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Pat - Community Publisher

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Everything posted by Pat - Community Publisher

  1. A very prominent and respected surgeon recently asked for help in finding people who have actually had artificial hairs surgically implanted in their scalp. Neither me nor this surgeon in any way endorse this very controversial procedure. This procedure has been illegal in the US for years and for many good reasons. However, this surgeon has been asked to present a study on this topic and would like to hear from patients that have had actual first hand experiences with surgically implanted artificial hair fibers. Most likely these patients will be have had this procedure done outside of North America. If you know of such a person or you had this process please email me at pat@hairtransplantnetwork.com You can remain completely anonymous if you choose. Your help could make a significant contribution to helping surgeons understand this controversial procedure. Please give us the background regarding your surgery, your experience, where and how it was performed, and any complications. If you can also email us before and after photos this would be tremendously helpful as well. These photos can then be edited to preserve your privacy if you wish. The information you provide will be held in strict privacy and will only be shown during a live presentation to hair transplant surgeons and reprinted in trade journal for medical professionals. Thanks in advance for any help you can provide - Pat Hennessey - Publisher of this site. Thanks for reading this post. But it's your posts that make this discussion group real and vital. Please jump into the discussion. Just pick a topic and click the reply button.
  2. Pd, In my personal patient experience and in corresponding with others I find your concern to be very common. Often when the crust and hairs shed, patients are often left wondering if the follicle was pulled out or dislodged. In a few cases, perhaps we do lose not just the hair but the actual follicle. But this is negligible. Just do not be too agreesive too early on in cleaning and combing your scalp and you will be fine. Congratulations again on your surgery with Dr. Limmer. Pat Thanks for reading this post. But it's your posts that make this discussion group real and vital. Please jump into the discussion. Just pick a topic and click the reply button.
  3. By popular demand we have added a new "Visitor Gallery" on the main site for those who want to share their photos and story with others! This is in addition to adding your photos to this discussion group. This new feature is easy to use (just upload the photos right off your computer's hard drive to us) and you can remain totally anonymous if you would like. To see this new "Visitors Gallery" click on "Before & After Photos" under the Hair Transplant Network logo on the left. You will then find simple instructions on how to add your own photos to this gallery. I look forward to this being a very popular feature for our community. Thanks in advance for sharing your photos and "Recovery" stories. Pat Hennessey - Publisher Thanks for reading this post. But it's your posts that make this discussion group real and vital. Please jump into the discussion. Just pick a topic and click the reply button.
  4. By popular demand we have added a new "Visitor Gallery" on the main site for those who want to share their photos and story with others! This is in addition to adding your photos to this discussion group. This new feature is easy to use (just upload the photos right off your computer's hard drive to us) and you can remain totally anonymous if you would like. To see this new "Visitors Gallery" click on "Before & After Photos" under the Hair Transplant Network logo on the left. You will then find simple instructions on how to add your own photos to this gallery. I look forward to this being a very popular feature for our community. Thanks in advance for sharing your photos and "Recovery" stories. Pat Hennessey - Publisher Thanks for reading this post. But it's your posts that make this discussion group real and vital. Please jump into the discussion. Just pick a topic and click the reply button.
  5. By popular demand we have added a new "Visitor Gallery" on the main site for those who want to share their photos and story with others! This is in addition to adding your photos to this discussion group. This new feature is easy to use (just upload the photos right off your computer's hard drive to us) and you can remain totally anonymous if you would like. To see this new "Visitors Gallery" click on "Before & After Photos" under the Hair Transplant Network logo on the left. You will then find simple instructions on how to add your own photos to this gallery. I look forward to this being a very popular feature for our community. Thanks in advance for sharing your photos and "Recovery" stories. Pat Hennessey - Publisher Thanks for reading this post. But it's your posts that make this discussion group real and vital. Please jump into the discussion. Just pick a topic and click the reply button.
  6. By popular demand we have added a new "Visitor Gallery" on the main site for those who want to share their photos and story with others! This is in addition to adding your photos to this discussion group. This new feature is easy to use (just upload the photos right off your computer's hard drive to us) and you can remain totally anonymous if you would like. To see this new "Visitors Gallery" click on "Before & After Photos" under the Hair Transplant Network logo on the left. You will then find simple instructions on how to add your own photos to this gallery. I look forward to this being a very popular feature for our community. Thanks in advance for sharing your photos and "Recovery" stories. Pat Hennessey - Publisher Thanks for reading this post. But it's your posts that make this discussion group real and vital. Please jump into the discussion. Just pick a topic and click the reply button.
