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Everything posted by thanatopsis_awry

  1. Good points, Ronald; and I don't mind the reference at all, especially since I agree with all you said. It's counter-intuitive, but too often I notice guys going through with a surgical hair transplant, yet they don't have the will or desire to properly style their hair. Whether you get a HT or not, you basically need to spend a minute or two styling your hair to really make it look good. It just so happens that with a HT the punishment for not doing so is 1000x worse than if you were non-MPB. HT + styling = really good HT + bad-style = balded/bad Regular Dude + no-style = normal/solid Regular Dude + styling = really(maybe reallyreally) good In my...not-so-limited experience ...on average guys who get surgery to restore their hair actually spend less time (and less resource, i.e. product) tending to it than your run of the mill, non-MPB guy. Unfortunate, but true. Again, a metric -- let alone *the* metric -- for a HT is not how bad you can make it look. The swipes about how bad it is that you need to style your hair well post-HT are so overhyped; you need to do this to have your hair look good HT or no HT. You simply "must" do it post-HT. It nonetheless is a very simple, quick process *if* you've experimented and/or have the wherewithall. Getting a world-class HT can be like buying a lambo, filling it with peanut-oil, and expecting it to purr like a kitten and drive like a dream. Don't do this.
  2. Some of the best physicians around LA have indeed been mentioned; and taking a 45min plane ride to Alexander is certainly possible. As well, taking a ____ plane ride to Hasson/Wong would also be an excellent idea to consider. Ultimately, you should consult with a variety of clinics, not making geography a major factor in your decision making process until the very, very end.
  3. This is a very nice result particularly at such an early juncture, but I would hardly call this result "atypical" or "lucky". John, how many grafts did you get? Hang tight, man, I hope you get the growth you expect in the next couple of months; post some pics when you get a chance, or have Dr. Feller, perhaps, post your case.
  4. Very nice, look forward to seeing this grown. The question of yield and just how much and far grafts can go when put into scars has always intriuged me.
  5. Interesting case, and I think it def looks good. I imagine the key was finding a way to naturally bridge together his true, NW7 crown-recession with incremental density going up, then tapering off to then fill in a relatively dense hairline and frontal 1/3rd. And making it all flow together with a nominal # of grafts. I like.
  6. Sun, I would seriously consider a Coalition clinic; at the very least, I would strongly urge you to do an online consult with a couple to at least get back the opinion of some esteemed, visible clinics who are active, and to then compare with any other doctor such as Madhu.
  7. My short answer would be "no"; it certainly depends on whom you go to. My longer answer would be "yes", since it certainly can compromise yield, but in and of itself such a metric could be said for most anything pertaining to HTs. I've seen too many cases from clinics too well respected who have implanted at such high (if not higher) densities to believe otherwise. I think the truly interesting and important question is whether such densities are required -- or, worthwhile -- in attaining an illusion of density, and actual density, that jives with the patient and at the same time takes into account his future needs.
  8. Jim, I can understand wanting your thread to get the action you thought it would for sure get from Dr. Feller (the likely reason he has chosen not to engage....), but you're indeed going to come across as simply baiting (which will drive him away further in all liklihood...) if you dont't provide a new insight or piece of evidence to support your argument. Also, FWIW, I'm quite certain that I'm going to undergo PRP in the coming weeks, once I get a bit more assurance on its safety. I have a faith in Dr. Feller's instincts; I also feel I'm as good a candidate as can be, which gives the ancillary benefit of documenting things in detail and providing the forum with a fully transparent, ongoing trial.
  9. I agree with the above. No matter what, take your time, be thorough, ask questions -- the forum is here for you. I do take slight exception to Forrest's reasoning that simply because you are over the age of 25 you are then possibly a candidate. I understand that some disagree, but I feel that aside from being extrordinarily young or quite advanced in age, the impact that age itself has on whether one should or shouldn't get a HT really takes a backseat to things such as the quality of your donor, reaction to meds (particularly finasteride), and degree and general pattern of your loss. Above all else, you also need to be fully informed, committed to the process, have reasonable expectations, and go about a logical plan of attack that best fits your unique needs and wants.
  10. Cuharv, I don't think the OP is around anymore, though I don't believe he went with Feinberg. How many grafts did he recco to you? How advanced is your balding? I'd post a pic or two if you can.
