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Rahal Hair Transplant

Elite Coalition Physician
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Everything posted by Rahal Hair Transplant

  1. This patient underwent FUE hair transplant surgery with Dr. Rahal in August of 2020. He had 3000 grafts (7144 hairs) in the frontal area of his scalp (zones 1-5). His surgical details can be found below. &&& Zone 1,2,3,4,5 &&& Recipient Area Size - 80cm2 1 Haired FUs - 454 2 Haired FUs - 1256 3 Haired FUs - 982 4 Haired FUs - 308 Total Grafts - 3000 Total Hairs - 7144 Average Hairs Per Graft - 2.4 Recipient Graft Density - 37.5 Recipient Hair Density - 89 This patient was 48 years of age at the time of his FUE procedure and started losing hair in his late 20s. To help maintain his existing natural hair, he started taking finasteride immediately before surgery and started taking Rogaine afterwards. According to the patient, his family history of hair loss is minimal on both sides (Norwood Class 2 or 3 at the most). He is very happy with his results. You can see his results below. Collages Individual We look forward to your feedback. Best wishes, Rahal Hair Transplant
  2. @jmbuk, Because surgical hair restoration is a lifetime investment, I strongly encourage you research all surgeons you are considering. instead of simply undergoing hair transplantation with a local doctor, I suggest narrowing your selection down to 3 to 5 top doctors in the world and then selecting one based on their proven ability to produce exceptional results. If you are having difficulty picking 1 after narrowing it down to 3 to 5 excellent surgeons, then perhaps use price or location as the determining factor But selecting a surgeon based on price or location alone has led many to disappointment and the need for repair surgery Now, this isn’t to say that there aren’t some good doctors where you are located. However, in my opinion, I suggest researching doctors and clinics all over the world rather than based strictly where you live. I hope this helps Rahal Hair Transplant
  3. @Hairy future, It honestly depends on whether the clinic makes all the incisions before implantation or if they employ the stick and place technique. If they employ the stick and place technique, a few extractions are made, a few incisions are made and then a few grafts are implanted into those recipient sites. The process then repeats itself. If the clinic doesn’t employ stick and place, all the extractions are made, all the incisions are made and then all the follicles are placed. This is the way we typically perform the procedure though we typically extract a few as a test to make sure there aren’t any issues. I hope this helps. Rahal Hair Transplant
  4. @dontwannalose, Long story short, yes it is possible to lower one’s hairline even if the individual possesses no signs of genetic hair loss. However, there are risks to doing this because genetic hair loss is unpredictable. Thus, if we were to lower your hairline now for example and then you started to experience a receding hairline, there would be a gap between your lowered hairline and your recessed hairline. In order to minimize the appearance of a gob, we would transplant hair in between some of the existing natural hair that may be on the thinner side so in the event that hair is lost, there will still be transplanted hair in its place, retaining its natural appearance. At 27 years old and very nominal hair loss if any, you may very well be a candidate for this type of procedure. Of course, we would have to speak with you and learn more before deciding whether or not you are a candidate but if you’re interested, drop me a private message and I’ll be happy to set you up for an information session where you can discuss your goals and whether or not you are a candidate Best wishes, Rahal Hair Transplant
  5. @Youth_Again, I’m not sure where you change this information however, To be honest, you can actually wear a loose fitting hat immediately after hair transplant surgery. You don’t have to wait 14 days. After a week to 10 days, you can wear a snug fitting hat without any problems. I hope this helps. Rahal Hair Transplant