  7. I just visited Drs. Nusbaum, Epstien, and Bauman to see them all perform surgery and I was very impressed. I plan on recommending all of them, in addition to Dr. Charles in Boca Raton and Dr. Rose in Tampa on this site soon. The Miami area, seems to have the highest concentration of excellent hair transplant surgeons than any where else in the world. If you live in Miami you're very very lucky. But you'll have a tough time trying to choose between excellent, excellent, excellent, or excellent. Frankly, I wish some of them would move north to places like Chicago. I spent 2 days in Chicago visiting clinics and found no one I would recommend, especially with the Shapiro Medical Group not far away. I'm on my way to Atlanta, GA tomorrow to see Dr. Griffen's surgery and hopefully Dr. Coles as well. Pat - Publisher of this site. Thanks for reading this post. But it's your posts that make this discussion group real and vital. Please jump into the discussion. Just pick a topic and click the reply button.
  8. You're absolutely right about Dr. Bauman. I just visited his clinic to see him perform surgery, along with Dr. Nusbaum, and Dr. Epstien and I was very impressed with his work (along with Dr. Nusbaum and Dr. Epstien's work). I plan on recommending all of them, in addition to Dr. Charles in Boca Raton on this site soon. The Miami area, seems to have the highest concentration of excellent hair transplant surgeons than any where else in the world. If you live in Miami you're very very lucky. But you'll have a tough time trying to choose between excellent, excellent, excellent, or excellent. Frankly, I wish some of them would move north to places like Chicago. I spent 2 days in Chicago visiting clinics and found no one I would recommend, especially with the Shapiro Medical Group not far away. I'm on my way to Atlanta, GA tomorrow to see Dr. Griffen's surgery and hopefully Dr. Coles as well. Pat - Publisher of this site. Thanks for reading this post. But it's your posts that make this discussion group real and vital. Please jump into the discussion. Just pick a topic and click the reply button.
  9. Hello to all of Joe's patients, I do believe that Joe Greco does great hair transplantation work. I have yet to hear from one of his patients that was not pleased with their results with him. Technically Joe Greco is not a full fledged MD and that created problems with some of the other MDs who were affliated with Joe in the past. These surgeons are also recommended on this site. In large part because of this he is not officially recommended on this site. However, this does not stop Joe from continuing to provide his patients with excellent results, as the above posts make clear. I hope this helps provide clarification. Pat Thanks for reading this post. But it's your posts that make this discussion group real and vital. Please jump into the discussion. Just pick a topic and click the reply button.
  10. Sorry to hear about the negative experiences with the Virtual Consultation. I apologize for the misunderstandings. It sounds like the name "Virtual Consultation" has created the expectation that the information will always be initially reviewed by a surgeon. No doubt this would be the best scenario. And I know that in many cases the surgeons are personally responding to these forms. The form is really intended to give visitors a convenient way to provide detailed information to one or many of the worlds best surgeons, while only filling out one form. It sounds like I will also need to make the form private for those that don?‚??t want their address and phone divulged. I will have to do some rethinking on this form and incorporate your feedback so that it does not create false expectations. Pat Thanks for reading this post. But it's your posts that make this discussion group real and vital. Please jump into the discussion. Just pick a topic and click the reply button.
  11. Cliff, Sounds like you are well on your way to recovering from baldness. I would wish you good luck. But with Dr. Shapiro you will not need it. I would suggest doing a small amount of grafts in your crown to give you a thin coverage. You may then consider using Prothik to make this thin coverage look much fuller. You may be surprised at just how much fuller this stuff and make your hair look. For others experiences with these volumizers see the threads in the non surgical topics. Best wishes for a great surgery - Pat Thanks for reading this post. But it's your posts that make this discussion group real and vital. Please jump into the discussion. Just pick a topic and click the reply button.
  12. Ron, Congratulations and best wishes for a speedy recovery and great growth. Pat P.S. Who was your surgeon and why did you choose this surgeon? Thanks for reading this post. But it's your posts that make this discussion group real and vital. Please jump into the discussion. Just pick a topic and click the reply button.
  13. We have just added a very powerful new feature that will make it very easy for you to contact the surgeons on this site that you are interested in getting feedback from. All you now have to do is fill out one "Virtual Consultation" with the details of your condition and goals, along with your contact info. The info you provide will only be used by the surgeons you send it to. This form can be accessed on any of the recommended surgeons pages or by clicking on the "Virtual Consultation" link on the left. Feel free to post your feedback, suggestions, and comments about this new feature below. Pat - Publisher of the Hair Transplant Network Thanks for reading this post. But it's your posts that make this discussion group real and vital. Please jump into the discussion. Just pick a topic and click the reply button.
