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Everything posted by hairman4321

  1. for what its worth, based on those photos i think this looks very very good and a very natural seeming hairline. right side is sparser but in these pics it looks like it frames you face well and maybe even looks more natural. do you think it looks worse when its down or something? got any pics in the sun?
  2. i think just to maintenance. the body needs calories to heal your scalp, just in case.
  3. that looks pretty good. from what i've read here too, over time the transplanted hair takes on more qualities of the native hair also.
  4. for what its worth, heres my relatively newbie opinion: - was the hairline lowered lower than the existing hair? from what i've seen, when you do this it often looks sparser. it looks like yours was - the hairline itself, in my view, actually looks like a pretty good design - i think what doesn't look good is the sparseness, which it sounds like a 2nd HT would help that. also, you've got different hair styles that make it look better. shaving it at different lengths etc. maybe a close shave would actually look the best at this point? that or growing it out more medium-lengh potentially? - another thing to consider is that gray hair is way better at looking more natural and thicker. so when you get older and start going gray, it will look way better. although that could take awhile, so i'd understand wanting to get a 2nd HT in the meantime for sure. i wouldn't go any lower with the hairline, just density.
  5. how are you feeling about it? looks good from what i can see!
  6. agree, was going to say "if it ain't broke don't fix it"! it could always end up worse, and right now you've got better hair than 95% of men. a lot of times when i've seen the hairline lowered to previous areas that were 100% bald it ends up looking worse, not enough density. especially for hairstyles like yours where you want to spike it up i also wouldn't expect it to get worse given your age (assuming 30+) and assuming you stay on fin congratulations!
  7. Very nice result. I've heard that grey hair makes for a better candidate too as its thicker than non-grey and usually wiry, better at creating a dense look.
  8. I'm new here but booked in to get a HT in 2 months. To get a natural looking head of hair, it seems density is critical (as well as other things like conservative hairlines and hair quality). Part of density, though, is making sure the survival rate of the transplanted hairs is high. I've seen some people get a densely packed HT, but then its end result ends up looking too sparse. But there are also examples of densely packed HT which end up looking great. Aside from picking a good surgeon and following the after care instructions, what else is needed to ensure the transplanted hairs survive? Are some after care instructions more important than others? Or is it just luck of the draw?
  9. It looks very good and dense / natural already. Looking at this photo: I wonder if part of the reason it looks so good is because the transplanted hair sections aren't completely bald? They have thinned a lot, but there is natural hair still growing there also.
  10. Hi @A_4_Archan , I’m going to Dr Laorwong in Nov. I’ve never been to Thailand - do you have any tips or recommendations? Good sights to see? I will probably stay near the clinic. Do most people speak English there? Does Dr Laorwong give you medications for hairloss, like finasteride and minoxidil? Your hair is looking really good. Incredible how little swelling you got too I saw for your 2nd transplant for the crown you mentioned taking some from the beard - would that not leave some scars on your face? Or will you commit to always having some beard?
  11. Also do you know what density you got this packed at, per cm squared?
  12. Wow, great outcome and looks very natural. I have very similar hair, hair type and skin colour and just want my temples done as well (pics here) - very comforting that we can get great results! At 4 months its not even noticable you've had it done unless someone was to inspect probably. @Hairtransplant570 was it like this earlier too? what was it like at month 1, 2, 3? Congratulations
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