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Posts posted by lorenzo

  1. My understanding is that you would be able to use somebody hair (a close match) instead of yours as long as you are using anti-rejection drugs. The anti-rejections drugs have very powerful side effects that no doctor in there right mind would give them to you for your hair. Sure you may have more hair but your kidneys and liver would cause alot of problems you may even start looking yellow because of the effect of the drugs.

    Just my thoughts.......

  2. Welcome I think today may be your luckiest day concerning you hairloss. There is only one think worse than losing your hair that is having a bad transplant.

    You obviously have done no research on the internet concerning hair transplant because if you had Bosley in my opinion would not even be a consideration. Just research as much as you can before you even CONSIDER any doctor and learn as much as possible. I understand that infomerials can be very powerful especially when many of us are usually tired, drunk or can't sleep when they are on.

    There are many more bad doctors than good one in the hair transplant industry if you chose the right one you will consider it one of the best decision you made if you choose the wrong one if can affect the rest of your life in a negative way. Good luck..

  3. Sorry I misread what you said. I don't agree with the way Woods tryed to protect FUE or market it. I agree it doesn't take a genius (doctor) to figure out how FUE works. I just feel there are too many reps that are showing picture that are not realistic about megasession of FUE. When I sales rep shows pictures it is not the same as a patient that has posted previously on hair sites posting after pictures. Pictures can be shown at angle and at lighting that make it appear alot better than it is actually is.

  4. Promoting Woods? Are you serious? I have been posting for over 7 years check my post from the past you can see what I have said about him.

    Although I feel his price are expensive I do believe when you pay for 600 grafts you will get 600 grafts.

    I can only give my opinion. Many doctors have jumped on the FUE megasession bandwagon I am not convinced yet. Therefore if I were to ever need a session of under 1000 and I could only have FUE these would be the only doctors I would chose. Having said that I would never had FUE done because I will never be in that position.

    Jupiter lets hope in 4 years that there will be more options for you.

  5. Really does it make a difference right now Jupiter?? icon_wink.gif It says you want to get a transplant in 4 years I am sure that list will change many times over in the future.

    From my experience and PROPER photo documentation the only two doctors that I can morally recommend are Dr. Feller and Dr. Woods. All others promote promote and promote but don't show proper photos in my opinion.

  6. Most of the italian patients that I have assisted have had surgery where they are charged a flat rate. The price is usually 5000euros and the bad scar is free icon_wink.gif. Most of them do not have clue how many grafts they have recieved but they appear easy to count since you can see them from a great distance. My guess is it average out to about 400-500. I don't have to tell you these are the people that come to be repaired.

    In my opinion the flat rate would benifit the doctor.

  7. Lovemyhair your post looks fishy to me. Your only post and you recommend cosmetic tattooing along with the link of the company. I have seen two people with it done, it looks horrible. I am sure at the beginning it may look alright but once it turns grey it is a huge eyesore, very noticible.

    Rah; I have seen your pictures, its appears to me that your scar is not in a bad spot (not too low or high), I am sure that a scar revision would definately improve it.

    If you are considering doing this I suggest you research and see post from patients that have actually had scar revision done. Usually the italians that I have met that have come to H&W have done a procedure before in europe and almost all of them have an unacceptable scar. Usually the doctor removes the scar when they are taking a new strip. In my experiences I would say as long as the scar is not too low or high this has been successful.

    If you have any questions talk to Jotronic because I am not a doctor nor do I work for H&W I only assist when needed to translation if I am available.

    Good luck

  8. go4it; A hair transplant is cosmetic surgery will all surgery there is a small possiblity things can go wrong. With the top notch doctors this possible is considerably lower to even less than 1%. By saying this I mean not all the grafts grow but I have yet to see a case of this at H&W.


    What I was concerned about was the possiblity of going through all of this and spending so many $$$ only to find out that you end up with no more hair on top,a scar,fewer hairs in back and a drained bank account.


    Your concern is normal that is why you have forums like this is assist you on making a decision to get a transplant or not. Every patient that I have met along with three friends of mine are extremely happy after they see the results. You really have nothing to worry about if you pick the right doctor. Check patients photos and if possible meet patients live this will make you feel comfortable. Find the doctor you feel comfortable with and if it means travelling for 8 hours on a plane then do it, after all it is your hair and sometimes the best doctors are not near you.

    Where do you live? Now old are you? How much hairloss do you have???

