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Everything posted by Nikoni

  1. Thank you @Melvin- Moderator. I think this shouldn't be connected with the trial or this is transferring to endless loop. @DrTBarghouthi do you have any updates ?
  2. @Melvin- Moderator while it is silent here, can you please share photos from last podcast with Dr. Barghouthi ? We saw them in video, but would appreciate if we can see them in high quality.
  3. It seems in 2-3 months we will have much better understanding about verteporfin efficiency. Dr. Bloxham's trial results will show improvement on scarring and Dr. Barghouthi's follow up with the first patient will show if the results are persistent or not.
  4. Follow verteporfin thread . This maybe a key to scarless wound healing. In couple of months it will be possible to say if the drug works.
  5. @Hair Biology Labs does Dr. Bloxham have any updates ?
  6. Thank you Dr. Barghouthi, we fully support you and I am sorry if you feel pressure from the community. We understand trials the are your good will and NOT your obligation. For many the waiting may be emotional and stressful as they may have plans dependent on verteporfin efficiency. That is why we want to be updated. I hope it works, people would be able to solve their problems and you will have all the credits and benefits as the first surgeon who tried this. Lets work together and make this happen !
  7. Dear @DrTBarghouthi, I wad reading the beginning of this thread, and you were really enthusiastic willing to try different possibilities. Now we've been waiting for a new trial for more than a year, and we don't hear much updates from you. You were first to try Verteporfin and we are really grateful for that, none of us has any right to put a pressure on you, but I think we have right to know your plans regarding future trials. I hope you are still with us, and many disruptive circumstances that happened during last year are in the past, and the things will start moving forward faster, but please in any case good or bad, let us know about your plans.
  8. Above 0.4 mg. That's what we learned from the previous trial. After the next trial we would be able to determine golden zone more precisely. Hope you don't suggest to wait 6 months, to improve protocol based on Bloxham's results.
  9. Progress in science is done through trials. Each new trial gives you knowledge to make the next trial better. If Longaker postpones the call for another two weeks should we wait again ? I think if we wait for a couple of years, guys in Standford will develop much better solution, hydrogel, special injection needles etc. The goal of these trials to find out solution faster. And again this trial was already postponed few times. The best thing now I think is to have a podcast with Dr. to understand how he feels about continuing trials.
  10. No blames and thank you everyone who contributed to the progress. But lets be honest, second FUE trial was postponed already for a year, 2022 September, December, 2023 March, May, July, this are months when the trial was planned to happen according to this thread. What would this call possibly do to improve protocol ? Longaker wouldn't disclose dosage until it's official, given he knows the ideal dosage, he also needs to do trials to find out the best dose, which he didn't. After so many postponed dates, having another for a month for a slim chance that Longaker would say smth that may be helpful doesn't seem reasonable. If we wait long enough Longkaer will definitely come up with better solution, but we don't want to wait years, that's the whole point of these trials. Again we are grateful to Dr. Barghouthi and anyone who contributed to the progress, but would like to hear from Dr. Barghouthi about his plans regarding verteporfin.
  11. Anyway thank you for you efforts. Are there any news from Dr. Barghouthi regarding follow up with previous patient or new trial ? Maybe you can arrange another podcast with Dr. ?
  12. It's very unlikely that Longaker will disclose dosage before official announcement. Anything else wouldn't affect protocol. And this trial was already postponed few times. Anyways this is up to Dr. Barghouthi and patient to decide on date. Let's wait for updates and hope for the best. We're all on the same side.
  13. Will laser hair removal help with cobblestoning ? If follicle is destroyed and hair doesn't grow will it resolve cobblestoning ? Any other treatment options ?
  14. Personally I don't think Dr. Longaker will tell anything that would improve protocol. It's just a call , no guarantees. Dosage and delivery method are key, and Longaker wouldn't have much experience with FUE scarring. Of course this is only my opinion, and Dr. Barghouthi will know better.
  15. Good health to your son and hope you'll manage to schedule another call. @DrTBarghouthido you have any updates with new trial date/previous patient follow up ? IMO doesn't worth to wait for Longaker , it is very uncertain we'll get info to improve protocol.
  16. @Melvin- Moderator we are ready for good news and for bad news. Please don't keep us waiting.
  17. Guys these are some good questions for podcast, but we don't know how long the initial call would be and if you let me sum up the most important questions, in case there is no enough time and Dr. Longaker doesn't agree to podcast. 1) The best dosage, concentration, and drug delivery/injection method ? 2) Safety side of using Verteporfin for wound healing, may it cause development of cancerous cells ? 3) When will they start human trials and when this will be available in market ? 4) What's the best method to use Verteporfin to repair existing scars ? 5) May it create hair on head where hair already miniaturized ?
  18. Hello @DrTBarghouthi as you can see from the questions, there are many who are concerned about FUE scars revision. Please keep FUE revision in your pipeline.
  19. Thank you for posting ! Does Dr. Bloxham plan to do FUE trial or old FUE Scars revision ?
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