  6. This patient had 3038 grafts (6462 hairs) via FUE with Dr. Rahal in August of 2020. He is very happy with his results. See the surgical details and hair count breakdowns below. &&& Zone 1,2,3,4,5 (partial) &&& Recipient Area Size - 70.5 cm2 1 Haired FUs - 453 2 Haired FUs - 1788 3 Haired FUs - 755 4 Haired FUs - 42 Total Grafts - 3038 Total Hairs - 6462 Average Hairs Per Graft - 2.1 Recipient Graft Density - 43 Recipient Hair Density - 91 The patient also sent a few emails explaining that he is happy with his result so far around 8 months. See what he said below. This patient started losing hair around 17 years of age but waited until he was 38 to undergo hair transplant surgery. He started taking finasteride a few months prior to his procedure and continued taking it post-op. He also used Rogaine once daily after his procedure. His family history of hair loss includes advanced balding patterns on his mother's side as high as a Norwood class 6 and thinning on his father's side as high as a Norwood class 3. You can see his results below. Collages Individual Photos We look forward to your feedback. Best wishes, Bill Rahal Hair Transplant
  7. @21yrold, It’s very typical for the newly transplanted hair to start growing immediately after surgery up until the shedding period. That said, sometimes, some of the transponder hair will not grow before the shedding. But it doesn’t necessarily mean that those grafts did not survive. Sometimes, the trauma to the scalp during hair transplant surgery may prevent initial growth before the shedding period from occurring. However, 3 to 5 months after surgery, these newly transplanted hairs will break through the surface of the scalp and begin growing. I hope this helps. Rahal Hair Transplant
  8. @eshda, if you said this somewhere and I missed it, I apologize but exactly how far along are you from your hair transplant? In other words, when exactly did you have your hair transplant and how many months are you now? Also, some surgical details would help such as how many grafts did you have? Do you have a hair count breakdown such as how many hairs per graft? also I agree with the others that the photo quality of the pictures you presented is quite poor. Your hair is also very light as is your scalp so between your hair to scalp color ratio, the low quality of the photos and lack of knowledge regarding the date of your surgery, when the photos were taken and surgical details it’s very difficult to gauge quality. So if you could post all that, We would be able to give you a better idea of your result. Best wishes, Rahal Hair Transplant
  9. @test1638494, Hair transplant surgery operates on the principle known as donor dominance. This means that any hair moved will retain its original properties. Because hair on the sides and back of the scalp is resistant to DHT, the hormone responsible for carrying out genetic male pattern baldness, transplanted hair is also resistant to DHT. Thus, for all intensive purposes, donor hair/transplanted hair is permanent. However, there are certainly conditions in which hair on the sides and back of the scalp can thin out or be lost. For example, there are other non-genetic types of hair loss that can impact hair on the sides and back of the head. There are also other conditions such as diseases, medication‘s, treatments, etc. And technically, hair does tend to thin out at least a little bit as we age. But if you take a look at anyone experiencing extreme genetic hair loss, they always retain the hair on the sides and back of their head. And only under more rare or extreme conditions do individuals lose this hair. Thus, any hair moved from the sides of back of the head to the top is considered to be “permanent“. I hope this helps. Rahal Hair Transplant
  10. @Jay95, As I’m sure you know, everybody is different so while it typically takes up to 12 to 18 months to see your final result, slow growers may take longer for their new growth to begin, pop through the scalp and/or mature.. Thus, I think it’s definitely more than possible that you may experience new growth at 7.5 months postop. I hope this helps Best Wishes, Rahal Hair Transplant
  11. Dear forum members and guests, This patient had 3670 grafts (7896 hairs) via FUE with Dr. Rahal in November of 2020. He is very happy with his results. See the surgical details and hair count breakdowns below. &&& Zone 1,2,3 &&& Recipient Area Size - 52 cm2 1 Haired FUs - 481 2 Haired FUs - 1523 3 Haired FUs - 335 4 Haired FUs - 65 Total Grafts - 2404 Total Hairs - 4792 Average Hairs Per Graft - 2.0 Recipient Graft Density - 46 Recipient Hair Density - 92 &&& Zone 7,8,9 &&& Recipient Area Size - 50 cm2 1 Haired FUs - 0 2 Haired FUs - 694 3 Haired FUs - 572 4 Haired FUs - 0 Total Grafts - 1266 Total Hairs - 3104 Average Hairs Per Graft - 2.4 Recipient Graft Density - 25 Recipient Hair Density - 62 Total # Grafts - 3670 Total # Hairs - 7896 This patient was 32 years of age at the time of his hair transplant and started using Rogaine (minoxidil) a few months before. He also started using finasteride 3 months after surgery. The patient started losing his hair in his mid twenties and has a family history of hair loss as advanced as a Norwood class 5. You can see his results below. Collages Individual Photos We look forward to your feedback. Best wishes, Rahal Hair Transplant
