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Everything posted by Nikoni

  1. Thank you, if he doesn't agree to podcast, please try to get information about dosage and delivery.
  2. Unlike other treatments, there is real science behind this one backed by Stanford scientists. The scar forming path and its prevention is well known, the only question now is if Verteporfin strong enough to do the job. Also there are variables like dosage, delivery method. Other treatments claimed to grow hair, Verteporfin is about repairing skin, and hair is a part of healthy scalp skin.
  3. Anyone heard about or have experience with skin cells transplant ? It is used for Vitiligo but seems to work also for white scars. https://tevidobiodevices.com/trupigment/#1569435419783-5e9f4b81-122a845e-6dac
  4. Maybe guys like Elon Musk, Joe Rogan can support this ? They have visible HT scars. Can anyone somehow reach to them ? @Melvin- Moderator
  5. Longaker had an update in May. Planning to get FDA approval for scar revision, filed for an IP and will be doing children cleft lip revision. Seems to be a good sign. What do you think ? https://doctrc.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/Cleft-Lip-Revision-Drug-Longaker.pdf
  6. Hi @DrTBarghouthi, wanted to thank you again for the new trial. Are you planning a follow up with previous patient ? A lot of people are interested, but we would understand if there are difficulties with your schedule. Please just let us know.
  7. Follow this, still not 100%, but promising. You may FUE out hairs inject verteporfin, and get smooth skin.
  8. Hi friends, what are your feelings so far ? Do yo think it will lead to scarless healing ? Vert definitely does something but I guess it needs trials to finetune the tings.
  9. Another promising study on Verteporfin that may be useful @DrTBarghouthi https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-023-39129-6
  10. I think this is good enough for now, few trials with improving protocol each time will show if it works and to what extent. So only Dr. Barghouthi updates the results here, is there a way we can track the other trials on this forum ?
  11. thank you @Melvin- Moderator for pushing this forward, unfortunately no luck this time. Is there any info on Dr. Bisanga considering to try verteporfin using AI to evaluate results or he's waiting for more evidence ?
  12. Thank you @DrTBarghouthi !!! Is there a follow up with previous patient ? It's been a year and it would be great to see the donor area.
  13. With FUT we should have a better idea how Verteporfin works. Thank you and keep us updated !
  14. Very informative. Do I understand it right, that Dr. Bisanga is considering doing verteporfin trial using AI to evaluate if there is hair growth.
  15. Thanks, I understand the mechanism of recovery and the need for fresh wound, I don't understand why it needs to be bigger.
  16. Yeah, the pace is very slow. It is also very strange that there is lack of interest outside hair community, imagine any kind of surgery without scars, there are burns, accident scars, imagine their revision. Even scaring can be potentially avoided in organs like liver and lungs and save lives. The pace is slow, but at least there is a progress thanks to @DrTBarghouthi and @Melvin- Moderator. It would be great to see and compare the whole donor are after 1 year and hopefully new trials with improved protocol.
  17. Guys do you know are there other trials outside of hair industry ? Scarring is an issue for many, so there are other possible uses for verteporfin .
  18. I think the stage of lab rats is far behind. It's 20 years old drug, FDA approved and at least wouldn't make situation worse. Hopefully Dr. Barghouthi will have some good news soon.
  19. You have nothing to lose, except some money, but may end up with perfect donor. Also would be good for the community.
  20. It seems more surgeons are getting involved, @Melvin- Moderator does a fantastic job to make this happen. Melvin can you update the situation please about ongoing/planned trials ?
  21. This can potentially lead to new revenue sources for surgeons. Decades of HTs and scars, many of the patients would like to get rid of them. Maybe this argument will help to get more surgeons involved.
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