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Posts posted by lorenzo

  1. I will first say that it looks like a very good job so far. Without any disrespect I believe that doing temple work like this on such a young person could be a bit of a risk. What happens when your temple naturally start to move back? This happened to alot of people even with very thick hair as they get older. Are you going to fill in the space between the transplanted hair and the natural hair. I said this before and I will say it again NO DOCTOR can predict what a person hairloss will be at age 20.

    Of course I wish you the best and hope this will never happen. Very good job so far!!!!

  2. Bushy you make alot of excellent points. Pat also make some good points as well.


    <BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> However, many of these top notch physicians have not gotten the attention they deserve on this forum. Instead clinics that have hired patients to work full time advocating online for them have been getting the lion's share of attention. This is simply not fair to them or the visitors on this site.


    I agree there are a few (not a lot) of good physicians that are unknown and deserve to get more attention. I believe that us posters and patients are about to tell the difference between a dishonest posters and an honest posters. Many of us have found this site because we are educated. In life is anything fair? If the top doctors in the world recieve praise from patients and the patients have not only posted before making a decision but showed there work, is this wrong?


    <BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> However, a visitor to this forum would probably not realize this if they were reading posts on this forum that in many cases were started by patients paid or encouraged to post them.


    Once again, this is not fair to the doctors who support this site or those who visit this forum


    This is a very interesting point. Again I ask can you please show an example of where a patients (not one that already discloses it) has been paid to post? I think all patients should be encouraged to post its important to all new posters to get as much knowlege as possible.

    I also believe that the word fairness in hair transplanation is not a good word to be used. Not all doctors are the same therefore not all doctors should recieve the same praise, paid member or not.



    <BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> Call it what you will, but the day this site backs, endorses, assists, exposes, pushes, "helps" or "showcases" doctors is the very day that it loses its credibility. Had I, at the time I discovered this site, seen it as part of a "coalition" "helping" certain paying member doctors and "showcasing" their work I'd have moved on in three minutes or less


    I agree with this statement.



    No disrespect but just my opinion where it is right or wrong.



  3. Congradulations to Social Drinker. I don't post much anymore but I was in a bit of shock to hear that a new moderator was named without any feed back of many posters that I have on this site for many years. Although I believe that Social drinker will do a good job as a devoted poster for over 2 years I feel that some kind of vote or discussion should have been taken place. I don't know SD knowlegde but I believe someone that has had more 4 months posting should have been given some consideration.

    Either way I wish you the best and hope that you will stay neutral..


    <BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>As many of you know, some physicians have been compensating their patients (typically in the form of drastically reduced costs for subsequent surgeries) in exchange for them promoting their surgeon. Typically this promotion has been in the form of posted testimonials that contain links to their patients sites that in turn promote their physician.


    With this statement I believe there must be some kind of prove. Could you please post which doctors have done this? Without posting which doctor we can assume that there is a possible that every single doctor is doing this.


    Thank you






    Good luck


  4. Congradulations to Social Drinker. I don't post much anymore but I was in a bit of shock to hear that a new moderator was named without any feed back of many posters that I have on this site for many years. Although I believe that Social drinker will do a good job as a devoted poster for over 2 years I feel that some kind of vote or discussion should have been taken place. I don't know SD knowlegde but I believe someone that has had more 4 months posting should have been given some consideration.

    Either way I wish you the best and hope that you will stay neutral..


    Good luck


  5. Looking at these pictures it is very hard to see a big difference. Understandably it is only 300 grafts but he doesn't look worse which is good. A 20 year old with that kind of aggressive hairloss may lose more than 300 grafts of natural hair with no fault of the doctor in 6 months. 300 grafts in my opinion on this gentleman really isn't worth it...

  6. Its amazing how many doctors I see that have lots of hair. I was curious which doctors have recieved transplants and who did them. I would also like to know if the doctors that don't have transplants use any medical products.


