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Everything posted by NW

  1. The holes are most likely more visable due to the fact that they are waiting for the hair shaft to emerge. I noticed the same thing prior to the actual hairs coming in. Who was your Doc and did he use a small gauge instrument/needle/punch ? FU's or mini/Micro's ? NW
  2. Dr. Woods, Has put forth quite an effort recently in sharing his idea through open houses etc..His efforts have really improved of late, and I have to say he has some convincing photo's on hairsite.com of Franklin and some others in the "gallery" section, his FUE incisions look visably smaller to me than those of other FUE docs. My observations re: FUE/Woods
  3. NW

    500 graft's

    Micropose & Arfy, I fully agree on the FUE approach as well, it may be the single best way to do a smaller session, less trauma, less scar and perhaps less down time...and if I ever need a touch up - which I hope I will not (wishful thinking)..I will consider the FUE method if it is even further perfected. I can only hope Propecia helps me hold the line for a good while.
  4. NW

    500 graft's

    BillorBob, 500 FU's will not give you much satisfaction, 500 just does not amount to much...maybe I am speaking out of turn here, but I say do it right or dont do it. FU's dont go far. Good Luck NW
  5. I noticed the donor incisions actually do appear to be smaller than other FUE incisions I have seen, it does seem Woods may use a smaller instrument than other FUE docs. at any rate I was impressed with what I saw. Franklin keep us posted !! NW
  6. I saw some fairly convincing photo's from "Franklin" and another man on hairsite.com, I found it quite interesting for anyone interested. NW
  7. My hairline, My natural hair at the furthest forward point is 2.75 inches to the eyebrow, niether HT has went forward of this remaining resident hair...there was some side fill which addressed recession, but I am 6' 0" and feel 2.75-3.5 inches is a fairly normal distance. I am appx a nw2 and 42 years old. If you use the old rule of " 4 fingers width is correct " it is pretty close to true, my 4 fingers width is appx 3.25 inches. I did NOT even consider going lower, only fill in, you can grow your hair forward for coverage anyways. NW
  8. Harry, I think the work looks excellent ! and it will only thicken..I am sure you must be ecstatic ! I waited for my 1st HT to fully grow in before evaluating a 2nd. In fact I waited 2 years, you will find with the new stuff that your "alleys" will fill in quite nicely with time & growth. In fact you may be happy with-out any more work, who knows. At the 1 year point you will know where you have weakness if any. I think you have a fairly balanced looking hairline now. Congrats ! NW
  9. BK, Nice choice with the Shapiro/Rose team, I would suggest you expect some temporary shock loss for the 3 months following surgery, this is far more common on guys having a 1st HT, normally the hair grows back in with the new grafts and you may get lucky and not have any shock loss.....but honestly the 1st 3 months following surgery are definately the toughest. Of course the improvement from a top notch doc is worth the wait ! Good Luck ! NW
  10. NW


    Texasnw, You can get an on-line consult for Propecia on this web-site...I did, and the company sent Propecia to my house. I think the consult fee was $70.00. NW
  11. You are welcome, At 5 months the tightness is fully gone and the numb feeling is almost fully gone..there is one very small area that is still in the "un-thawing"...stage of healing. NW
  12. Baldboy, I too had tightness after my 2nd HT, it did go away after 4-5 months and now everything feels normal & same as before....I was worried I would be walking around with a drum skin for a scalp !! from what I hear the temporary tightness is normal. Relax it should subside, the experience told me I would probably entertain fue "IF" I ever had more work in the future. Good Luck ! NW
  13. Docdave, I echo the 1 year point....BTW you may have a very tight feeling scalp during the healing period, this may or may not subside later. This is one more reason FUE may come around soon. Good Luck ! NW
  14. Von, Propecia could slow down the loss as mentioned, also Toppik is a pretty nice tool to use in the crown area, I used it temporarily while grafts were growing in & (for me), it was a life saver. NW
  15. Exploring options, Propecia is not a full cure for MPB, it is the best thing available for slowing down the progression. What are you looking to achieve ? NW
  16. My 2nd HT did NOT cause the grafts from my 1st HT to go into shock/shed. NW
  17. I am un-swayed. Mr Mathew...had a HT along with what all celebrities insist on: "a confidentiality agreement". At least Burt Reynolds, Tom Arnold etc..have character enough to admit the truth. But hey, Interested parties try the therapy, see for yourself ? Maybe this is the 1st of 5,000 former hairgrowth tonics/therapy etc.. that do work. NW [This message was edited by NW on February 19, 2003 at 01:55 PM.]
  18. If you have MPB, you do not like DHT. If you have never experienced hairloss or dont care, then dont worry about suppliments, testosterone levels, DHT etc..(of course why would you be here reading ?) Since I have had hairloss I scrutinize everything I put in my body, For weightlifting, I stay natural always have, always will. NW
  19. Is on the label of your Propecia bottle, In F.D.A. testing it helped or maintained hair counts on 8 out of 10 guys. NW
  20. Scarymemo, Excellent you said it all buddy !! "So please God just leave me thick hair and muscle"..."I promise I wont ask for anything else"...really. My nightly prayer. Cheers ! NW
  21. Micro, I agree w/Big it up..Protien will be your best "safe" bet if you are concerned about Hairloss...hit the weights, protien shake in the AM, protien snacks through-out the day such as nuts, Lean pepperoni, Chicken pcs...you will notice nice results if you stick to it....dont O.D. on Carbs. Food in and of itself naturally has amino's. I go w 1/2 Propecia daily, for me it works as well as 1 mg daily...be extra careful with "any" suppliments, you may even ask your doc for guidelines. I am interested in others regimines too. Some guys get away with more than others with no hairloss. Be careful. NW
  22. I like your routine of trying to keep DHT in check, but also staying in top shape....I too work-out regularly with weights and take a milder Whey protien approach and keep the bench press "well used", I take (Propecia 1/2 mg daily) somehow the Proscar feminizing stories dont appeal to me and I am aiming to stay in manly shape "and" keep my hair. It is true what you said about Amino's, I found they do help you feel far more energetic. Keep the tips coming in, much appreciated !. NW
  23. ttaco, Dr Kiely did a nice job softening and improving your hairline, it looks natural. Cheers ! NW
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