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Dr. Damkerng Pathomvanich

Elite Coalition Physician
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Everything posted by Dr. Damkerng Pathomvanich

  1. A 46 years Asian male presented to DHT Clinic, Bangkok with the concerns of unnatural big punch plug hair transplant done 13 years back from another surgeon in his country. He also has traction alopecia over both fronto-temporal regions from wearing the traditional turban. Patient has Grade B, wavy black hair with brown oily skin, average scalp laxity. Total area of recipient site measured was 70 cm2. The patient requested for small session because of budget problem and not to remove the existing big punches for the corrective surgery. Two hair transplant sessions were performed at an interval of one and half years. A total of 3341 Follicular unit grafts bearing 6993 hair was transplanted. The details are 1 hair FU: 542, 2 hair FU: 1408, 3 hair FU: 1491grafts. The postoperative snaps were recorded and shows significantly improvement with natural coverage of the frontotemporal regions and complete camouflage and softening of big punch plugs with the dense microfollicular unit grafting done in the hair transplant sessions. One year after, the third session was also performed with another 1488 FU grafts bearing 2771 hairs but we didn’t have record as the patient fail to follow for evaluation. A total of 4829 Follicular unit grafts bearing 8763 hair was transplanted in three sessions. The details are 1 hair FU: 835, 2 hair FU: 2520, 3 hair FU: 1576 grafts. Photographs: Preoperative photographs and IInd Session Postoperative snaps Front View:
  2. 36 years old Asian male who has receding hairline, deep temples and extensive thinning hair from front to the crown. He has straight, medium coarse, black hair, with many miniaturized hairs over the temporal region. The skin is medium color and oily. The donor’s density is average 64%. Scalp laxity is 30%.He is a poor candidate due to extensive hair loss with limited donor hair. The hair transplant was performed on Feb 2010. The total numbers of grafts were 1 hair FU: 901 grafts (901 hairs); 2 hair FU: 1,500 grafts (3000 hairs); 3 hair FU: 271 grafts (813 hairs).Grafts were planted side weight, Left side more than Right. The grafts were transplanted from the front to mid scalp. A total of 2,672 Follicular Unit Grafts bearing 4,714 hairs. Postoperatively he was prescribed oral Finasteride 1 mg daily with topical 5% Minoxidil 1 cc apply twice daily till today. The patient was seen at 7 month postoperative with excellent cosmetic coverage. He is also has a very good response to medical treatment as well. He is still complaining of increase loss of hair despite medication. Front View: Before and 7 months Post operative
  3. 36 years old Asian male who has receding hairline, deep temples and extensive thinning hair from front to the crown. He has straight, medium coarse, black hair, with many miniaturized hairs over the temporal region. The skin is medium color and oily. The donor’s density is average 64%. Scalp laxity is 30%.He is a poor candidate due to extensive hair loss with limited donor hair. The hair transplant was performed on Feb 2010. The total numbers of grafts were 1 hair FU: 901 grafts (901 hairs); 2 hair FU: 1,500 grafts (3000 hairs); 3 hair FU: 271 grafts (813 hairs).Grafts were planted side weight, Left side more than Right. The grafts were transplanted from the front to mid scalp. A total of 2,672 Follicular Unit Grafts bearing 4,714 hairs. Postoperatively he was prescribed oral Finasteride 1 mg daily with topical 5% Minoxidil 1 cc apply twice daily till today. The patient was seen at 7 month postoperative with excellent cosmetic coverage. He is also has a very good response to medical treatment as well. He is still complaining of increase loss of hair despite medication. Front view: Preoperative & 7 month Post operative
  4. A 49 years Caucasian male was consulted for hair loss and receding hairline in the frontal area with the deepening Fronto-temporal angles and diffuse thinning from the front to the crown. A total bald and thinning area of 160 square cm was measured.The patient has medium fine gray and dark brown hairs. The first session was done in Jan 2008 and 3839 FU grafts bearing 6987 hairs were transplanted. ( i.e 926 one hair grafts, 2678 two hair grafts and 235 three hair grafts). The new hairline was being reconstructed with focal dense packing was being done over the frontal and the midscalp region. The patient followed the clinic after one year in Jan 2009, the second session was done with 3134 FU grafts bearing 5619 hairs.(i.e 788 one hair grafts, 2207 two hair grafts and 139 three hair grafts). The density was filled in over the frontal and the midscalp region with transplantation over some part of the crown. A total of 6973 FU grafts bearing 12606 hair are being transplanted in two sessions and the patient followed after 1.5 years with complete cosmetic coverage. The patient took Proscar ? Tablet daily. PHOTOGRAPHS AS: PREOPERATIVE (1), 1 YEAR POST OPERATIVE FIRST SESSION (2), 1.5 YEAR POST OPERATIVE SECOND SESSION (3) Front view
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