    Just curious



  7. Its amazing how many doctors I see that have lots of hair. I was curious which doctors have recieved transplants and who did them. I would also like to know if the doctors that don't have transplants use any medical products.


    Just curious



  8. Peter Mac;


    Gonzo said

    <BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> One good thing is that i had my donor site measured when i went back for the second procedure and it had reverted to its original density before i had the first procedure. i was pretty amazed - this was good news and helps me if i need any more in the future (lets hope not)



    This is possible??





  9. El Guapo;

    What is funny about this whole forum stuff is that it is very hard to understand the point that everyone trying to achieve.


    <BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>And you want to decapitate the evil FUE dragon.


    Incorrect. I have nothing against FUE whatsoever. I feel under the right hands the procedure is a great success. I am against using a forum to market and promote your company with no evidence at all. DHI representatives not patients have invaded all forums to market and promote as much as possible. You are taking a word of a rep that gets paid to promote and find clients. Until they show evidence this can be very dangerous for anyone that is considering using any company that doesn't back there statements with proper pictures.


    <BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> The site owners (Farrel especially) are all a bunch of snakes in the grass. Everyone on these forums have an agenda.

    -Rugger wants everyone to have a strip;

    -Ken Balanger wants to sell snake oil.

    -Beverotti wants to make money

    -Farrels agenda has sofar not been uncovered but it is

    likely it involves money or some other means for him to achieve world domination. Possibly he just wants to shape the world so that it fits in with his hallucinations.

    -Futzyhead and Joctronic wants everyone drool in awe over their impressive manes.

    -And you want to decapitate the evil FUE dragon


    Site owners have a job to do. It is there business and sometimes decisions have to be made that may not be the best but it helps protect there investments.


    <BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> I just wanted some hair but now I dont care anymore.

    Last night i snuck into my neighbours backyard armed with superglue and stole their Burmesian Kitten. After applying the glue to my hairline I rolled the kitten over my scalp and now i have 200grafts/sq cm at least at a cost of $7.95. (The glue)


    You must be happy. At least you got some pussy....



    <BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>you continue to provide more evidence...that cousins shouldnt marry....








  10. El Guapo;

    <BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Id say Lorenzo that maybe you spend to much time in front of your computer.


    Maybe I do. But I don't watch TV anymore because I find the internet more educational and amusing than watching these stupid sitcoms and reality show. I used to watch around 3 hours of tv a night now I am on the computor 2 hours a day.

    I thank you for the fact that you are concerned but if you really care about anything you should help those poor alcoholic australians become sober...lol

  11. Peter Mac;


    <BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> fully agree. DHI has completely exposed itself on the Internet. I feel and many agree that DHI's patient documentation of FUE cases is the most complete of any FUE clinic. If any patient has poor results it will be available for everyone in the world to see. It takes a lot of confidence for a clinic to go down this road of full disclosure of all results and DHI needs to be commended for that


    Peter thanks for the response. I fully agree with you somewhat. When a company shows picture of the whole technique (hopefully you will) it will expose everything. In this situation DHI is going in unchartered water, how many patients do you want to take down this road without knowing the finally results? Lets say everything works out great, then everybody will be happy. What if only 50% get average to above average results and the rest get below average results, would you take this as a success? How many patients would you have hurt just to market your company? My point is slow down a bit until you are 100% sure that the results will be average. Until now you have shown NOTHING to support that your company has FACTS that large FUE session will be successful.

    Peter could you please answer the questions that were posted on Hairsite that I also quoted above? Thank you in advance...



    <BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>The reason why I think the odds are looking quite good for DHI is the fact that they have learned the FUE technique from dr. Jones and have probably created their own furhter enhancements.



    Really? Never heard that before...


    <BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> Woods may have his own reasons for not doing larger sessions. Maybe he had terrible results and has documented this. If he did he should have come forward with the information and spare patients.



    Are you saying that Dr. Jones has never ever had a terrible results with FUE that he documented? I have never seen him come forward with the information so that he can spare future patients as well?




    <BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> The important issue here is consistency. Is it consistent and reliable to do megasessions of FUE on every patient?





