive as it is now. Yeah, HT was MUCH cheaper. Haha. Have no regrets for trying. If you got dealt a bad hand, sometimes it can still be played alright. You are doing the right things -- you choose to try than to give up and be miserable. That's worth a lot. vocor1 Knowledge is Power If the worst question is the one never asked, then the worst answer is the one never shared.
  4. Document every step of the process and take high-quality digital photos. That is your best defense. Two months is a bit too soon to judge the outcome, like many said. Many things MHR says is misleading. Just look at their BS infomercials after you do some research here and you'll see what I'm saying. Hang in there, too. MHR can do okay transplants, and it may take up to 12 months to see your final results. EVERY HT patient goes through some uncertainty. It is such a roller coaster because we as patients have to put such tremendous trust in our docs. These are people we really don't know and we can only go on their reps or how they treat us in person. It is a big risk to take. Document, document, document. Toppik the thin areas. And think of it this way: If you are unhappy with your result, there is no way now to undo it. But you can get repair work from a top doc. I know things suck now, but hold on to the idea that you still have some control over the outcome. I think that is the only way to think here in your situation. You may have suffered a setback, but you can regain control of this situation. Keep that in mind through these trying times for you. vocor1 Knowledge is Power If the worst question is the one never asked, then the worst answer is the one never shared.
  5. SOAP: The combo of your skin color and hair density is covering your scar VERY well. You have minimal "hat head" where the scar is. You should be very pleased. A little redness/pinkness sticks around for I'd say about 3 months. Looks like you are on your way to a fine scar result. Your hair looks really good with #4. vocor1 Knowledge is Power If the worst question is the one never asked, then the worst answer is the one never shared.
  6. congrats texan! A lot of excitement is in store, and a changed life, I'd be willing to bet. Gotta make it through the "fallout period" when so many hairs go bye-bye. But they'll be back. Great decision with Dr Charles. He's a class act. vocor1 Knowledge is Power If the worst question is the one never asked, then the worst answer is the one never shared.
  7. Oh man, you guys are right! Sorry for the confusion on that one. vocor1 Knowledge is Power If the worst question is the one never asked, then the worst answer is the one never shared.
  8. I agree that FU is the way to go in terms of naturalness. There are plenty of top docs doing FU surgery. I'd personally pick any one of them over a good, respectible doc doing mini/micros. I believe most of the top docs are all doing all-FU transplants. Bummer on your regrowth. That is a crock. vocor1 Knowledge is Power If the worst question is the one never asked, then the worst answer is the one never shared.
  9. DaveOH: Increasing your dosage with Proscar has diminishing returns. What I mean, is you'll probably get better/more DHT blockage, but the percentage increase doesn't justify the extra cost or whatever else. I'm sure 5mg is a little more effective than 1mg, but not so much so to justify paying more. You want a big difference potentially, switch to Avodart. none brings up a good point that I've been contemplating. I don't seem to have the Propecia side effects, so maybe Avodart is worth a shot. But it is pricey and we know about the long half-life issue. I guess a bird in the hand is worth something if Propecia is working. vocor1 Knowledge is Power If the worst question is the one never asked, then the worst answer is the one never shared.
  10. I'm not quite there yet personally. Hair looks very good dry and freshly washed, but the temples look a bit thin when soaked. That is why I want the FUE session to fill in the frontal third a bit. The "soaked" look just isn't quite there yet. A few more ingrown hairs, and it indeed may appear after all. Haha. vocor1 Knowledge is Power If the worst question is the one never asked, then the worst answer is the one never shared.
  11. yeah, biden's hair looks a bit weird. Poor HT planning is more of the curse than plugginess, IMO. But he survived a Vietnam prison camp. I'm sure he is surviving his hair situation just fine. vocor1 Knowledge is Power If the worst question is the one never asked, then the worst answer is the one never shared.
  12. The joke is those mosquitoes aren't like you or me. You should treat others like you want to be treated, right? To them, you are a FINANCIAL TRANSACTION and not a person. If they don't view you as a human being, then why should you view them that way? We aren't talking about a "grey area" here. We are talking about intimidation and lying and flat out taking advantage of people. At some point, we have to trust SOMEONE. Just don't let it be a hair mill rep. Maybe it'll be easier to say "NO" when you realize how they view you. You are right -- because in the end, you owe more to yourself than to anyone else. Ahh, enough commentary from me. vocor1 Knowledge is Power If the worst question is the one never asked, then the worst answer is the one never shared.
