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Everything posted by Youth_Again

  1. thanks for your feedback, I was also thinking the same, overdosing could potentially cause side effects. BTW any specific advice for switching from topical to oral min? like transitioning slowly ? I will monitor what oral minoxidil does to my beard.
  2. Hi guys, I will start using oral minoxidil soon, and I also want to grow my beard and I have seen some pretty good transformations using topical minoxidil. I was wondering if stacking oral + topical on my beard would be a good or a very bad idea, if it would be overdosing or idk have side effects. any of you doing it ?
  3. I guess so, but kinda scary to think ? i am just wondering how much I am messing up with my hormones and how it is affecting me as a man
  4. but it seems to be affecting only my upper body, my legs were not affected, still same amount of hair, same for my arms. Beard no effect as well, I have seen beard growth so seems like it is not affecting that area but chest and armpits got affected 100%
  5. not 0 arm pit hair but way less than before. But to be fair even before my use of finasteride I never had a big body pilosity.
  6. yeah seems like it is affecting only upper body hair, but not my arms for example, just chest, neck, belly and armpits
  7. 0 side effects, I believe from what I remember I did experience some sides the first week of use but nothing after that. 1mg daily for the past 3 years, never had any issues so far, just observed way less body hair. At first I though I was tripping but looking at pictures before using finasteride I definitely had way more body hair than today
  8. no, my eyes are not tricked, I used to have quite a lot of hair under my armpit and I have almost none anymore, I used to have some hair on my chest and now it's barely visible and quite baby hairs left, same on my belly button, used to have a lot and now it's very fine hair, not long at all
  9. I have been on oral finasteride for about 3 years now, and looking at old topless pictures of me, I realized that I have WAY less body hair, including my chest, neck, armpits to the point where I almost have none anymore compared to before. Is this a normal side effect ? did anyone experience the same thing? If I start taking oral minoxidil would it balance it ?
  10. Hi man, just wondering, did you do any PRP sessions? 1 month prior to surgery or right after surgery performed by Dr.Couto? Did you also had any PRP sessions after the HT as suggested?
  11. Yeah at the end of the day there not much studies proving it could be effective I agree. just wondering, post op are you using oral minoxidil right away or you have to wait 2-3 weeks? min the pre op they told me to stop min 2 weeks prior to surgery
  12. Oral minoxidil is impossible to source in Canada atm. Everything on backorder, no generic available. anyone has experience buying from a website from Thailand or elsewhere ? I have read some reviews about removed link but if anyone has other websites they used in the past and I could trust that would be very helpful
  13. Update 2: Surgery booked for September 2023. I will book my flight and also Hotel in the next couple of weeks. Mixed feelings of fear and stress but also excitement. Is there any topic discussing the best tips/advice pre surgery ? How to get ready etc?
  14. I was thinking of using GH during my recovery period since it could stimulate a faster recovery 😅 still not 100% sure if I want to do that or not
  15. I was thinking winter would be better to avoid sun exposure and I could enjoy summer without having to worry about my scalp being expose to sun? man now you getting me also worried 🤣 he mentioned PRP right before the transplant to prepare the scalp, then 1 month after, 3,6,9 and 12months post op, which would help faster recovery and denser thicker growth. im French, and told him I was from France but lived in Canada, maybe he offers PRP to people living close by? Idk if you are coming from far away he does not offer it ?
  16. I am so happy to read your post, we actually met on June 1st, I was there for my first consultation and got offered to go on september 2023 due to a last minute consultation. I actually asked the clinic if you were willing to share your details so I could talk to you regarding the long flight, since we are both based on the west coast. Glad to see you are doing better and your face is not super swollen like it was that one day.
  17. not legit but heard good reviews, generic though.. https://www.goodstuffstore.net/fr/store/Loxidil-10-mg-2-boxes-p176739134 It is really hard to get oral minoxidil in Canada, if you guys have any advices, please share
  18. 2600 grafts quoted, needs temple work done so 4.5€/graft quote - 11700€ if you don’t need temple work it’s 4€ per graft
  19. Pictures taken at the FUEXPERT clinic with the new hairline drawn by Dr.Couto.
  20. Hi, to my Canadian folks, I am trying to switch from topical minoxidil to Oral minoxidil. Getting a prescription for oral minoxidil seems hard first of all and I keep hearing that there is a shortage of Loniten in Canada. How do you guys did with supply of Loniten? Do you manage to get it from your local pharmacy or do you use any website (legit or "sketchy") that can be trusted ? I will undergo a HT soon ish and I know part of the protocol is to be on oral minoxidil after that so I would like to make sure I can get supply now and be stress free. Cheers.
  21. God I have been thinking about it the whole day. Problem is that I live in Canada, and already took quite some time off to be able to have the first in person consultation and kinda planned everything out for the surgery to be 1 year after that consultation. one side of me just wants to get it done and not think about it anymore, other part of me thinks I should stick to my plan and not rush it and organize my trip for next year..
  22. Update: I got offered to go second week of September 2023 or last week of may 2024. i don’t really know what to do, I am willing to do it in September but I feel unprepared and need to organize my travel etc..
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