  12. @diegoyrenny, This is kind of a delicate topic because drinking alcohol could simply refer to a glass of wine with dinner and it can refer to drinking heavily, partying, passing out, blacking out, etc. Since the topic was brought up, I will simply say this. I strongly recommend avoiding any heavy drinking that could lead to passing out or blocking out in general because this can be a detriment to your overall health and well-being. regarding your hair transplant, yes drinking alcohol means having a glass of wine with dinner, I don’t see any problem with this practice even the night after surgery although, it’s probably better to go out yourself to heal for a couple of days before drinking any alcohol. On the other hand, large quantities of alcohol that could lead to passing out or blacking out could be dangerous to your hair transplant within the first week. Passing out or blacking out to the buyer is accompanied by stumbling, falling and potentially hitting your head if somebody isn’t looking out for you. So while I strongly encourage you to avoid this type of drinking altogether, at the very least I would suggest avoiding this for at least a week so your transplanted hair is fully secured. Best wishes, Rahal Hair Transplant
  13. @freestyle96, If the photos you are presenting are at three months postop, then absolutely nobody can provide you with an accurate assessment of whether or not you’ll have good density when the results grow in. This is because at only three months, only a small percentage of the newly transplanted hair has begun to grow in and break through the scalp. A better assessment of what your density should and will look like would be is if you posted photos of what your scalp and hair looked life before and immediately after surgery. Best wishes, Rahal Hair Transplant
  14. @alexmillne, I have also heard that the efficacy of finasteride potency decreases overtime. And as it decreases, it’s normal for doctors to increase dosage. Whether or not it’s considered normal to take 1/3 of a 5 mg pill every day is debatable as I believe it likely varies from clinic to clinic depending what the doctor thinks based on the individuals particular case. now, do you take finasteride or are you considering it? If you are still in the process of losing hair especially if it’s aggressive, it’s probably good idea to consider using finasteride. Of course, I do strongly suggest you speak to a doctor before you do in order to learn about the advantages, disadvantages and potential side effects. Best wishes, Rahal Hair Transplant
  15. @GibGob, While many patients see significant growth by month seven, there are also many patients to grow more slowly and most of the growth happens in the later months. Honestly, it would really help if you posted photos of your scalp prior to surgery, immediately after surgery and of what it looks like now. That way, we can give you a better idea of how far along you are in the Hair Transplant growth process and possibly what to expect over the next couple of months. I hope this helps Rahal Hair Transplant
  16. @gogo123, Each hair transplant surgeon will provide their patients with a list of postoperative instructions which should include information on when is OK and acceptable to cut your hair. That said, to be safe, it may be best to wait a full 10 days to ensure all the follicular units are fully secured underneath the surface of the scalp. This will also give the donor area a chance to heal a bit. Now, if you’ve undergone FUT/strip, you will likely still have sutures or staples in at 10 days. Either way, if you do get a haircut, just be sure your barber knows about your hair transplant, any sutures or staples you still have in and that he proceeds with caution. Best wishes, Rahal Hair Transplant
  17. @Jerome, Diffuse thinners can be a good candidate for hair transplant surgery under certain conditions. However, under other circumstances, they can be at risk. For starters, are there any signs of thinning in the donor area? Some individuals with a diffuse thinning pattern also possess miniaturization at the sides and back of the scalp making it difficult to perform hair transfer surgery. If miniaturization is occurring in the donor area, they are typically not good candidates. Some individuals with a diffuse thinning pattern also possess retrograde alopecia which starts with a thinning of the hair at the nape area and the bottom of the sides near the ears and gradually makes it way upwards. On the other hand, if an individual with a diffuse thinning pattern has somewhat stabilized their hair loss by using finasteride, they could potentially be a good candidate for surgery and increase the overall amount of net hair. But yes an individual with a diffuse tanning pattern is not using finasteride and/or is still aggressively losing hair, surgery would likely exacerbate permanent loss to the miniaturizing hairs and result in either a net loss of permanent hair or a simple replacement of natural hair with transplanted hair. in summary, transplanting hair on a diffuse thinner can be a bit risky but it certainly can be done under the right circumstances. Dr. Rahal takes each patient one case at a time. Rahal Hair Transplant