  13. Avodart's side effects are more pronounced forms of what you might see with Propecia, in general. No kidding, because it blocks a lot more DHT. Almost all of it. And I'm not sure that is ever a "healthy choice". Yet, it might work out. Here's what really sucks: the half-life of dutasteride (Avodart) is 6 months. Finasteride's (Propecia) is 2 weeks. If you have side effects from Avodart, you will be stuck with them for a while. And yeah, Avodart is really expensive compared to Proscar. But because of Avodart's insane half-life, you can "miss" more doses after you get it in your system. Let's face it, it isn't going anywhere fast. You are more of a "slave" to Propecia. You miss a lot of doses, and your hair will start to fall out. However, what if your side effect is the lovely "decreased libido". Can you deal with not wanting sex for a month to a year? Can your girlfriend? LOL! On a serious note, that could end a relationship unless that is one hell of a supportive woman. Okay, I'm rambling. You get the gist. Prescriptionskeywest will sell you Avodart too. It is expensive, but I recommend them because they get you your meds very quickly, for a decent price, and without hassle. vocor1 Knowledge is Power If the worst question is the one never asked, then the worst answer is the one never shared.
  14. nice to be back in control of ONE MORE part of your life, huh? Glad the mop looks good soaked. Good feeling! vocor1 Knowledge is Power If the worst question is the one never asked, then the worst answer is the one never shared.
  15. Tedd -- I've "heard" that Dr Rose is in fact now doing FUE. I'm sure he'll give you the real deal on it. No idea what he charges yet. My guess would be $8 a graft, but I don't know. vocor1 Knowledge is Power If the worst question is the one never asked, then the worst answer is the one never shared.
  16. MHR sucks. Bosley sucks. You might get a good HT, but chances are better that you will be dissatisfied. Why not increase your odds for a good or great HT by going to a top doc? Their prices are usually better too. It's true. Mahair: Dude, I'm sorry that you had to go through all that. You put your faith and trust in people that supposedly swore to an oath of ethics. So much for that. Goddamned lying bastards. Not a word strong enough to express how low of human life those people are. That doesn't help your situation. What might is seeing a top doc to discuss possible repair work. I know this costs more money, but can you put a price on self-esteem or "I made a wrong right again". All that is left to do is recover. And it can happen. Believe that. And as NW said, give it some more time. The first few months are tough as hell as transplanted hairs fall out. We've all been through it. If after time, you are still dissatisfied with your results, then consider pursuing the course of action that I've just written about. Hang in there! vocor1 Knowledge is Power If the worst question is the one never asked, then the worst answer is the one never shared.
  17. Avodart works. It is similar to Propecia/Proscar. Its results can be more spectacular, but its side effects more damning. There have been a lot of posts on Avodart. Do a search and you'll get a wealth of knowledge. "Whoops" in particular has many great posts on his experiences with Avodart. vocor1 Knowledge is Power If the worst question is the one never asked, then the worst answer is the one never shared.
  18. Mr T: thanks bud. Please share your info with as many people as you feel comfortable with. Let other people know how it "really is" is worth so much . . . Jenn-24: thanks for the kind words. Do you get the feeling that there is just so much more to explore out there? What a shame it would be not to do everything you can to make sure you see and experience more of what is good and what is right for you. And your truism rings true for you as well -- I know everything will work out well for you. mehani: Bud, I got special thanks for you because you helped me make a very good doctor decision through reading your posts. Dr Rose has been a professional throughout this whole process. I will seriously consider other top docs for the second procedure -- the courtesy I pay here is that it in no way reflects anything negative on Dr Rose. I have personal reasons why I think seeing another doctor will serve me better. Aloha from the mainland. I'm really glad that you are so happy with your procedures and you are getting the look you wanted. Bravo! I still have some bad hair days there are times when I wonder how I got by before -- yet I did. It's just fun to see things still coming in at 7 months. I haven't had ingrown hairs like this since 3 months -- a welcome intrusion. I'm always putting caveats on any success story I've posted. I want to avoid blowing sunshine up anyone's ass. It has not been a risk-free and trouble-free process. But would I do it again? Without question and without doubt YES. The old way wasn't working for me. I guess I had nothing to lose. Strange how things work when you realize that you've got nothing to lose. That concept of "hope" or "opportunity" becomes so important. In the end, maybe that defines how many of us are. That maybe you've been dealt a bad hand, or maybe you didn't handle things right or you messed up along the way. But it is never too late to reinvent everything. Let the miserable be miserable. If you can breathe life back into your life, then by all means, show everybody that you are not afraid to do so. You might be a little surprised by what, or more appropriately, who emerges. Much respect to those who have posted their experiences here. Much hope for those in the midst of their hairloss struggle and/or their HT decision. vocor1 Knowledge is Power If the worst question is the one never asked, then the worst answer is the one never shared.
