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Pat - Community Publisher

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Everything posted by Pat - Community Publisher

  1. Guys, You can also upload your photos and comments directly from your computer to this discussion forum and or our guest photo gallery To add your photos and comments to this forum first visit the forum for posting photos Then follow the below steps - 1) Select a good before image and a good image after hair transplants that are from the same angle. 2) Convert the images into digital images on your computer and then save them as jpg images. 3) Write your post/story to go with your before and after photos. Then select "Up Load an Attachment" (from the bottom of the page). When you then post your message your before and after photos and they will appear in your post, just like I have done in this post. You can then update your own before and after thread as your results progress. We also have a Visitor's photo galleryon the actual site where you can also add your photos and story. So please don't be shy - after all it's just us bald guys and gals here. Thank you - Pat editor and "Recovered Bald Guy" Congradulations and welcome to the REAL "Hair Club for Men" :-) Sharing our ideas and photos is what keeps this site real. Please participate by posting and replying.
  2. The below email from Gary in South Florida reminded me, just as it did Dr. Jeff Epstein in Miami, why helping a person restore their hair can be so gratifying for them and us! Gary's excitement takes me back to when my hair first started to grow in. Congratulations Gary! And welcome to the real "Hair Club"! Pat From: Garyyamn@aol.com To: jsemd@foundhair.com Sent: Thursday, February 27, 2003 9:28 AM Subject: Progress Report Hello Dr. Epstein and staff, Well its been just a little over 3 months and my hair is growing like crazy!!! I can not begin to tell you how happy I am with my hair and how great it makes me feel. I know you have heard this before but I truly do not know why I waited so long to get the hair transplant. I have to tell you this............yesterday I got a haircut from a stylist who I had never been to before. Normally I would have such anxiety over someone new cutting my hair as I was always worried that they would cut too much or not do it just right to cover all the bald spots. I never told the stylist that I had a hair transplant 3 months ago. It is growing so natural looking that no one......not even the hair stylist....would ever know. And for the first time in MANY years I asked the hair stylist to cut the top a little shorter as I don't need to comb it over anymore to conceal(or so I thought) the bald areas. When the stylist finished cutting my hair she then put a little hair gel on it and just worked it through my hair with her hands and gave it that new style look. I left the salon feeling so good and so confident. And this is only after 3 months from my hair translpant surgery!!!! Every day my hair seems to be getting a little thicher and fuller looking. Thank you Dr. Epstein for giving me back the hair that my family genetics took away from me. This is something that I have dreamed about for a long, long time. A little history here: I am now 52 years old. I had decided about one year ago to go ahead with a hair transplant. I had thought about it for years and finally decided to do something about it. I knew that I was moving from Tampa to Ft Lauderdale and I knew the timing was right to give myself a new look. I did my homework and did a lot of research on hair transplants. While I was in Tampa I talked to two of the big clinics that deal with hair transplants. Neither of them left me with a good feeling and their cost was exhorbitant. Also they told me I would probably need two or three sessions to give me the look I wanted. When I finally moved to Ft Lauderdale I continued with my research and interviewed several doctors who do hair transplantation. I also went on the internet and educated myself with the various techniques involved in hair transplants and hair restoration surgery. I developed my own list of questions that I wanted the doctors to answer. Finally when I met Dr. Epstein I knew I had a winner! From the moment I called his office I could feel that his staff really cared about me and my concerns for a quality job for my hair transplant. I met with Dr. Epstein in his Boca Raton office and Marietta Fernandez did an excellent job of making me feel comfortable and answering all my questions. I had complete trust in Dr. Epstein and knew he was the one for me to do my procedure. Marietta gave me a hair patients referral list of previous patients of Dr Epstein. I called several people on that list and all had very high praise for Dr. Epstein. Marietta also set me up with transportation( a limo!) from my house in Pompano Beach to their office in Miami, Florida. The actual procedure went flawlessly and everyone in Dr. Epsteins office did everything possible to insure my comfort. My procedure