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Posts posted by lorenzo

  1. First of all I wish you a successful outcome to your surgery.

    Your positive have nothing to do with hair transplants..........maybe a health spa. icon_wink.gif.


    Some of your negative are scary in my opinion. I do not agree or feel comfortable allowing workers that are not doctors making the incisions. This is an extremely important part of the surgery. Making the incision to deep or too shallow has an affect on growth and scaring. I do not know much about this doctor so I do not want to comment but if I was looking for a transplant your comments are enough for me to never consider him.

    Regardless I hope he hit a homerun with your results and you will be content.

  2. The thing is, I WANT to be persuaded that Dr. De Reys can achieve as consistently exceptional results with his particular FUE technique as Coalition Physicians achieve with strip. But it doesn't help my confidence that Prohair Clinic would engage in what I consider to be dodgy marketing tactics.


    I do not think that will happen not with Dr. De Reys or any other FUE doctor. In over 5 years we are yet to see any doctor come close to consistant exceptional results of the strip doctor especially the elite doctors of the coalition. I don't think Bart posted on the internet has been positive towards his business. Anybody knowledgable to able to see through his PRO FUE, strip is bad marketing. Honestly without any disrespect I have not been impressed by the photos he posts. Just my opinion............

  3. Aj good post for you first post. I agree with a lot of stuff you say.

    I feel Bart is a good guy and something his excitement of FUE overlooks what is true and realistic. FUE has been around strongly for 5 years through lots of clinics making promises it has not come close to strip for consistant natural results. There is nothing wrong being pro-FUE but I think it is important to be realistic and honestly about the limitations it offers.

  4. This is a good friend of mine Chuck that recieved a transplant in his hairline from Dr. Hasson 5 years before this video. Some doctors recommend even waiting up to 6 months before returning to the gym. He was back at the gym as soon as his staple were removed without any problems with his scar. It actually a pretty cool video showing him in the afternoon of a bodybuilding competiton, he can barely move or talk because he is so dehyrated. This video shows his hairline with his haircut short even 5 years later it still looks great in my opinion.


  5. This is a good friend of mine Chuck that recieved a transplant in his hairline from Dr. Hasson 5 years before this video. Some doctors recommend even waiting up to 6 months before returning to the gym. He was back at the gym as soon as his staple were removed without any problems with his scar. It actually a pretty cool video showing him in the afternoon of a bodybuilding competiton, he can barely move or talk because he is so dehyrated. This video shows his hairline with his haircut short even 5 years later it still looks great in my opinion.


  6. Looking at your pictures my opinion is that you have excellent donor area, but it also depend on laxity as well.

    Based on pictures alone, I would say the number you are hoping for is not out of the questions, but again pictures are hard to judge. You are in good hand with Dr. Wong.

  7. Bill;

    I just want to start off by saying my opinions are strictly mine. I assist H&W only with translation and nothing to do with working for the hair industry. I mentioned it to you when I started posting because I wasn't sure.

    I remember reading about Dr. Mohmand being removed. Is being recommended different than being in the coalition? Anyways I did not mean to sound so harsh but I am very curious about the laser comb. Trying to read and understand two doctor on two different views was interesting for somebody like me. Now I feel his views are biast and reading his opinion somewhat worthless since he may have a finacial gain from being pro laser. I am looking forward to his explanation as well.

    Capt'N Mop! I agree with you I am totally on the fence. I am tempted to try it for the 20 weeks and have Joe take accurate non biast picture in two weeks intervals to see whether it make a difference of not. I am thinking about it if I decide to I will post pictures. Just at $600 for the comb it means I will not be able to go drinking for the weekend if I buy it.... icon_rolleyes.gif

  8. I have been reading most of the thread about laser because I am curious as well. I do feel that Dr. Mohmand should not have entered this discussion without disclosing his affiliation with Hairmax. This is my opinion is deceptive and dishonest there is no defence for not disclosing this to the reading like myself. I have been reading the discussion without knowing there is a certain biast based on the affilication with hairmax so I am not happy about it.

    I hope that this is not a doctor that you consider for the coaltion since the high level of integrity is now in question.

    Just my opinion...........

  9. Some of these results look impressive. It is hard to say whether they are taking meds as well because if they started proscar at the same time is this result from laser or proscar?


    Bill; Since you seen to be somewhat neutral on this issue why not have a little experiment yourself. Grab somebody that is not taking any meds and let them try the laser. I am sure if you told the laser company your intentions they would probaly give you one for free. That way maybe we can lay this to rest to a certain extent. I would be happy to try it out although I do take proscar it is at the stage of maintain right now, but I do not want to pay that price for it.

  10. I have been reading this debate about laser. Although I do not have an opinion I am a bit skepical about it. Having said that I hope they do work. I think this debate will go on forever because neither side want to back down. I recommend that they doctors that do indeed feel the laser work post some pictures, show the world that it does work on your patient. Ever offer a few people free treatment that are not using any other meds . If this study does work you should benifit from it.

    I myself would be curious because if it work I would buy a comb myself. Just an idea.....

  11. have to agree with Dr. M that a clinic does not have to use microscopes to perform top quality results.