  9. That is a good question. There are many definition in my opinion. In years past when they were doing plugs of 15-25 hairs, many patients were happy at the beginning because they had enough of there own hair to cover up the plugs therefore giving them a someone satifactory outcome. As years past and they began to lose they own hair there result became more unnatural and noticable. In my opinion when a doctor doesn't consider the future of the patient or his hairloss when he is perform a transplant this is a failed transplant in my eyes.

    Giving a 20 year old kid that is NW3 a strong 20 years old hairline may seen at the beginning that it was a successful surgery but if that kid become a NW6 when he is 35 he will look very wierd with that hairline.

    In realtistic terms, a failed transplant is one when all the grafts do not grow or your outcome is not the one that you are promised. In 99% of all cases this doesn't happen with a reputable doctor. Sometimes the patient has unrealistic expecations and even though the doctor has addressed them, he is not happy. There are some people that you will never make happy no matter what. Believe me there are some people that need to go see a mental doctor before they have a transplant because there pain is much deeper than loss of hair.

    In my opinion there is much more failures in FUE than strip because of the aspect of blind harvesting. Although some people may disagree I have yet to see the same type of transformation in patients as I do with strip. I am only talking about the reputable doctors not the bad ones. Some doctors do have the patients best interest at heart but are not capable of achieving good results because of inexperience while other will prey on you to make the money and at the end to go to bed at night without worrying about it.

    If you research enough and find the right doctor, the right expectation and the proper game plan there is not reason to have a failed transplant, in fact you will wonder why you did not do it sooner.

  10. I agree with some of what you are saying. I do believe in the majority of situations it is better to wait until you are in your late 20's or 30's, depending on the hairloss. But there are doctor out there that will perform surgery on a 20 year old NW2, doing this in my opinion is immoral and wrong.

    Some people will not find happiness with or without hair, that is why it is important for a doctor to understand the patient. Dr. Hasson refused me when I first met him when I was 25 and a NW2. At the time I was not happy about it but years later I was thankful because the hairline that I wanted them is not the hairline I would be happy with today.

    Have you checked all your opinions on the donor scar??? I understand that you may not trust doctors but scar can be reduced with a scar revision in most situations.

  11. Louie I really do feel bad that you have recieved a bad transplant in the past and would not want to wish that upon anybody. You are a new poster and I am not sure if you know what kind of resourses and education there is on the website now compared to when you probaly recieved your hair transplant. I think you need to research yourself on hair transplant today compared to the past. I try to understand why you seem to have only one opinion towards hair transplant but that is not the reality anymore.

    I acknowlege that fact that there are more bad transplant doctors than good, if somebody researches properly they will find a world class doctor that will make a great improvement not only with hair but in most cases in self confindence.

    Now I think you need to acknowlegde that there are good doctors out there that delivery what they promise and you will recieve a good cosmetic results after you are done. By not doing this I feel that you are being narrow minded and your opinion only based on your experience and not reality. So your recommodations can look selfish and not realistic. I do not mean to sound harsh I do not know how you feel since my hair transplant was the best decision that I made the only problem is that I should have done it sooner.

    Is there anyway of improving your situation??? Have you consulted with a top notch doctor?? Regardless I hope your situation is fixable.

  12. Good luck Clive you made a good choice. Keep us posted!!



    Just make sure the results are worth the scars! I know this is a pro HT site but there are thousands and thousands of people that are not happy after the fact.


    You have probaly been stung in the past. If you pick the right doctor you will be very happy after the fact. Although your experiences are valuable you will find that most people on this website spend a long time researching, and eduactioning themselve about hair transplants. Your comments towards somebody that has little knowledge could have an affect and maybe scare them but to the majority of the poster on here, probaly understand that you are somebody that has chosen the wrong doctor and recieved an unsatifacty result and scar in the past. I understand this was probaly not your fault because there are many bad doctors that prey are young people insecurities.

  13. I had alot of Indian friends, many of them shave there heads and look really good. I would recommend doing that and seeing how you like it.

    Remember there is only one thing worse than going bald, having a bad transplant. I could not recommend any of these doctor with a clear conscience. You seem to be set on having a hair transplant in India, unfortuanately I feel there are no world class hair transplant doctors that I am aware of. In my opinion you will be flipping a coin...

