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Everything posted by stamos

  1. As everyone said it is up to you, but from your pictures, if I was you I wouldn't do it for the present time, maybe after years to see how you are going and to have a clearer image as to were you will add hair.
  2. Hi just an update: I am very close to arrange a repair with Dr Shapiro on January. As I am from Europe, I was looking for a thread with tips/advices for patients who travel from Europe to US for transplant, but I cannot find it now. It was a thread with a list of tips, like how to react when you will be asked to remove your hat at the airport searching. Can you point it our for me?
  3. You really do a great job, this is a very friendly and responsive forum, my post was just an observation, I hope to stay long here and succeed with my HT, before came here I didn't even consider going outside of Europe, now I make plans for US.
  4. This is happening in almost all specialized forums. If you go back every month, same questions resurface with different titles.
  5. Thanks predator, I decided to travel to US or Canada. Which one of these 3 you recommend for repair of old transplant?
  6. I would like to thank all members who posted for their friendly replies and support, especially Dewayne and Eman who replied to any silly question from my side. Now my next step will be to research a couple of weeks at max, to find a the most suitable doctor for old transplant repair then arrange formalities, like air-tickets, hotel accommodation etc. Nevertheless I have 3 more questions, if you don't mind: 1. Suppose I select one of the top doctors available, like Dr. Shapiro for example, from the date that I agree with everything and decide to proceed with the repair surgery, then in how long, approximately, they schedule will be my surgery? I mean 2 months 4 months or so? 2. If I return in Athens 2 days after the surgery, who will remove the stitches? I mean of course I won't return to U.S. just to remove stitches, but do I have to go to a local hair clinic or just a normal doctor will be fine? 3. If I choose a big clinic like Hasson & Wong, then I will have surgery with Dr. Hasson or Dr. Wong, or these doctors will just supervise the operation and there are other doctors who actually effect the surgeries? Thanks
  7. Well after a lot of thought I decided to go to the best doctor I can find, regardless of location and avoid mistakes of the past, in order to get the most natural result. Suppose I choose Vancouver, do I have to go twice? Or I can send them pictures, arrange the surgery date , put deposit and then fly to Vancouver and get it done at once?
  8. Thanks for your advices Dr. Lindsay. I live in Greece and its difficult to visit you, I hope I can have similar results in Europe.
  9. Thanks John although you confused me What do you mean by that? I assure you that this is the first forum regarding hair, I have been registered or posted. Hello Dewayne, is this possible? I couldn't even imagine they have gone that far... The problem with a doctor in Vancouver or America (less problem) is that I have to visit first to evaluate my condition and speak with the doctor then arrange for the surgery, return home and fly back to effect the surgery and therefore I would prefer Europe. Can I have same results as Dewayne's with the doctors that MikeTheDane suggested (Dr. Devroye or Dr. Feriduni)?
  10. Yeah but Vancouver is a financial problem, it is in other side of the world, can I have same results at Europe?
  11. Finally donor area. Please tell me what you think. Can I add some new hair in order my transplant becomes unnoticed? Thanks
  12. Thanks again Dewayne. I think that my condition is as Dr. Lindsey described it. I don't have much donor hair left but I do have some. The main problem is the lack of randomness and clumping at the front line. Therefore I cannot recycle the old plugs and create completely new, instead I will talk with the doctor to mix new and old. I am at work now, but when I return home I will take some close up pictures to post here so you can tell me your opinion, which is highly valuable to me, because I don't have much donor area left and the choice of procedure and especially of a doctor is crucial, and I admit I want the help of others, in order to avoid mistakes impossible to correct afterwards.
  13. Thanks so much for the detailed info Dr Lindsey, I hope I have enough donor hair left. Should I post pictures from donor area from the back of my head and a clear front?
  14. Mike thanks for straight forward reply. Stimpy thanks, I know NOW that the most important is to find a competent doc, thats why I posted here. Dewayne, thanks for bring me hope man. That would be like a dream to me (undetectable). Is this really possible? You write in your blog Now for me it is too late to do that? I mean the scar will be visible if I shave my head, right? Or can I hide it with plastic surgery and save it for all my life?
  15. Hello, this is my first post here. I am male, Greek, approx 38 years old. I had 3 hair transplant surgeries in Athens, Greece, by "DHI Hair Restoration", on 1995 (some 14 years ago). The result was not bad back then, but now I can say that it is easy recognizable that I have had hair transplant and I am not at all happy with it. I attach a photo for you to see. So now after almost 15 years I hope that methods have improved a lot and I want to effect another surgery for the sole purpose to give a more natural look on my hair, not to increase the volume of it. I would like your advices as to if it's possible to have a more natural look and provided I live in Athens, Greece, if you have any suggestions or I have to travel to U.S. ? Your replies (or any PM) will really oblige me as I am deeply concerned about the non-natural appearance of my hair.
  16. Hello, this is my first post here. I am male, Greek, approx 38 years old. I had 3 hair transplant surgeries in Athens, Greece, by "DHI Hair Restoration", on 1995 (some 14 years ago). The result was not bad back then, but now I can say that it is easy recognizable that I have had hair transplant and I am not at all happy with it. I attach a photo for you to see. So now after almost 15 years I hope that methods have improved a lot and I want to effect another surgery for the sole purpose to give a more natural look on my hair, not to increase the volume of it. I would like your advices as to if it's possible to have a more natural look and provided I live in Athens, Greece, if you have any suggestions or I have to travel to U.S. ? Your replies (or any PM) will really oblige me as I am deeply concerned about the non-natural appearance of my hair.
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