was on a Friday and I had a megasession of approximately 2500 grafts. I did not leave the office until around 6:30 or 7pm. No one in the office complained about working late and there was no sense of them rushing just to get the job done. This speaks very highly of both Dr. Epstein and his entire staff. I could tell that everyone really cared and there was a feeling of self satisfaction of doing an excellent job. Dr. Epstein was there throughout the entire procedure. When everything was finished and my aftercare procedures were carefully explained to me they then escorted me downstairs to my awaiting limo to drive me back home. What service!!! I felt like a king. I got back home around 8pm. Dr. Epstein himself called me around 9pm just to make sure I was doing okay and to see if I had any questions. In todays world it is very admirable to get that level of service and care. I was and still am very impressed with Dr. Epstein. My post surgery was uneventful with very little discomfort and virtually no swelling. In fact I was at the mall the very next day after my surgery sporting my new stylish bandana. I am so happy that I decided to go ahead and get my hair transplant surgery and very thankful that I chose Dr. Epstein. I plan to come down to your office soon to show off my new look and my new hair. Thank you for everything, Gary Yamnitz Sharing our ideas and photos is what keeps this site real. Please participate by posting and replying.
  3. The below email from Gary in South Florida reminded me, just as it did Dr. Jeff Epstein in Miami, why helping a person restore their hair can be so gratifying for them and us! Gary's excitement takes me back to when my hair first started to grow in. Congratulations Gary! And welcome to the real "Hair Club"! Pat From: Garyyamn@aol.com To: jsemd@foundhair.com Sent: Thursday, February 27, 2003 9:28 AM Subject: Progress Report Hello Dr. Epstein and staff, Well its been just a little over 3 months and my hair is growing like crazy!!! I can not begin to tell you how happy I am with my hair and how great it makes me feel. I know you have heard this before but I truly do not know why I waited so long to get the hair transplant. I have to tell you this............yesterday I got a haircut from a stylist who I had never been to before. Normally I would have such anxiety over someone new cutting my hair as I was always worried that they would cut too much or not do it just right to cover all the bald spots. I never told the stylist that I had a hair transplant 3 months ago. It is growing so natural looking that no one......not even the hair stylist....would ever know. And for the first time in MANY years I asked the hair stylist to cut the top a little shorter as I don't need to comb it over anymore to conceal(or so I thought) the bald areas. When the stylist finished cutting my hair she then put a little hair gel on it and just worked it through my hair with her hands and gave it that new style look. I left the salon feeling so good and so confident. And this is only after 3 months from my hair translpant surgery!!!! Every day my hair seems to be getting a little thicher and fuller looking. Thank you Dr. Epstein for giving me back the hair that my family genetics took away from me. This is something that I have dreamed about for a long, long time. A little history here: I am now 52 years old. I had decided about one year ago to go ahead with a hair transplant. I had thought about it for years and finally decided to do something about it. I knew that I was moving from Tampa to Ft Lauderdale and I knew the timing was right to give myself a new look. I did my homework and did a lot of research on hair transplants. While I was in Tampa I talked to two of the big clinics that deal with hair transplants. Neither of them left me with a good feeling and their cost was exhorbitant. Also they told me I would probably need two or three sessions to give me the look I wanted. When I finally moved to Ft Lauderdale I continued with my research and interviewed several doctors who do hair transplantation. I also went on the internet and educated myself with the various techniques involved in hair transplants and hair restoration surgery. I developed my own list of questions that I wanted the doctors to answer. Finally when I met Dr. Epstein I knew I had a winner! From the moment I called his office I could feel that his staff really cared about me and my concerns for a quality job for my hair transplant. I met with Dr. Epstein in his Boca Raton office and Marietta Fernandez did an excellent job of making me feel comfortable and answering all my questions. I had complete trust in Dr. Epstein and knew he was the one for me to do my procedure. Marietta gave me a hair patients referral list of previous patients of Dr Epstein. I called several people on that list and all had very high praise for Dr. Epstein. Marietta also set me up with transportation( a limo!) from my house in Pompano Beach to their office in Miami, Florida. The actual procedure went flawlessly