  18. This patient received 2741 grafts (5644 hairs) via FUE hair transplant surgery with Dr. Rahal in June of 2020. He is very happy with his results. See his surgical details including hair count breakdowns below. ************** # Zones 1,2,3 # 1 haired FUs - 540 2 haired FUs - 1515 3 haired FUs - 670 4 haired FUs - 16 Total # Grafts - 2741 Total # Hairs - 5644 Average Hairs per Graft - 2.05 Recipient Graft Density - 37 Receipient Hair Density - 77 # Zones 7,8,9 # 1 haired FUs - 0 2 haired FUs - 180 3 haired FUs - 260 4 haired FUs - 0 Total # Grafts - 440 Total # Hairs - 1140 Average Hairs per Graft - 2.5 Recipient Graft Density - 12 Receipient Hair Density - 32 # Grand Total # Grafts - 3181 # # Grand Total # Hairs - 6789 # ************** This patient started losing hair in his mid 20's and underwent hair transplant surgery at 43 years of age. He had 2 previous hair transplants with another doctor totaling approximately 1500-2000 to the hairline via the first procedure and 2500 more to the hairline during the second one. He also had some crown work done. The "before" photos below is what the patient looked like immediately prior to the procedure with Dr. Rahal. He's been on both Propecia and Rogaine for approximately 10 years prior to his treatment. He also started Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) treatment after his procedure. His family history of hair loss includes patterns as high as a Norwood class 4 and 5 on his paternal side only. Below is a copy of an email the patient sent us at 8 months See his results below. Collages Individual Photos We look forward to your feedback. Rahal Hair Transplant
  19. @efbb88, Every clinic has their own set of postoperative instructions. I always advise patients to listen to what their clinics say on each topic. That said, generally speaking, at 11 days postop, I think it’s pretty safe to do most weightlifting activities however, if you have undergone FUT/strip surgery, I advise some level of caution on lifting too heavy or doing any exercise that might strain the donor area which may possibly lead to scar stretching. But if you underwent FUE, then this is not an issue. That said, use common sense. You still don’t wanna do anything to hurt yourself or cause any pain in the donor or recipient area. You may want to avoid any contact sports that might result in a blow to the head of any kind. Just know that at 10/11 days postop, the newly transplanted grafts are fully secured and would require surgery to have them removed. So the good news is, weight lifting or resuming any normal daily activities won’t negatively impact the results. Best wishes, Rahal Hair Transplant
  20. @alexmillne, Well hopefully, you’ve already had your consultation because that’s something that typically occurs long prior to the hair transplant in order for you to determine whether or not you wish to proceed with a particular surgeon and procedure. Personally, I’ve never heard of this doctor but hopefully you’ve done your due diligence in researching this physician and you are confident with the results they are regularly producing. That said, be sure to follow your clinics preoperative instructions and you should be fine. Other than that, just make sure you get plenty of rest good night before surgery and eat well the night before. You don’t want to be fatigued on the day of your surgery. Note that I’m not saying that this will affect the outcome or the results. It would just make for an uncomfortable and long day of surgery. Best of luck, Rahal Hair Transplant