    <BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>I hope that no DHI patients have to crash & burn, in order to figure out that there are limits on how many grafts can be done in a short time. The danger here is that if doing huge sessions with unsatisfactory growth, the patient could potentially become donor depleted in just a few days.



    I know that nobody bats 1000 but they a possiblity that even if you get a 50% average results the other 50% will never be the same again.


    I hope that I am wrong but DHI is putting patients at risk in the name of promotion and marketing.





  12. Bverotti;

    <BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>IMHO DHI are taking a gamble, but with the odds in their favour. My personall 'small' FUE megassesion turned out great and I do not think I was a 'lucky shot'.


    If their megasessions turn out to be great they will have put a DHI stamp on the industry. On the other side they will get into serious trouble if things turn out bad, which I hope not


    First of all I am hoping for successful results for all patients. I don't know who you can say that the odds are in there favor? Wherever somebody tries something in science that the worlds most experience doctor (Woods) will not do I believe that odds are more against them. Time will tell...



    <BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>But I believe that stem's from them having had the strip procedure a while back, I heard they messed a few people up. So maybe you should consider that...



    I do consider that. But I feel that it is wiser to make my assuptions on what I have seen that what they are saying.


    Regardless time will tell and I hope that it will be positive for everyone.



  13. These are some questions asked on another website to Peter Mac (which I have the upmost respect for). These questions are very good and I feel if anyone on DHI is reading this COULD YOU PLEASE ANSWER. Thank you kindly in advance...


    <BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>1) How can DHI offer 3000 grafts in one day safely without a proven track record of finished (1 year) results?


    2) How many of your FUE patients have final results yet - how many have the forum members seen. Or can you show us pictures of final 1 year results in the forums?


    3) Where is the study to confirm your old method works yet alone this remarkable "world record" advancement? What is your FINAL yield after 1 year results??


    4) Dr Zontos is very new, correct? Less than a year, correct? How is it that he can do more grafts in one session when surgeons who have 10-15 times the experience cannot? One year he is still learning the basics, correct? He still doesn't even know the final results of a full blown 3000 FUE Dr Z special yet. But in one session now? Please explain because it doesn't sound safe to me.


    5) You have a new tool - the smallest extraction tool used by any surgeon. Where are your studies that this won't affect the yield of the transplant - especially in a 3000 graft one session transplant? Sure the extraction sites look good for marketing purposes, but in the long run will it affect yield? This is unchartered waters for DHI, and deserves careful study before performing it on a massive scale - agreed?


    5)DHI (not the patients) is touting 3000 "FUE" grafts in one session. But you keep saying that it's the patients who want the larger numbers. Is this the way DHI is handling consumer demand? Give them what they want? Excellent marketing but is it truly safe since WE"VE SEEN NO FINAL RESULTS OF THE PREVIOUS METHOD?



    My goal is not to attack anyone if it sounds that way I am apologizing. I have seen and read too many people with broken promises so I think that it is important to everyone not to be too excited until there is some sort of visual prove.



  14. Parable; Thanks for the kind words. Are you from Australia right? Last night I was suppose to be going out with my friend from Sydney. Since you guys love to drink my friend came over already piss drunk. To make a long story short he went up my stairs in my house to use the washroom before we went out and he passed out on the last step. He flew down backwards on 9 steps without even hitting one step and went face first into mirrored closet (If it was a wall right he would be either dead or in a wheelchair). 14 hours later he was released from hospital with a concussion, 13 stitches and a broken bone in his eye socket. Now guess what your fellow countrymen is doing right now? Getting drunk again on my couch. You guys are too much. Thought I would share that story with you.


    Back to your post. I want nothing more than anyone out there to see a company offer the world best hair transplant and have all the clinic trying to better themselves with good honest results. If it ends up being DHI I will be the first to praise them.

