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Everything posted by worried

  1. Hi, I just asked the same question and was told this was normal and to punch in pimples, bumps etc.into the find button located in the upper right of the page. It works like a search engine and retrieves info on the subject thats been posted over the last 5 years on this site. I did that and found tons of information on this site of previous posts on the subject. I think Pat said to treat them like other pimples apply hot water compress to help let them drain etc. Hope this helps. Scott
  2. Can people use this site to sell stuff that don't do anything? This is suppose to be a place to come to for facts about HT's and proven solutions.
  3. Thanks for the info and I'll try the search thing instead of going through all the old post trying to find info. Then again I find reading on this site very informative.
  4. Could anyone tell me if pimples(sore ) on scalp have been a problem? Should they be left alone until they grow to the size of a marble? I keep my hair clean and stay under the hot water for long periods of time hoping they will go away. Also its been 5 weeks and 2 days and top of head is still fairly numb, hairline still pink enough to notice where the new hairline is suppose to be, and donor area ,scar has some pimple like bumps also. I keep it clean and have put anti biotic ointment on it but still a little sore in spots.Also jumped in the ocean on a diving trip and was hoping salt water and a chilly 43 degree water temp would help, well at least the salt water. Is it normal for this crap to happen and does the greesy minoxidal make matters worse? So far this place has been a big help so I figured I would try to get some feed back on this . Thanks in advance. Not as worried. Scott
  5. Could anyone tell me if pimples(sore ) on scalp have been a problem? Should they be left alone until they grow to the size of a marble? I keep my hair clean and stay under the hot water for long periods of time hoping they will go away. Also its been 5 weeks and 2 days and top of head is still fairly numb, hairline still pink enough to notice where the new hairline is suppose to be, and donor area ,scar has some pimple like bumps also. I keep it clean and have put anti biotic ointment on it but still a little sore in spots.Also jumped in the ocean on a diving trip and was hoping salt water and a chilly 43 degree water temp would help, well at least the salt water. Is it normal for this crap to happen and does the greesy minoxidal make matters worse? So far this place has been a big help so I figured I would try to get some feed back on this . Thanks in advance. Not as worried. Scott
  6. I could only hope to get the good results that I see from Jupiter23's pics. Looks amazing to me.
  7. I've been wearing a hat at work for 9 years and have never taken it off at work. So nobody said anything when I came to work with a hat on. Also I work at a machine shop and allot of guys where a hat. I'm waiting for the day I can take off the hat and people say why have you had a hat on for all this time, or I thought you were bald or who's the new guy.
  8. I would like to know if anyone has any experience with Dr. Scott Boden MHR Conn. I just started to calm down and started reading about all the crapy sub par work MHR does or did , not sure if it's still does and not sure if it's all the locations. If anyone has any experience with him could you let me know. Or look him up and see his credentials. It seems like he is a real doctor and I hope I don't end up with a result which it seems most MHR patients here ar reporting. Dam I hope MHR in Conn. doesn't rate with the ones I read about here. I can say again I wish I came here first. I read about the seminars and ordours , probably spelled that wrong no spell check here. And the dvd's with the water sking guy etc. It wasn't cheap and I can't just run out with my emotions getting another one from one of the reccomended docs here. 3 more sleeping pills and off to bed .
  9. I would like to know if anyone has any experience with Dr. Scott Boden MHR Conn. I just started to calm down and started reading about all the crapy sub par work MHR does or did , not sure if it's still does and not sure if it's all the locations. If anyone has any experience with him could you let me know. Or look him up and see his credentials. It seems like he is a real doctor and I hope I don't end up with a result which it seems most MHR patients here ar reporting. Dam I hope MHR in Conn. doesn't rate with the ones I read about here. I can say again I wish I came here first. I read about the seminars and ordours , probably spelled that wrong no spell check here. And the dvd's with the water sking guy etc. It wasn't cheap and I can't just run out with my emotions getting another one from one of the reccomended docs here. 3 more sleeping pills and off to bed .
