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Everything posted by vocor1

  1. Today was the first day that I looked in the mirror and said, "man, my hair looks pretty darn good". Damn that has been a long time coming. A lifetime. Well, all my 20s. A little hair spray, the right length and direction. Pretty cool. Not hard to maintain at all, though. Not perfect, rock star hair. Far from it. And some room for modest improvement, which I will pursue. It's a little funny how this changes things. How everything in your life changes. I know it is attitude, and not just hair. It is just that little extra push. I guess I'm lucky. I'm really glad I found this site. I am not the same person in many ways. I just want people to know that I know that sometimes things don't work out with HTs, but it can work out. It can change everything that means anything to you. I know it is stupid, but it is true. I won't bore you with the details. I think I've said what I wanted to. Who else has had a feeling like this? Like the huge fxcking anchor you've been carrying your whole life is gone now? vocor1 Knowledge is Power If the worst question is the one never asked, then the worst answer is the one never shared.
  2. Gambo: I was lucky enough to have no shock loss at all anywhere. I'm going to do an FUE session to bolster my frontal third. I'll ask the doc to put a few FUEs in the tuft. If I follow my dad's MPB, and I have so far, then I'll retain some of that "tuft hair" my whole lift. Again, I'll FUE it if it becomes an issue. vocor1 Knowledge is Power If the worst question is the one never asked, then the worst answer is the one never shared.
  3. Yup, that would be my take on it too (not ironically, I had the same doctor). My island is gone and I am SO SO happy. That piece of shit made ALL hairstyles look like shit. When the hairs started to grow behind that god-foresaken island, I was so excited. Everything else was extra. It changed everything not to have that tuft of hair. It really ruined everything. True, it is still possible that the tuft will fall out and I'll like a little awkward. If that happens, I'll FUE that hole out of existance. I can't believe how much better my hair looks just without the tuft. Utterly wonderful transformation. vocor1 Knowledge is Power If the worst question is the one never asked, then the worst answer is the one never shared.
  4. At about 5 weeks, I had a burst of ingrown hairs and a lot of subsequent regrowth. The "zits" were annoying, but the regrowth was quite envigorating. Seems I'm hitting a second wave of ingrown hairs. Not as many, but seems like one is up there almost constantly. I know that is a sign of further regrowth. It is kind of exciting! I think joto even had an ingrown hair at 10 months. Hopefully, more density and regrowth is in the works. Still eyeing a small FUE session for the winter, though. vocor1 Knowledge is Power If the worst question is the one never asked, then the worst answer is the one never shared.
  5. skinnyvi: Hang in there, brutha. For some people, it just takes longer. And for other, they have shockloss. You have the misfortune of having both. But you have to give it more time. You have to understand part of the mentality of posting here is that most people want to share their good news and good fortune. Most people are hesitant to share their struggles. But no one is immune to them. Did you know that I had to get part of my scar redone due to stretching from infections? The revision went awesome, but for a while, I was sort of like "great, what did I do to deserve this?". Nothing, shit happens. But it wasn't insurmountable. And I really never thought that was -- it was just annoying as all get out. And now it is over. So now I'd like to ask you to think that way as well. Give it a full year. I know that sounds like an eternity and right now it isn't too cool. But it is what I'm asking here. Lift weights or run in the meantime. It is an awesome pick-me-up. I can't guarantee your success, but I would have taken the same gamble and had the same concerns if I were in your shoes. And I know that hair that is genetically-programmed not to fall out doesn't fall out. You have to believe it'll get better based on the probabilities. It is better to have hope than to condemn yourself because your case isn't the norm. Hang in there -- we are with you, man! vocor1 Knowledge is Power If the worst question is the one never asked, then the worst answer is the one never shared.
  6. depends on the density. Higher density gives you more styling options. Well, style your hair how you want -- but nobody thinks a combover looks good, for example. vocor1 Knowledge is Power If the worst question is the one never asked, then the worst answer is the one never shared.
