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Everything posted by Youth_Again

  1. That's interesting, I though the main reason was to avoid high bleeding on the scalp. Both oral and topical are suppose to increase blood flow to the scalp
  2. It is only for topical minoxidil right ? Or do they also advice to stop oral minoxidil 2 weeks prior to surgery ?
  3. funny thing, when I went to see Hasson & Wong they were only willing to do 1500 grafts, and were trying to convince me to not get surgery. Their amount of grafts is always really high, and I find their temple design very sharp. Hope you like your design and good recovery
  4. Not monitoring it but last time I checked, rest BP was around 60 i don’t feel weaker, I actually feel stronger. Never had dizziness as well
  5. Used 2.5mg for the first week, upped the dosage to 5mg after
  6. It might just be placebo, but I got a comment saying my eyebrows got thicker
  7. But what’s interesting is why are some bodybuilders not using it at higher dose then ?
  8. that would make 100% sense, my blood vessels would dilate a lot more than usual, creating thicker veins and maybe helping reaching a better pump? That is very interesting
  9. hm that is interesting, have you experienced anything like that ?
  10. Hi, I have been on oral minoxidil for more than 2 weeks now, and I don’t know if this is related but my overall body is way more vascular than before. I do workout quite a lot, but I believe to have way bigger veins, more appearing, thicker, I also get insane pumps at the gym. is this a common effect? Is it unrelated and I just made normal gains at the gym? Is it placebo and I am thinking the pill is working ? I also had quite some shedding on some tiny hair, thicker eyebrows and also my beard is becoming thicker
  11. I was planning on doing the same, taking a few weeks off the gym is not bad, helps recovering, your CNS needs rest if you are always lifting heavy without having any deload weeks
  12. Dr.Couto does PRP on his patients in his post op treatment, to help with the healing process and improves the growth factor of the new implanted hair. From what he told me, doing PRP other than for the reason mentioned above is a waste of money.
  13. I am pretty happy with the design he offered me, he is the one that drew that design, he told me he could do this aggressive hairline due to my hair loss that was only frontal. I do trust him and I think it will look great
  14. I heard he has a big implication in the process, hairline done completely by him
  15. for some reason your haircut made me think about saul goodman 😃
  16. I had but long time ago, blood pressure checked more recently and results were very good. I am very active, almost everyday, either gym or cardio or soccer. I try to stay in shape as much as I can and will continue to do so. I am also watching my diet and weight, so I think I should be fine
  17. my heart is in a perfect shape, did some test. BPM close to 60 at rest mode
  18. I didn’t see any dermatologist or doctor because anyways they either won’t prescribed it, plus there is a shortage. i just got it from Thailand, and will ramp up the dosage as you advised
  19. but is it on your ear, or inside the ear. baby hair or mature hair ? I need to see a picture
  20. it's almost impossible to get oral minoxidil here in canada so let's say I am doing this on my own..
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