  14. If somebody had a transplant done and are happy there are going to pick them as number one even though they have never seen other doctors work live. I may be biast but the transformation done by H&W in frequency are unrivaled in photos from any other doctor I have seen on the internet. Bobman, Jotronic, Futzyhead, Shuffle, Brocciante (italian patient I have met, the most incredible I have seen), and many others. There photos are the most accurate and less flattering photos that give you a realistic look on what somebody looks like. If you meet a patient in person after you have seen there photos they will look better.

    So my top 5 would be

    1)Hasson and Wong




  15. I have met quite a few italian patients that have work(if you call it that) done by DHI. My experience with DHI is that they are very money oriented and I rather go bald then have them touch my head.

    KG who used to post on here I believe is the owner, he talked so much BS and self promotion but never had anything to back his claims. The guarantee in my opinion is another marketing tool to get you in there. Be careful!!

  16. Are you serious??? If you have honestly done your research and you are considering this doctor you should be considering other types of surgery. Sorry for sounding so harsh but if you don't have an interest or work for this doctor and you can honestly tell me that you are considering him I do not know what else to say.

    If I needed to get a transplant and he offering me a free first class ticket, free transplant, five star hotel, a full body massage from a beautiful indian girl every night, I would still refuse it.

  17. Another thing I forgot to mention. Dr Jones said he actually trainded Alvi Armani in his office 2 years back.


    Actually I think it was more than two years ago. The rumour was and I do not know if it is true or not was that he showed him how to do FUE for 30 minutes and the next day they were offering FUE. But soon after that he was no longer offering FUE until recently.


    Dr. Seager would have been my first recommondation in Toronto if he was still alive. I can't comment on Mckenzie. I would still take a look at Feller and Shapiro since they are not that far. How old are you?? Are you taking medications??

  18. Dr. Jones is average at best in the industry. Can you show me any good results from Dr. Jones that are not posted by him???


    I got this from another website I hope that is not a problem.

    I'm glad that people are happy with Dr. Jones, and I wish you all the best in your upcoming hair growth.


    The main issues that bother me are each of these complaining posters had similar experiences:


    BigMac said that he received 2000 grafts in less than 3 hours. Abouw said he received 1100 grafts in less than 2 hours. Donna claimed that the techs kept coming and going and didn't spend much time on her either. Her experience sounded very strange which you'll have to read for yourself.


    Son of a Plug, BigMac, Abouw, and Donna all claim they have unacceptable donor scars.


    Donna tried to cancel her appointment before surgery, but was talked into continuing by Dr. Jones. Obviously she wasn't in the right frame of mind and shouldn't have proceeded. If true, this is not proper conduct for a doctor specializing in cosmetic surgery.


    Donna said (and this is really disturbing if true) "Not all the grafts were finished being cut. You instructed them before 4 to just finish using what they had in that circular dish in the room I was in. This was confirmed by two other technicians that came in and said "he" wants us to stop cutting the grafts and just finish up." What does this mean, and what happened to the uncut grafts?


    They claimed that Dr. Jones rarely or never came into the room after the strip was taken. The techs were on their own planting. And one poster said "your technician was making some of the incisions" which is illegal if true.


    Complaints about angles and natural appearance.


    Another guy named missingit didn't get specific but is also very upset with his procedure.


    There are too many similar complaints to dismiss in my opinion. I certainly don't see these problems discussed from other top HT surgeons. Prospective patients need to be aware of these issues and decide for themselves.


    I found this is one minute you need to research some more. The only thing worse than going bald is recieving an unacceptable transplant. Since you going want to go far. Research Dr. Feller and Dr. Shapiro as well.

  19. John; If you honestly did research and I do not think you would consider either doctor you mentioned. Please remember you are lowering your hairline it is important that you have the most natural look hair transplant possible because that is what people will look at first.

    Three things you mentioned that would get me worried.

    1) he is a nice guy....that has nothing to do with your results if you were to meet Dr. Bosley you would probaly think he is a saint.

    2) You are not researching the best doctor only the ones in your area.

    3) Although price is important, you have to remember that you will have this transplant for the rest of your life and shouldn't settle quality for price. If you do not have the money then wait.

    If you don't want to travel alot I would recommend both Dr. Feller and Dr.Shapiro.

  20. I have heard of Jerry Shapiro he is a world known dermotologist in Vancouver that works for the UBC hair transplant clinic I believe. As a dermotologist I have heard nothing but good things about him as for hair transplants I will keep that to myself.

    All I will say that in my opinion if you are unable to offer that patient his best options and best results knowing fully well that there is one of the world best clinics 10 minutes that can. What are you doing even offering hair transplants..............

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