    Being in business myself I have always lived by the term "Under promise and over achieve". I honestly believe that DHI is "over promising and under achieving (nothing to say they are not)". DHi is praising themselves a bit too strong and I don't believe that it is possible to achieve what they are promising right away. It would make amazing business and moral sense to keep things quite until they have amazing pictures and results to back up any claims that they are making. When I look at the europeon forums people that have first hand experience with them are not only not buying what they are saying they are commenting very little one it. But that is another subject.

    According to DHI Dr. Zondos (so far looks good) is able to accomplish more in 7 months than Dr. Woods was able to do in 12 years. Does that make sense? Its true just look at the comments of akonsta and Peter Mac, that is what the comments they are making are saying.

    Personally I feel Akonsta as a marketing person is very weak.He should surprise us, make us go wow, with amazing pictures.

    Time will either make or break DHI. Patients will give the final evidence so once and for all.....Then hopefuly then I will shut my mouth.


    I also read your story and feel disgusted by what happen with you and your doctor. I commend you for expressing your views and sharing your experiences with all of us. I always believe that forums are for consumers(patients) and for doctors to educate us. Companies and doctors must realize that the internet is a great tool to be known but also a great tool to be exposed.





  15. I read this from another website and it was right on the money in my opinion.


    <BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> PeterMac,


    I want to hear your take on this slick marketing strategy and aggressive advancement (and patient risk, IMO) DHI is taking on its patients.


    How can DHI offer 3000 grafts in one day safely without a proven track record of finished (1 year) results? How many of their FUE patients have final results yet - how many have the forum members seen? Where is the study to confirm their old method works yet alone this remarkable "world record" advancement? You are the one that always asks for studies and documents to back up claims - here is your chance to do that.


    How can you personally approve this knowing that you were always very skeptical of this type of aggressive advancement in the past? Weren't you the one who only had 50 BHT as an experiment? Is it because you weren't ready to trust them to do 3000 BHT on you? Or better yet, over 8000 body and head transplants like they did on Lee? Did you feel it was too risky to do on your own head??


    How can you offer this in good conscience when you know full well that other doctors have tried this fast-paced approach and damaged their patients in the interest of self-promotion?


    Tell you what, you get 3000 grafts done in one day... and I'll watch your growth to see if it works. Why don't you become the large scale experiment for DHI and the rest of us? I don't mean in a year from now, but right now - one of the first guys in the new chair. Do that, and I'll be impressed. Otherwise, I think your new job at DHI has changed your views significantly. Are they at least paying you well?



    Pretty good statement

  16. parable;


    <BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>While this may be true, you guys have to remember that at least 4 other guys have recently had work with DHI (Samson UK, Gonzo etc.) And they are fully covering their procedures with pics as well. So if things don't go as plan, we will all be hearing about it sooner rather than later...


    I agree. These people carry more weight than any clinic that posts pictures. These pictures from these patients (and Lee)will show alot. We are all waiting for the results.



    <BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>DHI aren't hiding. They deserve some credit. Everyone's been asking for FUE megasessions & DHI have delivered


    Yes they do deserve some credit for being dedicated to FUE. Now that the credit is being given they should slow down and let the results be shown. Instead they are marketing like crazy and they are patting there own back. I have never seen one good results from FUE (its early) so its important from everyone to be careful and wait.


    <BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> They are putting their necks on the line whilst everyone waits for the final results


    Yes and no. Any company that take a new venture in uncharted water is taking a risk. But really what do they have to lose? DHI had a bad reputation before they started FUE. Two of the patients that I met in person looked aweful. They rather have flown across the world to get repaired than go back to DHI. One of the patients was offered free FUE from DHI but refused.

    This is the people that I listen to, the ones that I met live not a spokesmen for the company. I undestand that this is the past so I hope like many people that the future will be bright for DHI and the results will be amazing.


    <BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>This Dr Zondos looks a talented guy!


    I agree so far his extraction looks very good for a doctor that apparantly just started hair transplantion in August. But extraction are just a small aspect in FUE and the finally results is extremely important.

