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Posts posted by lorenzo

  1. John Gasparini; Not to take anything away from your happiness or results. You are intitled to your point of view just like anyone is and your feedback is valuable to people considering a HT.

    I think that you would have an easier time convincing President Bush that Sadam is a good man than convincing alot of the posters that Brandy does good work and he cares. Brandy in my opinion is no better than Bosley. Again this doesn't mean that what you are saying is incorrect but this is the view of many people.


    <BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>One thing began to happen. Brandy's name was coming forward not only as a really talented surgeon, but he was teaching outrageous numbers of practioneers all around the United States, had invented surgical tools for the process and perfected many of the grafting techniques that are used.


    That is ironic but in the internet Brandy name usually comes out as negative and a doctor to avoid. Some poster are only on the internet to make sure that other don't make a mistake by going to see him. One poster signature says "Dr Brandy=the source of 10 years of suffering. DO NOT repeat my mistake! "



    My friend consider yourself lucky that you are happy...





  2. John Gasparini: Since you just registered today its really hard to give you alot of crediablity. Let say what you are saying is true, I congradulate you. I have been posting for around 18 months and have heard alot of horror stories about Dr. Brandy.

    Check this out



    Comments 2


    This are only a few of them. I agree some patients have posted that they have recieved good results but the majority its very negative.

    I would never recommend Brandy even to my worst enemy.




  3. Stephen Sargeant;


    1) I myself would never go to a MHR but its good that you are considering a doctor rather than a company. Is this the same doctor that did the flap?? I have heard alot of negative stuff about MHR but not much negative or positive about Dr. Mayer. Are they doing FU or micro and mini grafts?


    2)What is a fair price for a graft? That is a good question. $5 is probaly a fair price with the worlds best but don't let price influence your decision, a bad transplant is not a good deal even if its for free.


    3)2500 FU is about right, maybe even a bit low if you are looking for good coverage in the front and light coverage in the back.


    4) I have heard nothing about Dr William Reed.


    5) There is nothing wrong with haggling with the price some doctors will do it some won't. I am telling you that price although important is the last thing that you need to worry about. Some of the world best doctors charge up to $8 a graft and I rather go to them, then pay $1 like some doctors charge.


    If you need to travel to get the best transplant then do it. There are many good doctors in Canada that charge from $2.50 to $4.50 per graft for amazing results.


    Good luck




  4. Anonymous; transplants with good doctors do look natural, but nothing beats real hair. At 20 years old everything bothered me and thank god my hair wasn't one of them. I would never recommend a hair transplant to anyone under 30 unless they have a bald area or really thin. I have the thickest hair until I was around 25 and if someone told me that I was going to lose my hair at 20 I would never believe them. The truth of the matter is that there are doctor out there that will transplant anyone regardless of age without thinking about your best interests. Think about the future and don't worry about a high hairline I bet you that its in your head.


    Just my opinion



  5. Ken; Another Bosley victim. I feel bad for the stuff that Bosley has done to many people. When the internet was created that was the beginning of the end for alot of business taking advantage of people.

    I find your website a bit confusing. Those black head look like hair to me and if everything you are saying is correct thats great!!! Since science states there is no possible way that a hair should grow back after 20 years and am also intreged. I am more interested that a hair follicle can stay dormant for 20 can grow back then the medicines responsible for it. You sound excited and thats fantastic but I think an 18 year old hairline is asking too much, how about a 22 year old.

    Good luck

  6. WOW!!!!I knew the day would come when someone would scoupe up Mr. Jotronic. You have helped alot of people on this website and also became my friend. Your knowledge and your helpfulness has helped alot of people make their decision.

    Now you can tell everyone that I don't work there..lol.. Great transplant, great job and great company if anyone deserves it, its you. I know that you spend alot of time out of your goodness to help people both on the internet and in person. As envious as I am I am also very happy for you. Another American stealing job from us poor Canadians...lol...



    Good luck

  7. Woodies to the rescue . You are very predictable and knew that you would be the first to respond.


    <BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Dr Woods is Human. If he is paranoid, thats him.. So be it.. What was the point of starting this thread. To help the poster isohair, or just start flames and arguements?




    A doctor owns a patients a certain kind of respect. Your leader is paranoid and his history shows that his post against people like Poet have done nothing more than lose creditality.



    <BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> Are you a perfect human being?


    I can tell you for the most part 95% would say on this forum and every other forum you are participate in, that you are defenitely not...



    Are you ok? Baldbozo you are nothing more than Woods b$tch. Never shown one picture always defending and justifying the fact that you spend ten of thousands on his procedure.

    I am not perfect that is for sure but if I asked $8800 for anywhere from 200-600 grafts you bet I would try my best to be.


    <BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> Before you call someone else paranoid perhaps you should look in the mirror first...


    I am paranoid? This is an open forum right?When I look in the mirror I am very happy with what I see and thankful that I didn't have to mortgage my house to get a transplant.

    Now make sure that you get a pat on the head and tonight you deserve a bigger bone.




  8. This comment was made on another website


    <BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Hey all. Quick history on me: 28, only noticeable thinning in hairline (2 inches deep). I went to Dr. Woods nearly 6 months ago for 600 grafts (only at hairline) as I wanted to avoid a large noticeabe linear scar.


    Fast forward to today -- My head is MUCH more diffuse ALL over (a diffuse thinning going all the way to my vertex!--not happy about this). In other words, I can CLEARLY see my scalp from my hairline to vertex (some areas are slightly thicker) whereas it was quite thick and dark prior to the procedure.