and everyone in Dr. Epsteins office did everything possible to insure my comfort. My procedure was on a Friday and I had a megasession of approximately 2500 grafts. I did not leave the office until around 6:30 or 7pm. No one in the office complained about working late and there was no sense of them rushing just to get the job done. This speaks very highly of both Dr. Epstein and his entire staff. I could tell that everyone really cared and there was a feeling of self satisfaction of doing an excellent job. Dr. Epstein was there throughout the entire procedure. When everything was finished and my aftercare procedures were carefully explained to me they then escorted me downstairs to my awaiting limo to drive me back home. What service!!! I felt like a king. I got back home around 8pm. Dr. Epstein himself called me around 9pm just to make sure I was doing okay and to see if I had any questions. In todays world it is very admirable to get that level of service and care. I was and still am very impressed with Dr. Epstein. My post surgery was uneventful with very little discomfort and virtually no swelling. In fact I was at the mall the very next day after my surgery sporting my new stylish bandana. I am so happy that I decided to go ahead and get my hair transplant surgery and very thankful that I chose Dr. Epstein. I plan to come down to your office soon to show off my new look and my new hair. Thank you for everything, Gary Yamnitz Sharing our ideas and photos is what keeps this site real. Please participate by posting and replying.
  4. A big congratulations to you and thanks for sharing! As a former "system" wearer I can relate to your excitement at the thought of a "system" free life style. Perhaps like a feminist burning her bra you will have a ceremony to symbolize your freedom when that day comes! My personal preference is for burning. But drownding it like a hairy rat is another good option. If others care to add their suggestions - by all means jump in. Ok, perhaps I'm being too severe. In all fairness some find that surgically restoring the frontal hairline and wearing a system behind it can provide a very natural hairline with a full look throughout. But once again my preference is fire. Congratulations in advance. Pat Sharing our ideas and photos is what keeps this site real. Please participate by posting and replying.
  5. Kent, I've been online surfing hair sites since the begining and this is a totally new site to me. With such gumption I couldn't help but donate via Paypal. Personally I do think you should apply your donations for now towards Propecia. However, chances are it will not restore your temple recession. However, in time you can do a hair transplant to restore this area for far less than $10,000 (more like under $4000). Best wishes, Pat Sharing our ideas and photos is what keeps this site real. Please participate by posting and replying.
  6. PDM, The dense packing of 40 plus FU per SQ sm is all the rage these days. And at these densities patients with typcial hair characteristics can achieve the appearance of fullness after "one pass". This was not the case when I did my procedures. I needed to go back into the area first transplanted to achieve a the acceptable level of density. This is still true with most surgeons doing FUTs. Apparently this is your situation as well. Best wishes, Pat Sharing our ideas and photos is what keeps this site real. Please participate by posting and replying.
  7. Regarding the FUE and its recent presentation in Hot Springs, Dr. Bob Limmer asked me to post his following comments - The recent meeting in Hot Springs, Arkansas, among HT surgeons many of whom have 20-30 or more years in the field was a fruitful exchange of ideas. As one of the participants who has watched and contributed to the evolution of this field, I again want to ask that we produce good scientific data on the donor harvest implantation methods under current consideration. This is especially relevant to the methods of donor harvest of individual follicular units by punch or partial punch methods. Everyone involved in this donor harvest method as good scientists should conscientiously and with microscopic magnification collect the data on follicular transection and follicular survival so that this data can be compared with the data bank on every method in current use. This collection of data is particularly relevant because of the past history of small punch donor removal which was abandoned because of the high follicular transection rates. The development of new tools and methods of use to reduce such transection rates may prove this method of donor harvest to be a viable alternative but data needs to be gathered to confirm or refute this premise. As long as the donor hair is the only absolute limiting factor in hair restoration, we should be certain that the methods of donor harvest preserve such donor hair as much as possible. BLL,MD/jal Sharing our ideas and photos is what keeps this site real. Please participate by posting and replying.
