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Everything posted by Nikoni

  1. hi @Fox243, can you ask from Dr. Bloxham at least when to expect the updates ? This one is taking really long.
  2. @Melvin- Admin do you think we may try to fund an existing FUE scars revision trial ? (If Bloxham's trial shows success for older scar revision) It should be cheaper and easier. No Hair Transplant is needed and the test can be done on a small area that will require very little verteporfin.
  3. Thank you, unfortunately nothing new. So one big update is left for the near future, Dr. Bloxhams 4 and 5 months results.
  4. @Fox243 you the only one among us with some contact with Dr. Bloxham. I know you don't want to bug him, but we are past 5 months now and it should be evident which direction the trial took. Please ask for some initial assessment and the Doctor's opinion without photos or anything.
  5. There is no such thing as transaction in FUT. They cut the skin piece with everything in it, and hair growing out from where the scar is supposed to form is pretty amazing and promising. That's all I would expect from 3 month results. I wouldn't expect perfect healing in 5 months either, but there should be significant difference if it worked.
  6. 5 months must show already whether it took regeneration path or not. If he doesn't publish any updates this week, hope guys on dicsord can reach him out and ask for his thoughts .
  7. Seems new trials are on the way, this is good. @Fox243 Dr Barghouthi and Dr Mohebi will have new trials. I think that will be enough evidence already for Standard FUE. IMO it's better to direct efforts towards more scenarios that hasn't been tested. Like injuring recipient and injecting verteporfin, Revising old FUE scars. Also there are big pockets with hair loss or unsuccessful HT, with enough evidence they will back up more trials, worth to contact them.
  8. Having a patient posting results would be a big step forward. When is the date ?
  9. The staff is very promising and almost confirmed to be working. It can repair both you donor and recipient. Follow the thread, there are new trials.
  10. Can't thank you enough doctor for your efforts. This is awesome. What dose did you use ? Hopefully even if the patient decides not to share anything publicly, you will make necessary conclusions and this will be step forward.
  11. hi guys, any updates on Dr. Barghouthis November trials ? Did they happen ?
  12. hi @Melvin- Admin, I saw on reddit you are planning another podcast with Doctor Barghouthi, is it confirmed ? Would be awesome really, he must have many insights by now.
  13. Rogaine is still making ton of money,no matter there are many other producers of minoxidil. So will be with verteporfin producers, there would be enough bank for many. They can be persuaded to join. @Fox243 do you have any updates from Dr. Bloxham 4 month results ?
  14. If you are worried about scarring join Verteporfin thread. In short this is very promising chemical when inejcted into wound prevents scarring. It's getting famous, so you can ask your surgeon to use it.
  15. Very good idea to involve verteporfin producers. Demand will hugely increase for vert. It's off patents of course but still they are ahead in competition and will make a lot of money.
  16. Looks promising so far. Fact 1- It works on older scars revision also. Fact 2- Even if it shedded , there was hair growing from the middle of wound. IMO that means skin selected healing not scarring. Hair doesn't grow from scar tissue. Results must be getting better from now on. Dr. Barghouthis results also got better with time.
  17. I agree regarding amount, but in higher concentration it is dense (less water), so maybe it doesn't get absorbed as well, that's my point, but of course this is just opinion of non medical person.
  18. In pigs it was higher concentrations that showed bad results if I am not mistaken. Maybe in high concentration it's very dense to be absorbed, but in high dosage (more verteporfin with same concentration) there wouldn't be this issue. But it seems 0.4 ml dosage and 2 mg/ml concentration are close to sweet spot. Just few trials and errors and we are there.
  19. @DrTBarghouthi your last update was really huge and it started spreading pretty quickly. There are new posts on reddit one with almost 1000 upvotes and more than 400 comments. If you have other photos it would be great if you could share them, with more evidence we could speed up the snowball rolling.
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