  7. I've quite often said that I have actually experienced increased libido from Propecia use. Well, here is another part to the story. For the first time, I actually had about a two week period where I just wasn't really interested in sex. It kind of sneaked up on me and I just was like "what is up?" (or not up, whatever). What I'd like to say is that I started to say, "holy crap, no, I'm experiencing the 'Propecia Curse'". Propecia has regrown hair for me, but I'd rather be bald than not be a man. However, I'd like to say that the "Propecia Curse" has run it's course for now -- things are back to normal, thankfully. I'm much happier. Maybe the temporary decrease in libido had to do with a recent move and job change I've had and that stress. I don't know -- but it lingered for a couple of weeks. I started to blame Propecia, but didn't change my dose. Still taking 1/4 Proscar a day. Everything is back to normal. If you are taking Propecia and you have a period of "down time", my hope is that it is also temporary. To men who stopped taking Propecia because of the "Propecia Curse": how long did you have the ill-effects before you said enough is enough? When did it happen to you (how long after you started taking it)? vocor1 Knowledge is Power If the worst question is the one never asked, then the worst answer is the one never shared.
  8. I've quite often said that I have actually experienced increased libido from Propecia use. Well, here is another part to the story. For the first time, I actually had about a two week period where I just wasn't really interested in sex. It kind of sneaked up on me and I just was like "what is up?" (or not up, whatever). What I'd like to say is that I started to say, "holy crap, no, I'm experiencing the 'Propecia Curse'". Propecia has regrown hair for me, but I'd rather be bald than not be a man. However, I'd like to say that the "Propecia Curse" has run it's course for now -- things are back to normal, thankfully. I'm much happier. Maybe the temporary decrease in libido had to do with a recent move and job change I've had and that stress. I don't know -- but it lingered for a couple of weeks. I started to blame Propecia, but didn't change my dose. Still taking 1/4 Proscar a day. Everything is back to normal. If you are taking Propecia and you have a period of "down time", my hope is that it is also temporary. To men who stopped taking Propecia because of the "Propecia Curse": how long did you have the ill-effects before you said enough is enough? When did it happen to you (how long after you started taking it)? vocor1 Knowledge is Power If the worst question is the one never asked, then the worst answer is the one never shared.
  9. About inheriting baldness: In my case, I definitely inherited the "family hairloss gene" from my father's side. I have cousins with almost identical hairloss. They got that from my aunt on my father's side. My brother has thick, wonderful hair that is quite the envy. Probably from my mother's side. Two brothers with very similar facial features but ENTIRELY different hair. Lucky bastard! vocor1 Knowledge is Power If the worst question is the one never asked, then the worst answer is the one never shared.
  10. Online consultation and they have a doc that'll write you a script. They know you are order from them to save a little cash on the script and the consult. So the online consultation will get you the script you need. Good luck. vocor1 Knowledge is Power If the worst question is the one never asked, then the worst answer is the one never shared.
  11. What is the consensus on this? I think my donor site remained pink for about 3 months. The red line where the incision was made probably took 1 month to disappear into more of a pink color. Just curious. I think the site becomes "undetectable" only after the pinkness has subsided. vocor1 Knowledge is Power If the worst question is the one never asked, then the worst answer is the one never shared.
  12. What is the consensus on this? I think my donor site remained pink for about 3 months. The red line where the incision was made probably took 1 month to disappear into more of a pink color. Just curious. I think the site becomes "undetectable" only after the pinkness has subsided. vocor1 Knowledge is Power If the worst question is the one never asked, then the worst answer is the one never shared.
  13. Good points. Propecia is the MOST effective solution right now. If we were SURE that their would be damning long-term effects, then people don't take it. But without that, why not try? Who's to say that the body is in it's very best state sans drug intervention. Remember, nature creates some pretty messed up sick twisted shxt on its own. Leads me to believe that maybe some proactive steps to correct that is worth the risks involved. One can only manage what he/she knows about -- not on what we speculate might or might not happen based on fear. vocor1 Knowledge is Power If the worst question is the one never asked, then the worst answer is the one never shared.
  14. These are good points. Truly, we are attempting to commit to a drug for "life", yet no life-long studies have been completed because of when the drug was introduced. We just have to make a "best guess", and see what comes out. Who knows what is destined to happen to us sans Proscar -- other than more lost hair in most cases? I think most of us choose to try based on what we've seen. But remembering that it is a risk is important. vocor1 Knowledge is Power If the worst question is the one never asked, then the worst answer is the one never shared.
