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Everything posted by Youth_Again

  1. 1 month update: Not much to say, still a bit red. Shedding started at week 2. Still a long way to go, not really worrying about it. Trusting the process
  2. one month in, still got some redness. I guess I will just send the clinic an email asking when I should stop using it
  3. Removed on day 9, I’m 2 days shy of one month now. Will give an update soon
  4. skin fade, by having hair on ur temple really short it will look way better trust me. I used to cut my hair this way and it was looking pretty good
  5. I had to wait 18 months for the first consultation, and before even being able to book the consultation I had to wait 1 year almost. so you gotta be patient, your best bet is to call. Emails won't get you anywhere, the only reason I was able to book is because i kept calling
  6. Any supplements you are taking aside from your fin/OM regiment? I decided not to do the PRP since Dr.Couto said if I don't pick a good clinic it could result in damaging the new implanted hair, so not gonna take the chance. how long did you use the rosa mosqueta for as well
  7. I am sure the OP would rather have never done the surgery knowing what kind of results he would have get. Personally I wouldnt have.
  8. OP spent 15k for that transplant. The surgeon looking at the result and saying oh yeah, looks like 50% growth, I will give you a 50% refund. Does not look like he really cares about his work and the fact the results were only 50% successful. weird approach to me
  9. I would either take the FUT or a full refund. 50% refund is a joke IMO
  10. it's not really the time to cheap out, I don't think you should be cheap, you already spent probably more than 10k for the transplant itself, due yourself a favor and pick a good hotel or airbnb. you don't want to ruin your expensive transplant trying to save few hundreds. you will make money again, don't cheap out for that stuff pls
  11. Hair transplant is sometimes a gamble, but you chose one of the best surgeon in the game to do it. I was also scared myself, the surgery itself is not that scary, you are 0 risks. What can be scary is the 'what if' but trust me, the more you will worry about it the more you may be disappointed with the results. I am not even thinking about anything negative, I know it will look great because I went to Dr.Couto. Peace of mind, no stress, enjoy the journey
  12. ok I was wondering, the donor area should have recovered. For some reason I have a sh!t load of grey hair on the side, not much on the top which looks funky
  13. even just the donor area after 6 months ?
  14. No, old one. I believe his new clinic is for 2024 It was just me in the morning, it depends on how big the session is, but max 2 per day
  15. you are giving me hope to look decent around month 3/4. The first few weeks are really tough
  16. I can’t 100% say if he is a trained doctor or not. But he would only deal with mid scalp, anything that’s temple and hairline is done by Dr.Couto
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