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Everything posted by Youth_Again

  1. I am providing updates monthly to the doctor, he just told me to stay on oral min/fin. eat healthy, stay active and avoid stress. i don’t think we need anything else tbh
  2. Just the antibiotics and pain killer after the surgery but otherwise nothing else
  3. And the scabs were not getting softer ? i guess we all heal differently
  4. Did you spray saline water every 30 min for the first 3-4 days post op? And did you start doing a daily wash starting day 4? My scabs were almost all gone by themselves at day 8
  5. 3 months update I am 2 days shy of the 3 months mark, time for a little update. right side looks better and fuller than the left side so far, but I guess for only 3 months it looks decent. excited for month 4, I may be able to do a decent haircut. It still is very visible that I did a hair transplant at the moment
  6. hey guys, just received an email from the clinic giving me the details of the surgery Total of grafts: 2613 Total hair implanted: 7034 Ufs.1: 200 Ufs.2: 843 Ufs.3: 1132 Ufs.4: 438 Ratio: 2.7 200 singles seems very low for temple and hairline work no?
  7. Did you end up doing the surgery ? I am actually curious
  8. Incrementally increasing the rotational speed and vice versa on the way down
  9. Week 10 update looks like growth started to really kick in
  10. Did you share your HT? I am curious to see your result as well
  11. Ain’t no way it’s expiring in 3 months
  12. when was the drug compounded? What is the out of date ?
  13. when did you get it ? Usually oral minoxidil last 2 years at least
  14. I’m so excited, I feel like I’m already at month 3 🤩
  15. 2 months update: I already start seeing some growth, lots of baby hair starting to sprout as well visible in the mirror, I’m excited for the next month. Things seem to start kicking nicely
  16. Dr.Torres did a part of it on day 2, middle scalp area only, all the hairline and temples done by Dr.Couto himself
  17. a lot of top surgeon charge half of that price. Never heard of her tbh
  18. From my understanding you did your surgery on May 29th, so you are not even at 6 months yet. It's looking really good, should see improvements weekly now.
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