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Everything posted by gasto

  1. I thought Norwood/Hamilton 5 were hopeless even with hair transplant, but now I realize I was wrong!
  2. It's not too expensive if one cuts the propecia pill into 4 parts.
  3. gasto

    Impressive, considering you were a Norwood&Hamilton 4.
  4. I use the %5 lotion twice a day, six sprays.
  5. I am 28. Thanks for the advice. Combing my hair helps cover the receding sidelines. But because of the side-effects of finasteride I take .25 mg every three days, minoxidil 5% and biotin shampoo and tablets.
  6. I've heard that for receding hairline young patients, FUE is better suited because it is a minor procedure, but I've heard that FUT has greater yields. Is it possible to use FUT for a receding hairline (Norwood 2)?
  7. MrJobi, I see you have 3 FUT and one FUE, why did you change to FUE at the 4th hair transplant?
  8. gasto

    Wow, that looks awesome.
  9. The only alternative is dutasteride, but the side-effects are stronger.
  10. You are not alone. All people have side-effects from any medication. And even healthy athletic people like me have to deal with medication for hair loss treatment, in my case finasteride .25 mg every three days and minoxidil to applications every day. For nutritional supplement, ingest biotin, Ginseng and cod liver oil and shower my hair with biotin. I also sleep with aloe vera and olive oil on my scalp. I occasionally pour some wet dog food in my scalp as well.
  11. I had some wierd head nerve impulses at the back of my head, I still have not figured out if it was Minoxidil of Finasteride.
  12. Of course, from my perspective. You could be having some sexual side effects, but they are rare. Are you taking finasteride or any other medicine as well?
  13. Regarding Minoxidil, it might be more psychological. The placebo effect.
  14. I agree, especially with the Artificial Intelligence boom that is soon coming, it will help tremendously to accelerate technological advancement.
  15. I think that people that vehemently defend finasteride are in denial. Like one forum member already suggested, making an informed, objective decision is what is required.
  16. You can add DongQuai(Angelica), Polygonum Multiflorum, Ginseng and Thorn Apple seeds for natural remedies.
  17. What you asked is self explanatory. You can monitor your DHT levels, and of course the more 5 alpha reductase type II inhibitor you take, the lesser DHT levels you'll probably show. If your family has Male (your mother doesn't count, only your mother's father) Pattern Baldness history then you will need a DHT inhibitor. Low testosterone levels also work. My grandfather was Norwood 7 and beyond, my uncles are all Norwood 7, but my father, who has been an athlete throughout his whole life, is a Norwood 4. Physical exercise(marathons and long lasting aerobic exercise) has been proven to reduce testosterone levels, which helps to produce less DHT, which eases the disruption of DHT sensitive hair follicles, which reduces hair loss.
  18. That sounds like a rationalization of your hair transplant. Now that's simply a lie. If you are here to lie then you might as well spare your time on these forums.
  19. I'm sure your parents love you. Baldness doesn't scare women, unless they are shallow and unworthy. Baldness, does however, affect confidence, and that is treated psychologically, not medically. The more you stress about it, the worse it gets, so the best you can do for now is relax, and go out for a jogging session, search for beginner's body workout.
  20. Merk wouldn't be happy to support a technology that replaces their hair loss treatment completely. So I am guessing big pharma is fighting back these advancements. On the positive side, scientists and researchers will continue to advance these new techniques and will be available sooner than what we may think. By the way, stemm cell has already been proven safe long time ago for skin reconstruction in trauma suffering patients, it simply hasn't been massively produced, nor the doctors been trained in the field of hair loss.
  21. Paranoia. You need to visit a hair transplant expert, send tem your pictures at least from these forums.
  22. My best advice would be to consult your dermatologist/hair expert. Continuing with finasteride will probably make new hair grow, but I am not an expert or medically trained. Also, I did not experience the initial shedding or if I did, I did not notice it, so personally I?d have continued after consulting with the Dr.
  23. No acne for me. My dosage is much lower though, 0.25 mg every three days. Are you sure 5 mg a day is safe? Who recommended that dosage?
  24. I've been experiencing relief from the spikes that I felt on the back of my head after stopping the application of generic Minoxidil %5 for one week now.
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