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Everything posted by Nikoni

  1. Why wounds need to be bigger ?
  2. Great results there, especially no visible scarring. How did you manage to avoid scars ?
  3. You can use fibers to covers the area and wait till 6 months, to see how it goes. It's to soon now.
  4. One of the nastiest sides of HT is scarring, especially done incorrectly . @mustang and @gimpoli have good topics about donor area repair. Are there any other cases ? Does Restocking also bring back pigment ? Who are best surgeons for such repair ? Any other information about donor repair is welcome.
  5. Thanks. Did BHT to FUE scars bring back pigment ?
  6. What do you think, will FUE scars fade away in 20-30 years ?
  7. heartbreaking to see such situation. Any updates ?
  8. @DrTBarghouthi thank you for the great job ! Do you think this can work on old FUE scars also ? Surgeon will cut the scars and inject Verteporfin ?
  9. Do you think doctors would be repairing also old scars with this ?
  10. I mean, if it is telogen, it will fall. What's your feeling, out of 100 body hairs approximately what % is present on the scalp ?
  11. @BeHappy what about different anagen/telognen phases ? Does body hair mimic the scalp hair once transplanted ?
  12. @gimpoli great results ! Can you have some updates ? Also how's chest hair growing ? Is it curly, grows fast ? What about anagen/telogen phases, do you think hair mimic scalp hair ? Did pigment return after transplantation ?
  13. Do they grow faster than scalp hair ? If yes, how fast ?
  14. @mustang what is your feeling about different Anagen/Telogen phases? What % of body hair is sleeping on the scalp ?
  15. Thank you man, And as you had a lot of time with Dr. Mwamba, what does he say ? Do they change speed, texture, anagen phase with time and become like native hair?
  16. @mustang thanks a lot ! Wouldn't even consider doing this if i didn't see your post. Have you noticed any difference in growth rate and texture ? Do they grow faster, become curly, etc . ?
  17. @mustang would really appreciate your opinion on this.
  18. Hi all, I've done 1200 FUE few years ago, not very happy with my donor Area. I'm really impressed with @mustang and @gimpoli stories how they recovered their donor area with BHT. Do you think my chest hair will be good enough to cover my FUE scars ? Also have lot of hair on my back and shoulders. Do they work ? The hair on my chest is curly, if I keep my hair longer, will it be also curly on my donor area ? Do white dots get pigmented when hair is transplanted ? Any other advice, thing I should be aware of ? Thank you for all the answers
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