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Everything posted by baldfighter

  1. Also curious about this. Are hairs in the donor zone genetically DHT resistant, or there is less DHT in the donor zone? Has there been a scientific consensus on this? If the former is true then the transplanted hairs will stay for life without meds, otherwise they will die out over time because they are moved to a new area with more DHT.
  2. Are hairs on the sides of head genetically DHT resistant, or there is less DHT on the sides of head? Has there been a scientific consensus on this? If the former is true then the transplanted hairs will stay for life, otherwise they will die out over time because they are moved to a new area with more DHT.
  3. Interesting story. Your grafts shed quite early, did you notice any growth before shedding?
  4. hairline looks a bit low tbh, what is the distance from glabella to hairline?
  5. What was the goal of the touch up? Did you complain with him about the temples?
  6. Sometimes people feel that their new hairlines are low because they are used to the high forehead. From the photos it's hard to see how low your hairline is. What is the distance from glabella to hairline. If you are worried about scarring and you don't even care about replanting those hairs then you can consider electrolysis to kill those.
  7. That's not acceptable in my opinion. Yield will be lower because grafts are out for too long. You may also need more unnecessary anesthesia if it wears off. Also put a lot stress and fatigue on your body.
  8. It looks the same as 10 years ago, so either you don't have hair loss or it's very slow.
  9. wow, I didn’t know they work that late. Was it a mega session with 5k - 6k grafts?
  10. Hi everyone! Is it normal to see 2 hairs stick together then they shed? If those are only hair shafts, they should not stick together, right? If they stick together, does it mean that the hair follicle is dead and now shed? I have seen a lot of hairs shedding like this so I am a bit worried. Does anyone have the same experience? Thanks!
  11. The idea that body pushes out dead hairs is interesting. Most of my transplanted grafts grew and then stopped. Most of them are still there 5 weeks post op, don’t grow and also don’t shed. This makes me worry…
  12. I am so sorry to hear your experience. It's not your fault, the clinic should not push you to make a life changing decision without giving you time to think about it. I think the scar can be concealed pretty well with grafts placed into it. The frontal hair direction might be more complicated to fix but it's possible. I think Dr. Feriduni does this kind of repair quite often.
  13. You seem to have good donor density. You can try to place grafts into the scar to hide it. Just curious why you went with FUT even though you didn't want it?
  14. Perhaps they are just wondering why this guy suddenly has hairs now. Your hairline looks fine.
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