  14. We have just added a very powerful new feature that will make it very easy for you to contact the surgeons on this site that you are interested in getting feedback from. All you now have to do is fill out one "Virtual Consultation" with the details of your condition and goals, along with your contact info. The info you provide will only be used by the surgeons you send it to. This form can be accessed on any of the recommended surgeons pages or by clicking on the "Virtual Consultation" link on the left. Feel free to post your feedback, suggestions, and comments about this new feature below. Pat - Publisher of the Hair Transplant Network Thanks for reading this post. But it's your posts that make this discussion group real and vital. Please jump into the discussion. Just pick a topic and click the reply button.
  15. Figsy, Every thing you are describing sounds perfectly normal. I remember being really worried that I was loosing grafts when the scabs and hairs began to shed, along with what one would imagine almost looked like a follicle. And as you can see from my after photos that was certainly not the case. This is a common concern for almost all who have had hair transplants. And yes, some people will some times get pimples (zits) where the skin has closed over the follicle that is trying to grow out. Normally surgeons suggest that a patient use a warm clean cloth to pop the pimple and expell the fluid (yes, remember High School :-) If it is a persistant problem there is a medication that can be prescribed to help this condition. You may want to call your surgeon and ask for further advice. I hope this helps. Best wishes for a bumper crop of healthy new hair. Keep us all posted. Pat Thanks for reading this post. But it's your posts that make this discussion group real and vital. Please jump into the discussion. Just pick a topic and click the reply button.
  16. Midnite, My experience with subsequent transplant procedures was that my hair transplants never shedded with the next procedure around them. Normally it is just the hair that is already weak and thin that sheds. If you'd like I can move this topic to the "ask surgeons" forum so that a surgeon will see it and comment. Let me know - Pat P.S. Hang in there. You will only get better from here on out. Thanks for reading this post. But it's your posts that make this discussion group real and vital. Please jump into the discussion. Just pick a topic and click the reply button.
  17. Mike, Another issue to consider is whether or not to remove your previous large grafts and have them microscopically trimmed into small grafts and then redistributed. Not all surgeons, even those doing all FUT, are skilled at removing old plugs and redistributing them. Some times these surgeons just try to add more refined grafts in an effort to "camouflage" these large grafts. I think if you have large grafts the ideal solution is to remove the old grafts first. Dr. Vogel in Maryland who is recommended on this site is renown for doing excellent repair work. Visit this site's "Research Library" and read his in-depth presentation on how he repairs previous work. I wish you the best in getting the results you want. Pat Thanks for reading this post. But it's your posts that make this discussion group real and vital. Please jump into the discussion. Just pick a topic and click the reply button.
  18. Midnite, "Shock fall out" does occur in a minority of patients. Typicaly the hair loss is only temporary and the hair regrows. This topic has been discussed extensively on this group by both patients and surgeons. Just go to the search feature and enter "shock" and you will get a wealth of detailed info on the topic. Good luck with your recovery and in getting the results you want. Pat Thanks for reading this post. But it's your posts that make this discussion group real and vital. Please jump into the discussion. Just pick a topic and click the reply button.
  19. pdm68, Congratulations on your surgery and for sharing your story. You've been a regular and appreciated poster on this site since the Fall of last year and it is great to see make the leap successfully. I know we all be interested in hearing how things progress for you. I did get the photo you emailed to me. I sent it on to my programer for uploading. It was a bit blurry but I think people well get a feel from it. Could you send me your email again, however, so I can email you the url of your photo once it is up loaded? My email is pat@hairtransplantnetwork.com Best wishes for a speedy recovery - Pat Thanks for reading this post. But it's your posts that make this discussion group real and vital. Please jump into the discussion. Just pick a topic and click the reply button.
  20. Rich, We have a lot in common. I'm 38 and wore a system for several years before becoming the "Recovered bald guy". I know how you feel about the hair system wearing on you over time. Believe me I don't miss mine. The good news is I was able to make a smooth transition from wearing a hair piece to having a decent full look. I wore my hair piece while my new transplanted hair grew underneath. I first restored my hair in front. This allowed me to wear only a small hair piece in the crown area and comb my naturally restored hairline back and over the piece. This made wearing a hair piece much easier as the hairline was perfect. But eventually I filled in my crown and threw away my small hair piece for the crown. If you don't have the donor hair to get to were you want to be you may consider restoring your front half and wearing a system in the crown. You will find it much easier to wear. Good luck buddy. I know very well the spot you're in. Pat Thanks for reading this post. But it's your posts that make this discussion group real and vital. Please jump into the discussion. Just pick a topic and click the reply button.