  11. LMS, I never said GIR was acting like a victim; I said he *isn't* a victim, and it is *you* and you alone who are hyping up the negative of his HT and making him out to be a victim. All *I* have done is give GIR the best possible information and means with which to improve his situation and come away with a logical, well-rounded understanding of HTs and how he can best use this information for his benefit. Give all of this, it's laughable that you then insinuate I am somehow doing GIR a disservice because I am jerking myself off while trying to pump up the Dr. who did my HT. This isn't the first time you've pulled this sht, but I thought you had the decency and insight to not pull it on me. The people you just picked for the posterchilds of your position doesn't really work for you, either -- Emperor hasn't shown a *single* pic, yet you want to use him as an example? John is 7months out...and has he even shown a single pic...? And it is ironic that you mention Aaron while trying to smear my intentions when I expressly cautioned Aaron about the HT he ended up getting...If he went to Shapiro to begin with he wouldn't have gotten a mediocre HT and it is as simple as that. Aaron can speak for himself, but I think he would agree with this, as well -- he didn't get a state of the art HT the first time.
  12. There are many realities to a single HT. IMHO, most good HTs open up the easy potential to access positive ones that you otherwise would never have. The key is to be aware of this and best figure how you can most easily access the best one. And this should be communicated prior with the doctor for him to best design the HT. John, I know you feel your HT will be a failure, but 7months is early and *most* HTs won't look "OMGamazing"....the hairs are likely kinky, immature, wiry, etc., in addition to density not being close to fully reached. If some people are saying your hair now looks "alright" that's not bad. I havent' seen a single pic so I won't give my opinion on how your HT *actually* looks, but all the aforesaid things hold true regardless. Dr. Feller posted many pics where GIR looked *quite* good and *incredibly* improved, and they show that he *does* have options that he can continue to improve on. Unless the pics Dr. Feller took are the result of smoke and mirrirors and trickery *this* is the reality that GIR should live in with his HT. The question is how does GIR feel about how his hair looks in those pics and when he styles his hair like that. And, again, he could likely style his hair much better if he put in a little bit of time with a decent product.
  13. Swagger, if GIR said that he said it -- I am not trying to debate GIR's feelings. If he feels his HT isn't "natural" it is new news to me -- and I am truly sorry he feels that way, as no man should. You are saying I am making "excuses" for his HT; all I am trying to do is point out the facts of it, and tell him what he could likely do to make it better (maybe much better). I'm not hiding from the flaws of HTs; I myself am telling you that *I* could make my hair looks just as bad as GIR's. Not to sound like a douche, but I also get consistent, various, and unsolicited compliments on my hair, on top of my HT giving me the ability to live my life a lot better. I can't help but think that the same could be said for GIR -- this is my point, and it is what I am trying to explore. I spend maybe 3 minutes out of the shower styling my hair and I can then set it and forget it till I shower next -- not unlike most any guy who styles their hair. I don't consider this some terrible woe. But it is a fundamental point that radically alters the perceid "success" or "failure" of my HT, not unlike GIR's situation. You seem like you are the only one taking a real stance; as if the notion -- read: FACT -- that HTs are by and large an illusion is some grand cloak being taken down finally. This point gets talked about frequently, and I think it should be talked about more -- because GIR is fundamentally having to deal with this unfortunate fact. But it's a fact that he *can* deal with -- he likely doesn't *have* to have some lame, unnatural-seeming head of hair. All I want is for every patient to get the best HT they can get and to then have the best head of hair they can have. I'm simply not sold that GIR is forced and relegated to have some gimp head of hair and that his HT was a failure. He *has* options, and some of them are as immediate as spending a minute with some quality product and accentuating his hair like so many other men do. It's just paramount if not essential for a HT patient to be understanding and experienced in how to best style their hair. Again, I'm not denying that his hair looks horrible in some of the pics; but if he isn't even close to being chained to that look, and I myself and so many other "successful" HTs could do the precise same thing in making our hair look bad, what exactly is going on? Is this the issue of a failed HT or is it a failure of communication to understand the +s and -s of a HT and now not being suddenly forced to confront them? I think it is the latter, and *all* I am essentially trying to get across to GIR is that he likely ISNT'T forced to live in this exact state if he readily confronts and *defeats* the negatives to his benefit.
  14. Swagger, why create such a victim-mentality when GIR is no victim? He has an improved head of hair which he can now style in a natural, pleasing way. He hasn't been butchered; he has been improved. And he is being told how he can improve himself even further. These are the central facts at play. And these facts would be taken into account and recognized by me if any clinic posted this precise case in this exact way. Why harp on the obvious negatives of a (most any...) HT when we should all be doing what we can to help one another out and actually *improve* our hair. GIR clearly has attained a more natural head of hair that he can style with excellent perceived density -- why belabor the fact that he has an illusion of density? So what, it is obvious to most anyone who understands hair restoration that that is what is at play. I could post pics while assuming the same understanding of HTs that you yearn to see, and that GIR unfortunately has. Guess what, my hair would look equally as bad and you could gripe about how futile HTs are and how they rarely they truly restore someones hair and life. That would be inane, since it isn't how my hair has to look and it isn't how my hair looks 99.999999% of the time. Why bemoan the fact that this reality *can* exist instead of celebrating that it doesn't *have* to exist. This is the gift that HTs give.