  8. Scarhead, Generally by 6 to 8 months all the new hair that is going to grow is already growing. However, from 6 months to a year the actual diamater of your new hair will grow thicker, giving you a fuller thicker look. Best wishes, Pat
  9. Thanks to both Jotronic and Dr. Feller for keeping it real by posting their photos in their raw and honest form, bumps, lumps, and all. Pat
  10. I will wait to hear Dr. Feller's response to your question. But it is my understanding that it is always best to leave the grafts a bit raised above the surface of the skin to avoid pitting. The graft tissue above the surface of the scalp eventually sheds and the grafts become flush and smooth with the surface of the surrounding scalp. The end result is that the scalp will have a smooth none pitted appearance in time. Pat
  11. Guys, Dr. White in Australia has been recommended on this site for over a year now. Below, copied from the web site from "How Doctors are Selected for this Site", is the criteria and limitations to how I select them. "Weeding through all the hype online to find an excellent hair transplant surgeon can be exhausting and confusing. Often clinics are found online based on how well they are ranked or spend on advertising, not based on quality and value. Selecting the right hair transplant clinic is a very important decision since quality varies widely. So you need to do your due diligence to make an informed decision based on credible information. Separating the wheat from the chaff This site was created over two years ago to provide an online community where people can openly exchange information and learn about various procedures and clinics. One important feature of this site is recommendations for surgeons who have a demonstrated track record of performing outstanding hair transplantation. These surgeons are chosen and recommended strictly on the merits of their credentials and end results. The main criteria used in choosing surgeons for recommendation on this site are - A demonstrated proficiency and commitment to performing large sessions of follicular unit transplantation using microscopic dissection, while avoiding the use of a multibladed knife. Dedication to doing state of the art hair transplantation exclusively or at least as the main specialty of the clinic. Excellent patient results demonstrating a high level of artistry, refinement, and naturalness throughout, as well as excellent graft survival and growth rates. Reputation of surgeon amongst his or her colleagues, former patients, and the public. Length of time surgeon has been dedicated to performing hair transplantation. Medical training, depth of background, board certifications, honors, credentials, lectures, and published articles and books. Value - as determined by quality and pricing taken together. Those surgeons who are carefully reviewed and chosen for recommendation on this site contribute a modest monthly fee to co-sponsor this online community and display their before and after photos and contact information. Share your opinions This site is dedicated to helping you share information on who really has the goods - not just the ad budget. Important Note - The surgeons recommended on this site are not a definitive list of all the excellent surgeons. But these recommended surgeons will give you a quality bench mark by which to judge all other surgeons and clinics you choose to consult with. We encourage everyone visiting this site to look as far and wide as they feel necessary before selecting a hair transplant clinic (see below for tips on evaluating clinics). If you find a clinic that you are very impressed with, please let us know about them by suggesting them for recommendation on this site. And if you don't find an excellent surgeon in your area, seriously consider traveling to have your hair transplant done right. This is an important permanent decision, one that is well worth traveling for. Ultimately, the value of this site is based upon people sharing information. That is what will keep it alive, real, and growing. So please join the discussion and learn and contribute. well. Considerations in Evaluating a hair transplant clinic Can the surgeon provide at least one dozen sets of clinical "before" and "after" case photos for your review? Be sure the photos offer good clarity and detail and include "before" views as well as "after" views that allow for critical evaluation. What is the hair transplant surgeon's reputation among his or her peers? And how many years have they been dedicated to doing hair transplantation? Can the surgeon provide a list of names and phone numbers of patients willing to discuss their personal experiences? Patient testimonials will say a lot. Is the surgeon performing procedures in a fully-equipped and sterile outpatient surgical facility designed exclusively for hair transplant surgery? How many hair transplant procedures does the surgeon perform in one day? Ideally the physician will be dedicated to working on you all day if you are doing a large mega session procedure. Does the physician perform hair transplant surgery full time or predominantly? If not, the clinic may not have a staff that is experienced enough to successfully perform large sessions of all microscopically prepared Follicular Unit (FU) grafts. Does the physician use microscopes for the disection of the donor tissue into 1, 2, 3, and 4 hair Follicular Unit (FU) grafts? Large sessions of all microscopically prepared grafts are a team effort. But how hands on will your surgeon be? Will he or she be making all the incisions in the graft recipient area, which determines the design and hair direction of your transplanted hair? How involved will your surgeon be in the placing of the actual grafts?