  19. It isn't against the law to name a doctor due to "poor growth". That term is so vague, no one could hold anything to anyone. We are on an anonymous forum. You aren't even saying that you thought the doctor did poorly -- just that your regrowth has not met your expectations. That is hardly offensive to anyone. Your call -- put the group is about sharing info. Not so much about worrying about what some random doctor might think about what you posted. vocor1 Knowledge is Power If the worst question is the one never asked, then the worst answer is the one never shared.
  20. vocor1


    It doesn't matter. If you look better because of the hat, and a woman finds the way that you look begins to trigger attraction in her, then you at least have the chance to sell your personality. If you can make her laugh and then have a good line for when she finds out that you are balding, then she probably won't run away. Still, wearing a hat almost all the time (as I did for a year or so prior to HT) made me feel like a fraud -- and I was. But the ends justified the means because I got a lot more attention from women. It was fun. So now I wear a cap whenever and it's no big dilemma. My slavery to that damn thing has ended. But I still wear it from time to time because I know women like how I look in one. Haha, the irony is that with much improved hair, it almost seems like you are "spoiling it or wasting it" by wearing a cap. Funny how that works. vocor1 Knowledge is Power If the worst question is the one never asked, then the worst answer is the one never shared.
  21. njpua: And that is a bad week? Good grief! I doubt that you lost any grafts. Those things are firmly planted there. On another note: I hear ya, brother! My head didn't look good shaved, and friends and co-workers let me know it. Ironically those, I had more success when I went out because I guess that I looked "tough". Things are much better now. I can wear my hair like most men my age do. A lot of men at my age are experiences some mild hairloss, while others have all their hair, and a few (like I was) are cursed with their hairloss. Fun and strong personalities being equal in two men, hairloss will make some difference with most women. It is beyond clear to me at this point. Anyway, congrats. Feels good. vocor1 Knowledge is Power If the worst question is the one never asked, then the worst answer is the one never shared.
  22. If you get a small, thin scar, then thinning "donor region" hair should still cover it just fine. Remember, you can lose 50% of your hair's natural density and still have the appearance of full density. Some people's donor region does thin over time. You were prudent to check out your father. This could be a concern, on some level. My father is 72 and still has very thick sides and back. That really did help me in my HT decision. vocor1 Knowledge is Power If the worst question is the one never asked, then the worst answer is the one never shared.
  23. Mike: I've seen your picts. Congrats on the transformation! That tuft sucks big time. But when it is gone, man, what a difference! vocor1 Knowledge is Power If the worst question is the one never asked, then the worst answer is the one never shared.
  24. Guys: Thanks for the kind words. I know you all feel similarly! And you know what I'm talking about. It is very liberating. Of course, the irony is that I will look to pursue an FUE session still. The way I look at it is that the 1st HT did most of the "grunt work", meaning that I got a large # of FUs to erase the awkwardness that was there. Now it is time to fine tune it a bit with a very few FUs. That seems to be more a "want" than a "need" each day. I'm getting ingrown hairs again on my scalp. vbcbc: My HT was 2205 FUs with Dr Rose at Shapiro Medical. I paid $7200 plus airfare & hotel. It was $4 an FU, but they got more out and didn't charge me. I'm 29. I consider Dr Rose one of the top doctors in the country. I was NW4A and now I'm NW2. My hairline is conservative. I'm fine with that because the improvement is still so dramatic in my book. I want my hair to "stand the test of time", meaning, it would not look weird when I am much older. Almost all men have hairloss. Mild hairloss is fine with me. "Weird" hairloss is not. Take care all. I'm wondering how much regrowth I still have left. Looks/feels like it is still coming in now 7 months post op. Wonderful. vocor1 Knowledge is Power If the worst question is the one never asked, then the worst answer is the one never shared.
  25. Today was the first day that I looked in the mirror and said, "man, my hair looks pretty darn good". Damn that has been a long time coming. A lifetime. Well, all my 20s. A little hair spray, the right length and direction. Pretty cool. Not hard to maintain at all, though. Not perfect, rock star hair. Far from it. And some room for modest improvement, which I will pursue. It's a little funny how this changes things. How everything in your life changes. I know it is attitude, and not just hair. It is just that little extra push. I guess I'm lucky. I'm really glad I found this site. I am not the same person in many ways. I just want people to know that I know that sometimes things don't work out with HTs, but it can work out. It can change everything that means anything to you. I know it is stupid, but it is true. I won't bore you with the details. I think I've said what I wanted to. Who else has had a feeling like this? Like the huge fxcking anchor you've been carrying your whole life is gone now? vocor1 Knowledge is Power If the worst question is the one never asked, then the worst answer is the one never shared.
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