  21. Gogo123, For whatever reason, sex and masturbation seems to be uncomfortable and awkward topics for some people to discuss. I think it’s good that you’ve discussed this in detail with your surgeon as sex is a very important part of any relationship and life. Frankly, the only bad questions are the ones not asked. The main reason why clinics suggest waiting a few days to have sex is to prevent “popping” of the grafts due to increased heart rate and any strain. Blood pressure does and can increase slightly but only temporarily during sex as well. Of course you’d also want to mention to your partner not to touch your head during sexual activity as well But honestly, popping is rare and would likely only occur on the first day or two, if at all - but likely not even then. Just be cautious, gentle and use good judgement and you will be fine 🙂 Note that I’ve been in the hair restoration profession for over 15 years and I’ve had for hair transplant procedures myself. This topic has come up a number of times And I’ve had discussion with numerous surgeons about it over the years. trust me, you’ll be fine . Best wishes, Rahal Hair Transplant
  22. This patient received 2520 grafts (5224 hairs) via FUE hair transplantation in the summer of 2020. He is very happy with his results. His surgical detail is below. ****************** 1 haired FUs - 469 2 haired FUs - 1417 3 haired FUs - 615 4 haired FUs - 19 Total # Grafts - 2520 Total # Hairs - 5224 Average Hairs per Graft - 2.07 Recipient Graft Density - 52.5 Recipient Hair Density - 108.8 Hair Calibre - 54 Micron ****************** The patient was 33 years old at the time of his procedure and started losing his hair in his early 20's. He was using the laser helmet prior to sur.gery but did not use Rogaine (minoxidil) nor Propecia (finasteride). He did start using minoxidil post-transplant but was not interested in using finasteride. His family history includes hair loss on his paternal side only - up to a Norwood class 5 / 6. The patient wrote in at 8 months expressing satisfaction with his results so far. Below is what he had to say. We also saw the patient in person at 12 months and he is very happy with his results. His results are below. Collages Individual Photos We look forward to your feedback. Best wishes, Rahal Hair Transplant
  23. BaldV, I'm sorry, but I have to emphatically disagree. Firstly, how old are you? Are you older than 40? Even if the above statement regarding how much one cares about their hair is true for you at 20 vs 40, this is definitely not true for everyone. That statement definitely wasn't true for me and I feel quite certain that others felt the same way as I did. In general, I think it's dangerous to assume that others can't feel a certain way just because we don't. Everyone is different and as a result, so is how we feel. Just thought I'd offer my two cents on this. Rahal Hair Transplant
  24. @Turkhair, To be honest, I’ve been hearing that a hair loss cure is about 3 to 5 years away for about 40 years. They’re still saying the same thing. As close as the researchers say they are getting, there still doesn’t seem to be a light at the end of the tunnel so to speak. That said, thankfully today’s top surgeons have advanced surgical hair restoration, especially FUE and can provide men suffering from hair loss with exceptionally dense and natural looking results. Now, your statement about having to go to Turkey to obtain a top-notch hair transplant… I’m not sure where you’re thinking on that one originates but be careful. While there may be some decent hair transplant surgeons in Turkey, Turkey is a hotspot for botched hair transplants and other cosmetic procedures. The inexpensive price is typically what lures individuals there, but please just be careful and do your due diligence in researching all surgeons you are considering. Best wishes, Rahal Hair Transplant
  25. @zlasevom, I read through everything you shared and to be completely honest with you, I believe you are completely fine. There’s nothing you shared that I believed would have damaged or injured your newly transplanted grafts at any point. You yourself said that you didn’t see any blood when you bumped your head and didn’t see any lost grafts. Also keep in mind that the spirit of postoperative instructions are more important than the letter so to speak. In general, it’s just a good idea to avoid any strenuous activity in order to protect the grafts. But a number of people have sex and masturbate shortly after surgery and do not damage their hair transplant in any way. The truth is, it’s a lot more difficult than you think to damage your hair transplant post up. So as long as you’re not engaging in any overly rough or combative activities that’s going to cause strain on your hair transplant for the first couple of days to a week, you should be completely fine. if you are really concerned and one more specific input on your procedure, feel free to post your surgical detail and some photos of your scalp before surgery, immediately after the procedure and what it looks like today. Best wishes, Rahal Hair Transplant
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