  10. Any other comments on price for procedures? Is this price out of line with all others ?
  11. On there web site they advertise this. 1,000 Grafts for $4,500 $3.50 each additional graft (Plus 0% financing if you qualify*)
  12. The first procedure I was charged 4.00 per graph. If it's successful and I like it I'm sure I'm going to need more. I was told they will work with me on price if I want a second procedure. Pluss blood work I had to go to a lab to have done that won't need to be done for second procedure. 375.00 They gave me a bag with shampoos conditioners folicul sprays ,sun burn stuff etc. to last a few months. And a prescription for proscar, and each pill I divide into 4. thats a hefty savings right there. have to
  13. I have started to accept it's going to take time and whats going to happen is whats going to happen. I guess I got to go enjoy life and do my scuba and what not. Now I'm addicted to this site, wish I came here from the git go . It would have saved allot of freakin out.If the hair grows and looks good I'm sure I will go back for more. But I to have placed a limit on my vanity. But on the other hand I don't want to be constantly thinking of my hair loss. I know it's going to cost allot more than I thought in the begining. I think the next procedure will be less money,most doctors give you a break on multipal procedures don't they? Also Island girl the other reason for the minoxidal question is that After washing my hair I'm suppose to spray tricom solution(follical therapy spray) into my hair.And then I got to put the minoxidal on my head shortly after and go to work for 12.5 hours.I didn't know if putting these 2 postions on my head nearly at the same time was ok or not.I go to the gym for an hour before work go home and apply the stuff, throw on my hat and go to work. Apply minoxidal at 2:30 A.M and go home to bed at 5;00 A.M . Dam good thing I don't have kids!I know I ask allot of questions and that's because I didn't come here before the procedure. Hopefully I can help ease the fears of others down the road when I get through this.Thanks to all the caring people here.
  14. Could anyone tell me if the minoxidal is suppose to be put on the graph area in the front as well as the crown. Or just the crown area as per directions. Thanks.
  15. I took a couple more pics with dry hair and a close up of graphs. Close up didn't come out well and guess it's a little late for that anyway. The doc seemed more concerned with the front of my head for looks but I told him the bald crown is why I actually wear hat(. and the sun). I was told i would probably want a second procedure for density on the crown and it would be thin from the first procedure. I think he spread out the graphs from the front to the back and I didn't get the 2400 plus I was looking for. I said over is better. Anyway i was suprised to get a rebate and from what I'm reading i guess this will go toward the next procedure. I just want to make sure this one looks ok before planning the next. This is a big investment and nobody really talks about cost. Seems like allot of people have good paying jobs here. And It matters so much to me that I guess cost is offset by happiness of appearance self confidence. I know I want to loose the hat. Hair not new car, I love my 2001 lumina. I'm trying to plan and I personally think my head is worse than a 3 norwood. And could anyone tell me whether to put minoxidil on front graphs as well as crown.I would be interested in seeing results from uglyman , couldn't find blog and thank-you all for feedback.just coming to terms with looking under the hat. http://www.hairlossweblogs.com/home-page.asp?WebID=59
  16. Was wondering if anyone had a ht done by DR. Scott Boden from conn. MHF? And if they are happy with the results.
  17. Was wondering if anyone had a ht done by DR. Scott Boden from conn. MHF? And if they are happy with the results.
  18. Went to costco website and it said 49.95 for 4 month supply. Is it listed under something other tan minoxidal?
  19. Could you tell me how to make it so people can view my pics . I'll hopefully figure it out soon. Thanks in advance
  20. Maybe this isn't the correct way to reply but they said I was a three on the norwid scale and 2400 graphs turned out to be 2205 with a rebate. I made a blog to get better info. back Thanks
  21. First of all I had a transplant 2 weeks 2 days ago at MHR in Conn. I have been waring a hat for 9 years and I am to self consious to take it off at work since no one has seen me without it in 9 yrs. I just was reading all these horror stories and how transplants hardly ever really make the person happy with the results. In the 2 weeks since the surgery my hair got even thinner (noticebly)allot. At least I think allot. They told me this was NORMAL. I read it may not even grow back. I saw before and after photos where people had less hair after one year and not more. They said only the lucky few are shown for advertising for transplants and that most have poor or marginal results. There are so many people saying you'll regret it and its an ongoing project to keep up with the hair loss. They say there left with just the plugs and they look silly. They also say the scare looks terrible so they cant even shave there heads. I know I should have read this stuff first but I guess I screwed up. I am totally frekin out now wondering if and when my original hair will grow back. Also if i am going to regret this the rest of my life instead of being able to take off my hat comfortably. Can anyone calm me down? I'm 45 and scared to death.More info
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