  15. dutasteride is stronger and typically has better effects but also potentially more damning side-effects and its half-life is 6 months so you just have to deal with the side effects. If you have side effects with finasteride, the half life is only two weeks. I've posted times describing what the differences in dutasteride/Avodart and finasteride/Propecia are. Do a search. Many others also have relivant posts. Good luck. vocor1 Knowledge is Power If the worst question is the one never asked, then the worst answer is the one never shared.
  16. The basic idea is that you don't want any chance of your wife/girlfriend to get ANY finasteride in her blood stream while she's pregnant. I can't confirm the finasteride in semen statement, but if it is true and you will have sex with her while she is pregnant, then a condom would be a must. vocor1 Knowledge is Power If the worst question is the one never asked, then the worst answer is the one never shared.
  17. Micro: Only 9 days, huh? That is great news. FUE will be the way to go for me. The doc is still up in the air. Thanks again for the help and sharing your knowledge. vocor1 Knowledge is Power If the worst question is the one never asked, then the worst answer is the one never shared.
  18. www.propecia.com is a good start. Just realize that it is run by Merck, who makes the drug and wants you to buy it. One week isn't NEARLY enough to know anything about how the drug will affect you. I'd say minimum one month and three months is better. vocor1 Knowledge is Power If the worst question is the one never asked, then the worst answer is the one never shared.
  19. Micro: Good info. #2 is 1/4 inch. But #0 is stuble -- basically bald. Pretty darn short. #2 isn't too bad, I guess. 3 weeks, huh? Anyone ask you if you had an HT or what was going on with all those spots where the FUs were taken out? Plan to take 2 weeks off again. I don't mind short hair, but not interested in drawing a ton of attention to myself either. Thanks. vocor1 Knowledge is Power If the worst question is the one never asked, then the worst answer is the one never shared.
  20. none: Interesting theory. It is possible. Certainly other factors can cause hairloss and a DHT blocker just isn't as effective in some people as in others. Another thing to consider is that you are blocking a natural process occurring in your body. Possibly, in addition to blocking testosterone to DHT conversion, who knows what the estrogen in the body is doing. There is some in every man, just much less than in women and certainly less than the testosterone. Also, if your testosterone levels rise, how the person's body reacts can be quite varied. Some guys will just live with more testosterone (a good thing, in general), but others will have their bodies naturally curtail testosterone production, and possibly "overract" or something of that sort that results to less DHT but also less overall testosterone in the end. Those are some of my theories on it. vocor1 Knowledge is Power If the worst question is the one never asked, then the worst answer is the one never shared.
  21. I think that you made a good choice. Where will you have your HT? In Florida or Minnesota? When again? vocor1 Knowledge is Power If the worst question is the one never asked, then the worst answer is the one never shared.
  22. Micro: Thanks for the info. Just curious on the recovery time. How long until the scabs fell off? I used to cut my hair to a #2 or #3 on the back and sides all the time prior to HT. I guess the doc will cut the donor area as short as he needs it. How short would you say it was for you? Good tip on cutting it short prior to surgery. I'll cut it to #3 or #4 and if the doc needs it shorter, then I'll figure that out. Thanks again. I'll probably do a 500 FU FUE session next, so your experience are particularly interesting to me. vocor1 Knowledge is Power If the worst question is the one never asked, then the worst answer is the one never shared.
  23. Franklin: Who did you have your FUE procedure with again? Are you happy with the procedure/experience/result? Thanks bro. vocor1 Knowledge is Power If the worst question is the one never asked, then the worst answer is the one never shared.
  24. Micro: How quickly did your donor area heal up? vocor1 Knowledge is Power If the worst question is the one never asked, then the worst answer is the one never shared.
  25. j25: You might want to consider switching to Propecia while you are trying to get pregnant. I consider using cut Proscar during this critical time as being unnecessarily risky. Here is the deal: Proscar/Propecia is a DHT inhibitor. DHT is needed for the proper forming of a male fetus' genitalia (sp?). You don't want your wife to come in contact with any broken Proscar pills. Proscar can be absorbed through the skin. If that happens, your baby COULD have birth defects. God, why risk it? If you take Propecia, which is 1mg finasteride with coating, still be careful. You don't want your wife to come into contact with broken pills. You probably cut Proscar right now to save money as I do. My recommendation is to stop doing that if you are trying to get pregnant, consider switching to Propecia for the pregnancy and still be careful to keep the pills away from her. vocor1 Knowledge is Power If the worst question is the one never asked, then the worst answer is the one never shared.
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