  12. Another example of why we all love and respect the media (once called the 4th branch of government - back when the news was actually news worthy). Thousands of people getting successful hair transplant results is not news worthy. But give them a story about an angry young man with a bat and they'll print and reprint it. Pat
  13. Dr. Bobby Limmer, who virtually invented follicular unit grafting has asked me to share he and his peers offer to provide probono repair work, as outlined in the below post. I know Dr. Limmer to be an excellent and modest surgeon as well as a very compassionate man. I have never had a single one of his patients say any thing but great things about him and his hair transplantation work. This speaks volumes. So I feel it is very generous on he and his peers part to offer pro bono repair work to fix the inadequate work of others. To me it shows that they not only care about the reputation of their profession but the well being of patients who were not even their own. Pat His offer is detailed below -
  14. Dr. Bobby Limmer, who virtually invented follicular unit grafting has asked me to share he and his peers offer to provide probono repair work, as outlined in the below post. I know Dr. Limmer to be an excellent and modest surgeon as well as a very compassionate man. I have never had a single one of his patients say any thing but great things about him and his hair transplantation work. This speaks volumes. So I feel it is very generous on he and his peers part to offer pro bono repair work to fix the inadequate work of others. To me it shows that they not only care about the reputation of their profession but the well being of patients who were not even their own. Pat His offer is detailed below -
  15. Yes, I aggree you do not sound like a hair transplant candidate at your age and stage of thinning. I also strongly advise you give Propecia a try. It works especially well in those who are just starting to loose their hair. According to a recent study, 80 % of men using virtually stop and or reverse their hair loss. Of course, the study was funded by Merk, the makers of Propecia. But over the years I've heard plenty of success stories. Propecia will buy you time while even better drugs/options become available. Best wishes, Pat Thanks for reading this post. But it's your posts that make this discussion group real and vital. Please jump into the discussion. Just pick a topic and click the reply button.
  16. PD, You have been a long time contributor to this forum and have established a reputation in my view of being credible and reasonable. Therefore your post regarding Dr. Cohen is of great concern to me. Patient input, the good and the bad, is a very important, if the not most important criteria by which doctors are eventually chosen to be recommended on this site. This is the first negative comment I have ever heard regarding Dr. Cohen. By all recent accounts and on examaning his current results, his practice does impress me as being state of the art. I hope that upon looking into this matter that Dr. Cohen's work has evolved significantly since the early 90's and is now what it appears to be. Remember after all, that FUT has really only established itself over the past few years. Please email me directly at pat@hairtransplantnetwork.com If you can provide me with a phone number I would greatly appreciate it. Also for clarification - did you have only one procedure with Dr. Cohen in the early 1990's? Thanks for reading this post. But it's your posts that make this discussion group real and vital. Please jump into the discussion. Just pick a topic and click the reply button.
  17. Mike, Thanks for sharing and best wishes. You are in good hands and I know we will all appreciate hearing about your surgery, recovery, and regrowth. Congratulations in advance - Pat Thanks for reading this post. But it's your posts that make this discussion group real and vital. Please jump into the discussion. Just pick a topic and click the reply button.