  15. Hey m8, Given your age, it is all the more vital for you to get only the absolute best HT for yourself if you do end up getting one. There is extrordinary variablity in the world of HTs, and for a young guy with our unique expectations and set of circumstances there is little room for error. While continuing to research on this site, looking at patient and clinic posted cases, and asking questions as they arise, I would strongly recco you do a few consultations (live or online) with an elite sampling of clinics, using the Coalition as a guideline. Regardless of who you end up going to if you get a HT, I would without reservation urge you to do consults with Hasson+Wong (Canada), Feller (Great Neck, NY), Ron Shapiro/SMG (Minnesota). I would be extremely confident in the information you get back, and you can take what they have to say and what they reccommend as a prognosis going forward. All three clinics are unique in their own rights, and collectively are known for their transparency, honesty, and ability. Gl going forward, and always ask questions till you are 100% satisfied before making a decisive move.
  16. Great write up; can't wait to see your progress. And Minny is indeed a terrific city -- after all, they ushered the Yanks to the ALCS.
  17. B described a dynamic safezone, which I think is a very apt description. Hasson and Wong with patient consent seem to enage in this on occasion -- I seem to remember there being a discussion where Bill discussed the option of engaging in a dynamic-safezone w/ Hasson. With what B said it seems that SMG is willing to engage in honest and flexible talk to best meet a patient's interest and wants, even if this means defying an otherwise rigid thought of yester'year.
  18. Happy yer happy -- sounds like you've really been infused with a new life! But a HT really isn't something that anyone should rush into. Have you had a lot of growth at 4months? Or has the limited growth masked the poor direction and density of your first HT? Who'd you go to for each surgery?
  19. I agree w/ Drew 100%. I have always intuitively felt this way, but he articulated very well the circumstance where it could be quite appropriate -- and effective - to the patient. This is actually one of the "extreme" HT ideas I have that I seriously plan on exploring if/when I need to.
  20. The sexual sides are very unlikely, but if they come they come. Regardless, they are reversable with discontinuati
  21. The sexual sides are very unlikely, but if they come they come. Regardless, they are reversable with discontinuation of usage; so you can either just stop on the dime, or give your body a couple weeks to acclimate, which can result in the sides either diminishing or disappearing altogether. Seriously, don't worry about that, though, since they are truly rare and it's a simple decision to deal with if it happens to arise.
  22. I don't doubt that you will, Drew. You seem like (yet another) perfect example of the righteous efficacy of mega-sessions. Chaps my hide when they get doubted, so keep on growing strong broheem.
  23. Yep, I agree. Your hair looks awesome and will likely stay this way for quite some time. I would enjoy what you have; live it the F up. And get on fin so you can sleep well at night.
  24. Looking good, dude. This type of growth is def a great harbinger of things to soon come; I'd be super excited if I were you, as the next several months will be *quite* enjoyable. And the temple points really came in fast and furious. Good stuff!
  25. He can part his hair to the side, he can push his hair forward; he just can't spray out his recipient zone in every direction. Can he style his hair by pushing up the front? I dunno; I'd encourage GIR to find out and see if he has yet another styling option. I just don't buy that GIR is confined to one gimp hairstyle. It's already been shown he has at least two and his density looks excellent. Why would GIR, or anybody, want the metric for determining the success of their HT to be when it is displayed in the most unattractive -- and unlikely -- manner? The question, which I'm not sure GIR has anwered, is if he could style his hair combed forward or to the side pre-op and attain the density he now has post-op....? Dr. Feller can comment specifically on his own pre-op pic protocol, but I agree that I always, unequivocally prefer clinics to show pre-ops that show the hair in not just the most "exposed" state but a more natural state. I have seen Dr. Feller take post-ops, though, that isolate the "exposed" area shown pre-op to illustrate the growth that has occurred. I think GIR should just mimic this by parting his hair in the middle, while it is dry. Whether or not GIR can style his hair to make it look bad shouldn't be the true metric for whether this is a success; whether GIR could style his hair with the perceived density he *now* has *before* his HT is. I would also appreciate a follow-up as to whether he feels he has lost native hair and whether he has water in his hair. Both elements influence a perception of a HT's success, so they are both totally valid to take into account. Does it suck that you now have *these* variables in play that dictate just how good your HT will seem? Ya, but it is what it is.
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