    I think that is it also important to point out that just because a clinic uses microscopes doesn't mean you are going to get a top quality result.


    Although I believe microscopes are essential part of having consistant top quality results, the doctor ability is even more important.

    Just because you have a ferrari doesn't make you an indy driver......

  12. Through researching the internet many people will go where the best doctors are regardless of distance. Some of 5 minites away others are on the other side of the world.

    Most repairs patients that I have met that come to H&W, 95% those who chose a doctor that lived in there area. They have convinced themselves that the doctor in there area was capable of performing an good transplant. If you live in an area where there is not a good doctor just because you do not want to travel at the end you will end up travelling anyways.

    I always say there is nothing wrong with going bald its natural, but having a bad transplant is not.

    good luck to you.

  13. Jotronic mades alot of good points.

    We do big sessions almost every day


    Exept Saturday and Sunday right.... icon_wink.gif


    it. We do big sessions almost every day and have yet to run into the limitations mentioned by Dr. Bernstein


    From my experience both Dr. Hasson and Dr. Wong are always looking at the future of the patients concerning hairloss. They don't put patients at risk of limitations, from what I have seen. In fact they seem to be more concerned about future hairloss and limitations then the patients are.

  14. I am sorry but without any disrespect to Dr. Bernstien but his comments may make sense pratically but in reality he is wrong.

    Everything he is saying going against everything that I have seen first hand on many occasions.

    "For example, I would prefer to have full growth with a properly placed 2,500 ??“ 3,000 graft hair transplant session than partial growth in a 5,000 graft session. Of course, the 5,000 graft session will look fuller than 2,500 grafts but, in my experience, never twice as full, and never as full as two 2,500 graft sessions."


    Here is one example why he is wrong in my opinion.




    Look at patient seven.




    Patient with the same sort of hairloss


    Now if you look at the patient from Dr. Hasson he recieved one session of 4200 grafts. The second patient recieved two session of 4550. I tryed to find two patients that have the same sort of hairloss. Now does it appear to you that the patient with with two session and 350 more grafts look fuller?

    Anyways once again no disrespect to Dr. Bernstien but I feel many doctor who can't or choose not to do megasessions should just say so rather than writing many negative reasons why don't agree with it. There is a doctor in Italy that met one of the patients that had mega session of 5500 with H&W instead of going to him because he would not be able to do more than 3000 this is what he said to the patient.

    I am not able to do more than 2500-3000 grafts I know it is possible but I can not do it.


    Now rather than write a book on why he did not do it he was honest.

  15. Kickass;

    I post on this website to give my experience and to support people decision and hope they get a KICKASS result.

    I was wondering if you would have researching this website and other hair websites would you have still chosen Dr. Sadick. If so can you please give me the reason why? I am just wondering because like many I have not heard of him and with Dr. Feller as a world class doctor near by I was wondering if you had heard of Dr. Feller?

    Thank you and once again good luck!!

  16. From reading different forums and seeing results on line Dr. Feller is a great choice.


    Kickass; I am happy that you had a great experience and hope that your results are amazing. However recommending a doctor without even having a final results is a bit premature. Good experience don't mean good results. Also through my experience and knowledge doctor that only offer hair transplant and nothing else are more likely to give you a more high quality and natural result. Reading his website it sounds like he also offers flaps and scalp reductions which is now considered a big no-no in hair transplantion.

    Regardless good luck!!

  17. I believe that anybody that reads this forum are amongst the most educated concerning hair transplant. Dr. Feller has build his reputation with good work and satified patients, it is easy to tell what is a shill and who is not.

    Many companies and reps first come on this forum and try to boost there company learn very quickly that a good reputation takes alot of years and satisfied client to achieve.

    Potential patient research the internet are are able to tell the difference between who is a good doctor and who is not. Bosley is smart and successful not because he uses the internet but because his informercials still have a big affect on the consumer that doesn't research or use the computer.

    My point is Nika you do not have to say anything your clients will speak strongly whether its positive or negative. The truth will always come out to those who research.

  18. WazzuHair;

    By choosing Dr. Hasson you made a good choice.. In my experiences being nervous is normal, most people are before surgery. Just relax everything will be fine and once you are finished you will wonder why you were even nervous to start. I will actually be there that day assisting an italian patient that is having surgery with Dr. Wong.

    In my opinion being a 5 ( I assume that is diameter of hair shaft) can produce a very natural result. Although you may need a bit more density at the end the results look fanastic. Once again I am not a doctor this is only my opinion.

    See your there.

  19. The topic of FUE vs Strip has been debated many times in the past. Although I feel FUE has its place in the hair industry it is not a replacement for strip surgery. FUE has been know for around 6 years on the forums and yet to see any results that are consistant with the results from good strip doctors.

    As for Bart I always though it was common knowledge that he was part owner of of his clinic. Although at times I feel his statement are more based in self promotion than fact I feel that his pictures on his company website are honest and the pictures show both the reality and what results to expect from his clinic. .

    I do not feel his comments should or would not influence anybody to go to his clinic. After looking at the pictures on his website I feel that the majority of people would understand the limitation of FUE.

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