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Everything posted by disTressedHairline

  1. Curious about your "oozing" during the procedure, what was your pre-op protocol in the days leading up to surgery? Were there any instructions they provided?
  2. Yeah, Tadalafil (Cialis) and Sildenafil (Viagra) can absolutely cause vision problems, it's a known side, unfortunately. Glad that was fixed when you stopped.
  3. That sounds absolutely horrible, I'm sorry that you have had to deal with this but I really respect you for persevering through it. I'm not a doctor - but it looks like your hormones are at the right levels, its just your receptors were somehow "turned off" so your body can't use that testosterone floating around. I could be completely wrong though - I don't have any medical training. Curious, have you ever talked to a doctor about trying daily low-dose tadalafil (Cialis)? There is extremely limited research that have shown it to increase androgen receptors - granted this was in in vitro cells, not on a normal person and the study was limited. Again, I'm not a doctor and I'm sorry if this is against any rules on this forum, I just feel for you in your situation and trying to throw out any ideas that you might explore with a qualified medical professional (not some random HRN lurker like me). Sounds like you have tried many things, and I'm shocked TRT didn't work.
  4. I saw your previous post, but never saw the end result, any chance you can't point me to your before/after in case I missed it? And did Dr. Arocha use ARTAS or was it manual extraction?
  5. Just checking in on your progress amigo, how do you feel about your results so far?
  6. Oof. Gotcha. It was a sentence among paragraphs but I see it now. I definitely wish you happy growing, like most of us we'll be following your journey and I am ~95% leaning towards Dr. Laorwong for my procedure. Thanks for the great details and inspiration.
  7. thanks for the response, what kind of head gear did you wear when you did this (if any)?
  8. I wish you the best and you're in good hands with Dr. Cuoto. I wish I had that appointment right now . . .
  9. You mentioned Bangkok was hot, did that make it difficult to do anything after your procedure? Were you fairly confined to the hotel due to heat/humidity or not a big deal at all?
  10. How long did it take your donor to recover from the shock loss?
  11. Did you ever go to Harmony? I am curious about them. There is another clinic in Cancun that appears to be infamous (not Harmony though) and so I can understand everyone's reservations about them. As far as Hair in 1 Day, I wasn't too impressed with their results.
  12. Thanks for the posts and for showing your donor, any updates? @zepruska
  13. Really great work, congrats! I hope you share the final result.
  14. Agree with @A_4_Archan - you're going to have a lot of tiny open wounds in an area that is perfect for bacteria, no since in risking it. You can always rebuild good gut bacteria by eating a proper diet and avoiding junk.
  15. Just. wow. Congrats, you already won and you're not even done.
  16. Your final result is going to look so good, congrats on getting this done. By this time next year, you're going to feel great. How was the journey back to NZ from Bangkok? Did you have scabs or redness in your donor? I know so many people travel after this, but for some reason, this is the most uncomfortable part for me. I fear people are going to look at me in disgust seeing me flying post-op. Hope I'm just overthinking this . . .
  17. Always a question when people disappear after a procedure. I'm guessing (hoping) that they are so happy that they don't think about hair loss anymore, thus, they don't come back here as it's not on their mind. Hope you see this @N1CK and come back and give us some news.
  18. That has to be the toughest time, especially with the shockloss. How long before your donor went back to normal?
  19. If he's not experiencing hairloss it's not wise to go on meds, sounds like he wants this purely to correct his hairline
  20. Always disappointed when there's a ghost and post - especially with no photos. But, I hope they are so happy with their result that they don't think about hairloss anymore.
  21. Great results for 6.5 months, by now its been over a year+ - could you show us a final result?
  22. Hey, first of all, I apologize if my comment caused any offense, it wasn't the intention, but I can see how it may have been annoying to read. Sorry for that. I think some of us are "armchair quarterbacks" when it comes to this because we spend so much of our time obsessing over the details of this particular surgery/procedure. With that, we lose sight of what matters the most - is the patient satisfied/happy with the results? You clearly are and should be. I would be too. Because of this, you definitely look better and feel happy with the result. I'm happy you got in to see Dr. Couto, I wish I could, as I truly believe he is one of the best surgeons in this craft. It's just tough to get an appointment, but I think we can all understand why that is - he's only one man, and he can only do so much in a day. Maybe one day I'll get my chance, and I'll get a procedure that makes me as happy as you are. I hope you enjoy your vacation in Italy, thanks for your reviews and responses, and congrats on such a great transformation. Cheers.
  23. Really amazing work, thank you for posting this information. Dr. Couto has to be one of the best in the world. How bad was your swelling after the procedure? And how long did any swelling last?
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