    Lets say that Dr. Zondos results end up being world-class it doesn't meant that ever doctor in DHI will have the same results. Remember that DHI is a big company with alot of employees.



  17. akonsta;

    I feel everyone appreciates your effort in marketing your company but can we see more finals results and less dynamics. I have said this before and I will say it again "posts by reps (regardless of which office)carry very little weight compared to a poster that has posted in the past and now is posting own results"


    In the past week you have posted about BHT guarantee, .05 instrument and now about 3000 fue in a day possiblity. Am I impressed?? Absolutely not and I believe that I represent some of the posters (maybe I am wrong) The pictures that I have seen concerning FUE at the beginning states looked great and deserved an "A", your marketing deserved a "F" and your final results are incomplete. The final results are what is important to many people.


    <BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Although 3000 FUE grafts per day is a world record in the single number of grafts extracted per day, we are not concerned about any records or numbers


    Your March 16 thread you started said;


    <BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> World record in FUE history: 8.000 grafts are now being transplanted.,


    Marketing, marketing, marketing. I believe that it is very important to understand that hair transplation is a different business. If your car breaks down you can fix it but if you get a bad transplant it will effect everyday of your life. You have shown me that DHI is very dedicated to FUE (which is great) but have shown NOTHING to convince me that DHI does good work.

    Even if you show final results it is very difficult to judge because every clinic has the beauty of picking the best patients pictures to post. Regardless I would like to see some final results.

    Regards without direspect.


  18. Never heard of the company or the doctor. A few years ago I saw a documentary on the discovery channel by Dr. Panagoulous (something like that) its was amazing how unnatural the process looked and how happy the patients were. My point is that TV and actors are not very educated on hair transplant and that program I saw proved it.

    Looking at his website there is no signs of microscopes (never saw any) and the photos look like micro and mini grafts to me.


    <BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> The cost of hair transplant surgery at The New York Hair Loss Center is based on the size of a hair transplant "session", we do not use a "per graft" price system. This is simply because some grafts contain more hair follicles than others and we do not think that a 1-Hair graft should cost the same as a 5-Hair graft. At NYHLC we count actual hairs, not grafts

    All I can say is RESEARCH,RESEARCH,and RESEARCH. Going bald is better than recieving a bad transplant.



  19. Peter Mac I have always respected you so please take this more of a challenge than an attack. You ar the best thing to happen to DHI.

    This sort of warranty in my opinion is nothing more than hype and marketing (poor in my opinion)

    I have a few comments toward it.

    1) Your company is calling Dr. Zondos the king of FUE (his before picture look good and clean) yet he as been only doing this since August or September (comments from Dr.Cole). I have yet to see ONE good after picture. If Dr. Woods who in my opinion is the best in FUE has gotten poor results from body hair with little grown from a few patients after 12 years experience what makes you think a doctor with 9 months or less experience will be able to get 80% or more?

    2) What do you charge for body hair compared to head hair fue?

    3) If you recieved a bad results from a doctor would you go back, even if it was free?

    4) If you wanted to make it an amazing guarantee why don't you offer FULL MONEY BACK? Or at least pay the trip?

    5) You said "Now patients interested in using body hair, but worried about their return on investment in terms of visual yield, can undertake the procedure and have peace of mind with the DHI guarantee."

    This statement be correct if people had endless supply of body hair but it is not the case. Even with somebody that has alot of body hair has a limit (unless they don't mind alot of dots all over there body). This is not a car, this is a person body, time and money please don't treat it the same way. How would you feel if you recieved 2500 body grafts and only 500 grew, would you have a smile on your face and say at least I have a guarantee.


    On a second topics how many employees of DHI actually post. You have just added olympia now, its starting to look like a circus. I don't know the story behind Costarics but will say that I have met 3 patients that have had work from DHI and amongst the worst work that I have ever seen (fue hopefully is different). If don't believe me I would be more than happy to ask them to post sine I talk to 2 of them on MSN. They both offered free FUE for there problems (nice gesture) but refused.

    My opinion





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