  18. David, Congratulations again on your great surgical experience. You are certainly in good hands. Back when I did my first sugery about 5 years ago session sizes were not as big as today. So I did 3 sessions of around just under 1500 grafts (totalling nearly 4500 grafts). Now a person could do this total in about 2 sessions in many cases. I think most of us need to think in terms of at least two sessions since even with dense packing of grafts they can still only be placed about 1mm apart in one surgery. The second session allows the surgeon to go back through the area transplanted and add more hair and thus density. Best wishes for great hair growth. Pat Thanks for reading this post. But it's your posts that make this discussion group real and vital. Please jump into the discussion. Just pick a topic and click the reply button.
  19. More photos, yes, I couldn't agree more! Visitors can now add their own before and after photos directly to the site's actual "Visitor Photo Gallery". So far we only have one person in there. If you would like to easily upload your own before and afters anonymously please visit http://www.hairtransplantnetwork.com/Gallery/Photo_gallery_intro.asp and click on "Add your photos" Thanks to everyone for sharing and caring. Pat Thanks for reading this post. But it's your posts that make this discussion group real and vital. Please jump into the discussion. Just pick a topic and click the reply button.
  20. Dr. Limmer, Congratulations and welcome to the "REAL Hair Club for men". Your ground breaking work in follicular unit transplantation has contributed to the happiness of me and thousands of others. Now it has come around like good karma to improve your life as well. Needless to say, you've earned your great results a thousand times over. Now get those before and after photos in so we can get you up in the Gallery :-) I'd wish you good luck in your hair growth, but since you went to Dr. Limmer you won't need it. Pat
  21. Just to clarify. Most surgeons suggest you stop using Rogaine about a week before surgery as Rogaine stimulates additional blood flow, which is unwelcome during surgery. You should also avoid aspirin and alcohol right prior to surgery for the same reasons. Pat Thanks for reading this post. But it's your posts that make this discussion group real and vital. Please jump into the discussion. Just pick a topic and click the reply button.
  22. Dan, Congratulations and thanks for sharing. Best wishes for a bumper crop of new hair! Pat - Publisher Thanks for reading this post. But it's your posts that make this discussion group real and vital. Please jump into the discussion. Just pick a topic and click the reply button.
  23. Regarding the above topic of the use of dialators and Elliot and True I recieved the below posted thoughtful reply from Dr. True. I'm am happy to hear that he personally no longer uses dilators and does microscopically disected follicular unit grafting. In addition, apparently the dilators and the way they are used by Dr. Elliot are much more refined than how I had seen them used last summer at a different clinic. I apologize for the misunderstanding and my assumption based on the Elliot and True web site that all their surgeons are using dilators. I have only heard good reports from the patients of Dr. True in the past. So I will be interested in learning more about Dr. True, with a new fresh perception. I suspect his work and reputation may even merit recommendation and inclusion in on our community some day. Pat Hennnessey - Publisher of the Hair Transplant Network "Pat, I want to set the record straight with you about my practices and the practice of the Elliott & True Medical Group. Our group is an affiliation of solo practices. We share a common philosophy of commitment to achieving the best possible results for our patients. There are technical differences among us in how we do our treatments. In my practice in New York, I have not used dilators for the past four years. Microscopic graft dissection has been a routine feature of my practice since 2000. On the other hand, Dr. Elliott uses dilators routinely. Dr. Wentland has not been affiliated with our group for several years. Granted, I did participate in his training. However, that was many years ago. Even when he worked with our group he did not do treatments as dense as the rest of us. His design concepts were also unique.His receptor sites were generally larger and the dilators he used were larger. His sites were further apart. I have not had any contact with him since we parted ways, so I cannot speak to how he conducts treatments now. I can say that the treatments he performed while part of the group were not representative of how Dr. Elliott or I performed cases. Both Dr. Elliott and I approach our practices dynamically, we continuously evolve and look for better approaches. The methods we use now have moved beyond those we employed when Dr. Wentland was part of the group. As I mentioned, my technique has evolved without dilators. While I don't use them, I do want to