    I am getting extremely concerned about the situation. At the 4.5-5 month stage, I initially noticed a slight overall thinning. Keep in mind I have never had issues with diffuse thinning and the diffuse thinning likely was around before then as I had my hair short and hardly ever checked non-hairline thickness.


    I'm currently using 5% Xandrox (have been for 3 weeks all over my head; 3 months at hairline). I've read stories of others who've had loss at non-transplanted areas of their head and can only hope it will return. In fact, my transplanted hairline hair is thinning as well. I'm hoping someone can offer some advice; I should be enjoying a thickened hairline and not dealing with a situation IMO MUCH worse than prior to the transplant.


    Then on another website this comment was made

    <BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>





    Someone by the name "isohair" has made some extraordinary comments on hlh about a single hairline procedure he apparently had with us 6 months ago.


    We ask isohair to present our office with evidence to substantiate and verify his claim, and also present pictures on all the forums.


    We need to exercise vigilance and security measures as we have been targeted by certain people whose aim it is to discredit us and the Declaration of Patients Rights , so that the mainstream public never hears about it. More about this later.


    Dr Woods




    Now I don't see where this guy is trying to discredit anyone. Why does Dr. Woods so aggressively want to protect the truth. This gentleman went to go see him on March 25 and Dr. Woods knows it. Instead of contacting this person directly he rather post with some BS story. Why does Dr. Woods insist that he posts pictures when all along he doesn't post any good pictures himself? These commented are both uncalled for and disgusting. What gives a doctor the right to attack a patient and make up a story when he knows exactly who it is?


    This is the guys original posting about going to Woods.

    Posting about going to Woods


    What other secrets is Dr. Woods trying to cover up?





  9. This comment was made on another website


    <BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Hey all. Quick history on me: 28, only noticeable thinning in hairline (2 inches deep). I went to Dr. Woods nearly 6 months ago for 600 grafts (only at hairline) as I wanted to avoid a large noticeabe linear scar.


    Fast forward to today -- My head is MUCH more diffuse ALL over (a diffuse thinning going all the way to my vertex!--not happy about this). In other words, I can CLEARLY see my scalp from my hairline to vertex (some areas are slightly thicker) whereas it was quite thick and dark prior to the procedure.


    I am getting extremely concerned about the situation. At the 4.5-5 month stage, I initially noticed a slight overall thinning. Keep in mind I have never had issues with diffuse thinning and the diffuse thinning likely was around before then as I had my hair short and hardly ever checked non-hairline thickness.


    I'm currently using 5% Xandrox (have been for 3 weeks all over my head; 3 months at hairline). I've read stories of others who've had loss at non-transplanted areas of their head and can only hope it will return. In fact, my transplanted hairline hair is thinning as well. I'm hoping someone can offer some advice; I should be enjoying a thickened hairline and not dealing with a situation IMO MUCH worse than prior to the transplant.


    Then on another website this comment was made

    <BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>





    Someone by the name "isohair" has made some extraordinary comments on hlh about a single hairline procedure he apparently had with us 6 months ago.


    We ask isohair to present our office with evidence to substantiate and verify his claim, and also present pictures on all the forums.


    We need to exercise vigilance and security measures as we have been targeted by certain people whose aim it is to discredit us and the Declaration of Patients Rights , so that the mainstream public never hears about it. More about this later.


    Dr Woods




    Now I don't see where this guy is trying to discredit anyone. Why does Dr. Woods so aggressively want to protect the truth. This gentleman went to go see him on March 25 and Dr. Woods knows it. Instead of contacting this person directly he rather post with some BS story. Why does Dr. Woods insist that he posts pictures when all along he doesn't post any good pictures himself? These commented are both uncalled for and disgusting. What gives a doctor the right to attack a patient and make up a story when he knows exactly who it is?


    This is the guys original posting about going to Woods.

    Posting about going to Woods


    What other secrets is Dr. Woods trying to cover up?





  10. I smoked on my breaks from surgery. Sometimes I told the girls that I needed 5 minutes for a smoke and no one said anything. After surgery I probaly smoked more. Either way smoking is a bad habit and we both need to quit.





  11. I agree with Arfy. Its not only an art to create a hairline. It is an art to understand what will look good on a patient in the future. Do posters actually think that most top doctors can't give most patients a teenage hairline if they wanted to? Top doctors refuse to do it because they understand what may happen in the future.

    Some doctors that are aggressive give the patients the young hairline that they want. What bothers me is that they also think that they are specialists at it. I don't want to mention names but this particular doctor actually considers himself one of the best in the industry. Please remember that the masterpieces of today could end of being the mishaps of tomorrow.


    Be careful...we all have dreams..



  12. Arson: Proscar usually take 6 months-24 months to see any results. Proscar is mostly to maintain your hair and rarely gives above results in returning hair.


    Day 1: PROPECIA begins working to lower DHT levels.


    Month 3: You may notice a slowing of hair loss.


    Month 6: You may see evidence of less hair loss. That's a success. You may actually begin to see some regrowth of hair.


    Month 9: If PROPECIA is working for you, at this point you should be maintaining the hair you have. You may even grow back some of the hair you've lost.


    Year 1: By now you'll know if PROPECIA is working for you. If it's not, further treatment is not likely to help.

    Procepia Pictures



  13. Although you are young, you are in a position that most of us older guys envy.

    I never started losing my hair until I was 27 but it probaly started thinning around 25. If I would have started proscar back them right now I probaly would have alot of my original hair left but who knows.

    I suggest you go to a doctor and take PROSCAR as soon as possible. I believe no shampoo can help hairloss.




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