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Everything posted by hairthere

  1. It's called a consultation and you should have one with any surgeon you are considering. I met with Dr. Feller twice before deciding to have surgery with him. It's not just to allay your fears, but to discuss a plan for your Ht and possible future Hts.
  2. i found hairlosshelp first and have been a regular contributor there. however, after a while the posts and topics get stale, people keep picking the same fights, and branching out helps you find other patients/doctors and cases. so, this has become the second place i post and research. as far as i can tell, these are the two most visited forums...
  3. feller requires it. they test you for hiv and hep a and b...
  4. rikky, please post some before/after pics and we can give you a better assesment of your situation.
  5. P.S. If you're unsure if that's a reasonable price quote, then you NEED to do a heck of a lot more research into HTs. Please do not make any hasty decisions. Best of Luck!
  6. Never heard of him. He might be a fine doc, but honestly there are only a handful of ht surgeons considered to be doing the best work. Top docs, imo, are: feller, alexander, h&w, armani, shapiro, rahal, wolf, cole. anyone else is a bit of a gamble. Most reasonably priced of these top docs are probably feller and rahal. and you will get far more grafts for your money than griffin quoted you....
  7. Hair2stay, those side-by-side comparisons show a HUGE improvement, imo. you should be psyched! your hair looks awesome and you still have plenty of growth left ahead of you...
  8. If I wasn't going to Feller Alexander would be my next choice. His hairlines are better/more natural than armani's, imo....
  9. i hear ya byehair. charlie, i hope we're all wrong and that everything works out. if not, though, do not go back to the same doc, even if she offers more suregery for free....
  10. Byehair, common sense, plus seeing tons of other patient results, dictates otherwise. also, while a surgeon should do his/her best to make the customer happy, they must also give the patient realistic expectations, and if a cosmetic improvement isn't possible due to lack of funds, must either let the patient know or refuse to perform the work.
  11. After seeing dozens of quality Ht examples I'd have to say this approach looks ancient by comparison. I'd like to give her the benefit of showing comparison photos, but if this were all I had to go on there's no way I'd let this doc touch me....
  12. Whatever you do do not go to Bosley. Read these forums and you'll understand why. Do lots of research, go for doctor consults, see patients in person if possible. Then make a decision on who the right doc is for you. Some personal suggestions: Dr.Alexander in Arizona does some of the most natural work I've seen. I'm going to Feller for my 2nd HT. Rahal in Canada is great and reasonably priced. Those were my top 3 pics. Then I'd have considered H&W, Shapiro, Cole and Armani.
  13. If you're talking about your hairline then you only want single hair grafts coming out. Everyone is different, so you must give your HT at least 1 year to see final results. Some people even report thickening up to 18 months. I definitely saw a difference in hair quality betweeen months 7-8. The key is to just be patient and try not to analyze every day in the mirror. If after a year you are not happy with thickness consult your doc and perhaps plan a second round. If your doc agrees perhaps you'll get a price break too...
  14. My red turned to pink after 1 month and then i had pinkness for the next 4 months.
  15. Why did you not just have 2500 grafts your first round?
  16. I went to a lesser-known HT doc for my first surgery. I am now going to Dr. Feller for #2. The only docs I would see other than Feller, are: Alexander, Rahal, H&W, Armani, Wolf, Shapiro, Cole. There are a handful of others who can do a decent job, but why would you risk having such an expensive surgery without feeling 100 percent confident in the surgeon's abilities? The aforementioned names are THE TOP docs. Don't believe me? Live on these boards for a few months and you'll learn quickly....go to a guy who uses a multiblade and you'll be going to one of these guys to fix the shoddy work.
  17. FORGET MHR and BOSLEY!!! Stick with : Feller, Alexander, Rahal, Armani, Hasson and Wong, Wolf, Cole, Shapiro.
  18. dr. alexander actually studied dr. feller's fue technique....
  19. imo, this does not look like state-of-the-art ht work. i had a similiar experience (wide spaces, 2-3 mini-grafts in hairline) and i am getting a 2nd ht because the density was nowhere near enough. i would suggest you consult with some top ht docs before returning to lehr for more work. and by top i mean: feller, h&w, armani, alexander, shapiro, cole, wolf.
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