defend their use in Dr. Elliott's hands. He uses them in a very refined way. I am comfortable enough with his technique that I have been transplanted by him three times, most recently last July. Dilators have been used in all treatments. I have no pits or bumps and I am very happy with my hairline. Dr. Elliott makes 1mm receptor sites very close together at the hairline. The dilators are very small and fine. Properly selected and used the dilators do not tear or enlarge the receptor sites; they only temporarily stretch the skin. It isn't the use of dilators that produces pits or bumps. They occur because of improper graft adjustment at the end of the procedure No technique is perfect and skill in using the technique may vary considerably. For example, there is some follicular wastage with microscopic dissection in the best of hands. I don't think anyone else has ever used dilators in the way they have been used inour practice, so when they reject their use they are either reponding to their own experience or rejecting a technique simply because it is unfamiliar. I was offended and saddened at the comment on your web site of the prospective patient that he concluded he wouldn't let "some doctor pound nails into his head." - such a grossly distorted perception. Ultimately the test of any technique is the cosmetic quality of the result and the level of patient satisfaction. You have every reason to be a staunch advocate of Dr. Shapiro. His work is very good. Despite our differences in approach our work is also very good. Given the length of time we have been in practice and the thousands of patients we have treated we have justified pride the high level of patient happiness we consistently achieve. You may feel free to post this communication on your web site. I'll leave that up to you. I hope you will be open minded enough to use this information in you effort to provide accurate advice on your site. Please feel to contact me if you have further questions." Robert True, M.D. Thanks for reading this post. But it's your posts that make this discussion group real and vital. Please jump into the discussion. Just pick a topic and click the reply button.
  24. Hal, Dilators are essentially small nails that have been modified for use in holding the graft incisions open until the grafts can later be inserted typically by medical techs. The practice of using dilators is virtually extinct as most surgeons consider them obsolete, unrefined, and a bit barbaric. Having seen them in use in Chicago last summer (see my previous posts on this topic from last summer) I happen to agree. This is one of the main reasons why I have been unwilling to endorse Elliot and True. None of the surgeons recommended on this site use dilators and for many good reasons. The dilators tend to create a much bigger wound in the scalp than the much more refined incisions resulting from the tiny blades most surgeons use. They also tend to produce disruptions and cobblestoning in the scalp. In addition, when dilators are used grafts cannot be placed very close together to create density and natural refined patterns. I suggest anyone considering this procedure think twice. Pat - Publisher of the Hair Transplant Network Thanks for reading this post. But it's your posts that make this discussion group real and vital. Please jump into the discussion. Just pick a topic and click the reply button.
  25. A very prominent and respected surgeon recently asked for help in finding people who have actually had artificial hairs surgically implanted in their scalp. Neither me nor this surgeon in any way endorse this very controversial procedure. This procedure has been illegal in the US for years and for many good reasons. However, this surgeon has been asked to present a study on this topic and would like to hear from patients that have had actual first hand experiences with surgically implanted artificial hair fibers. Most likely these patients will be have had this procedure done outside of North America. If you know of such a person or you had this process please email me at pat@hairtransplantnetwork.com You can remain completely anonymous if you choose. Your help could make a significant contribution to helping surgeons understand this controversial procedure. Please give us the background regarding your surgery, your experience, where and how it was performed, and any complications. If you can also email us before and after photos this would be tremendously helpful as well. These photos can then be edited to preserve your privacy if you wish. The information you provide will be held in strict privacy and will only be shown during a live presentation to hair transplant surgeons and reprinted in trade journal for medical professionals. Thanks in advance for any help you can provide - Pat Hennessey - Publisher of this site. Thanks for reading this post. But it's your posts that make this discussion group real and vital. Please jump into the discussion. Just pick a topic and click the reply button.
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