  21. Arfy, I certainly will not give out, nor have I given out, anyones personal information from this site - such as their email address, IP address, etc. When people here sign up for the newsletter or this discussion group this information is not given out to anyone, no matter what the situation. I do not know what software this web publisher uses. But this forum's software does allow me to view a members IP address. But I don't really know how this could be used to access a persons actual address or contact info. It may be possible to identify the persons ISP and perhaps then their general location from an IP address. I doubt very much, short of a search warrant, that an ISP would reveal a customers contact info. Sorry to hear about your frustrations with this fellow. You're certainly welcome here, even when we disagree. By the way, are you going to take Dr. McAndrews up on his generous offer to help repair your previous work? I think it would be great to see you finally get the results you've wanted. You have helped a lot of people yourself. Perhaps it is time to help yourself. I hope that you have the donor hair to make a significant improvement in your look. Best wishes - Pat Thanks for reading this post. But it's your posts that make this discussion group real and vital. Please jump into the discussion. Just pick a topic and click the reply button.
  22. Here are some additional onsiderations in Evaluating a hair transplant clinic - Can the surgeon provide at least one dozen sets of clinical "before" and "after" case photos for your review? Be sure the photos offer good clarity and detail and include "before" views as well as "after" views that allow for critical evaluation. What is the hair transplant surgeon's reputation among his or her peers? And how many years have they been dedicated to doing hair transplantation? Can the surgeon provide a list of names and phone numbers of patients willing to discuss their personal experiences? Patient testimonials will say a lot. Is the surgeon performing procedures in a fully-equipped and sterile outpatient surgical facility designed exclusively for hair transplant surgery? How many hair transplant procedures does the surgeon perform in one day? Ideally the physician will be dedicated to working on you all day if you are doing a large mega session procedure. Does the physician perform hair transplant surgery full time or predominantly? If not, the clinic may not have a staff that is experienced enough to successfully perform large sessions of all microscopically prepared Follicular Unit (FU) grafts. Does the physician use microscopes for the disection of the donor tissue into 1, 2, 3, and 4 hair Follicular Unit (FU) grafts? Large sessions of all microscopically prepared grafts are a team effort. But how hands on will your surgeon be? Will he or she be making all the incisions in the graft recipient area, which determines the design and hair direction of your transplanted hair? How involved will your surgeon be in the placing of the actual grafts? Pat Thanks for reading this post. But it's your posts that make this discussion group real and vital. Please jump into the discussion. Just pick a topic and click the reply button.
  23. Jebster and Arfy, Thanks for the thoughtful posts. I agree with both of you. I do think the first step, with or with out hair transplants, is to try to use available drugs like Propecia and 5% Rogaine (or generic equivalents using 5% minoxidil) to halt hair your hair loss. If you want to save money on Propecia - buy Proscar, which contains the same active ingredient as Propecia - finesteride. Proscar contains a 5 mg dose of finesteride so you MUST cut it into quarters using a knife or pill cutter to create an approximately 1 mg dose of finesteride like in the Propecia pill. This will at least cut your monthly bill in half if not more. The only real difference is you have to take 5 minutes to cut up the pills and you won't get to pay for Merk pharmacy's advertising. Generally these non surgical options will work best on those that are younger or just starting to thin. Those that have had their baldness run its course for a period of years (i.e. hard core cue balls) may only get minimal benefit from these drugs (i.e. bringing back the long time dead follicles is a tall order for any drug). And yes, for many, like me whose hair loss was pronounced - the only way to currently get your hair back, especially in the front is with hair transplantation. I still take proscar, but mostly just as insurance against my hair loss progressing further in my crown area. Proscar/propecia for me never restored any hair to my bald area in front, even after almost 4 years of use. Good luck in your fight against hair loss. As Jebster points out we now have much better options for combating hair loss than we did just ten years ago. Pat Thanks for reading this post. But it's your posts that make this discussion group real and vital. Please jump into the discussion. Just pick a topic and click the reply button.
  24. Yes, I must agree that Dr. Woods procedure and single graft Follicular Unit Extraction is particularly promising for those who cannot do strip excision due to a depleted donor area. This fellows results are impressive given his scenario. Good for him and Dr. Woods. Pat Thanks for reading this post. But it's your posts that make this discussion group real and vital. Please jump into the discussion. Just pick a topic and click the reply button.
  25. James, Congratulations on your surgery. And thanks for taking the time to share your experience and acknowledge the good work they did for you. Good work needs to rewarded, just as much as poor work needs to be pointed out. Best wishes for excellent hair growth. Please keep us all posted on your progress. Pat Thanks for reading this post. But it's your posts that make this discussion group real and vital. Please jump into the discussion. Just pick a topic and click the reply button.
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