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Posts posted by Belve

  1. 2 minutes ago, toon_toon said:

    Mate, how I am sabotaging clinics? Just giving my honest feedback and back it up with documentation.

    like I said earlier, the 3 doctors are a much more safe option than other clinics and also affordable. Most results seem good, but there is easy to find results that are not top notch as well.

    Turan for example:

    many patients complain that he has slipped his standards here:


    You don’t give any feedback. You are a paid shill who just made an account here to sabotage some clinics with lies. 

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  2. 29 minutes ago, toon_toon said:

    The VIP package thing is just nonsense. top reputed doctors shouldn’t  have such options, because it just could give the impression of being the opposite. The 3 doctors are just fine, many great results out there, but also some results that are not top notch.

    If I were on a budget I would pick one of those 3 as first choice instead of going to a clinic where you don’t know who will be your doctor that given day.

    Yes, Pekiner is a top (world) class doctor, especially for lower Norwood cases. On cases over 3000 grafts, there will be a 3-day procedure. In my mind not necessary with a drilled team (2 days max)

    I’ve seen some people that have been to both Laorwong and Pekiner. They actually compared them as quite similar.

    Why is your opinion that Laorwong is not a top class surgeon? Can you please link up some examples? 

    Edit: Just a quick search on this forum, I found some cases of Yaman that seem not too good. In this one for example, he should have split the operation in 2. First one to restore the front, and then 12 months later, further back (crown). Or if there was not enough available grafts he should not have proceed at all


    As I said in many clinics doctors don’t do the extractions. Couto doesn’t do the extractions,  Freitas doesn’t do the extractions, Lorenzo doesn’t do the extractions.

    In eugenix clinic doctors do not do the extractions unless you pay more for the vip package. So there’s nothing different with dr Gur when you pay more for the doctor to do the extractions. 

    Dr pittella also does the extractions only in the vip package and he has 4 different packages depending on his involvement  to the procedure..So there’s nothing different with dr Gur when you pay more for the doctor to do the extractions.

    laorwong is good but he is new to this forum and he hasn’t many patients results posted. In difference Pekiner has too many great results and he is more famous and not a new doctor to the community. That’s the difference if you can understand.


  3. 50 minutes ago, toon_toon said:

    Can you please link to a Laorwong job that has not been good or failed the last 3-4 years? He actually produces hairlines quite similar to Pekiner. (Dense, tight with micro irregularities)

    If you search Gur, Turan or Yaman at the hair loss conquerors you can find several negative results there.

    The fact that Gur offers different packages like VIP (pay more, and the doc will be more involved in the process), just gives me hairmill chills.

    They are undoubtedly more safe than hairmills, but not comparable to top docs like Pekiner, Pinto, Couto, Laorwong, Ferreira and this kind of league.

    You have no idea what you are taking about. Laorwong is good but Pekiner is top class surgeon. 
    secondly in many clinics techs do the extraction. So if dr Gur does the extractions in the vio package it doesn’t mean that’s a hair mill cause he doesn’t do in the normal packages. 
    Gur turan and yaman are all great and safe options. In fact they have a lot of positive reviews on hair loss conquerors group with no negative reviews.  
    You are just a paid troll trying to sabotage some clinics. 

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  4. 11 hours ago, Ant339 said:

    I was told today by Dr Nadimi's office she charges 10$ per graft. I need approximately 1500 grafts. Do you guys think it's worth it? After a lot of research I was going to go with her but virtually everyone in this thread (posted by someone else) seems to think it's an exaggerated price: (2) Is Dr Nadimi worth the money? I’m being quoted $9 a graft at 1500-1700 grafts. : HairTransplants (reddit.com)



    You can find top doctors outside us from 2€/graft…so I don’t think it worth it at all to pay 5 times more in is us. 

    • Like 2
  5. 7 minutes ago, jjalay said:

    Well yes i think it’s difficult and if you dont know how to do it you might cause more scarring and destroyed grafts in the recipient area. There are not many clinics that can produce good results in patients that really need a repair. I have mentioned this clinic as an examle of an affordable clinic that does repairs and reffered doron harati as an example of good work. But i have also asked the patient to share his case and to share what he wants to do exactly.

    I do think they know how to do it and it’s not difficult to remove grafts from recipient area with a manual punch of small size to reduce the scarring.  I have seen some repair cases from them. 
    anyway he can ask any clinic to see if they do or not. 

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  6. 1 hour ago, jjalay said:

    Definitely not any clinic could do repair procedure!

    For repair patients you really need to do an extensive research to make sure that the doctor has experience with repair cases similar to yours. Dr. Mwamba does repair cases, he has some really good cases and 2-3 repair patients that did not turned out the way patients wanted. The other doctors you are mentioning i dont think they have big experience with repair patients.

    The clinics I mentioned can easily do repair to a patient. or you think it’s difficult to remove the grafts from the recipient area with a punch ? I have seen repair cases from these clinics.  I haven’t seen big experience with hdc either with repair patients but u mentioned that clinic. Plus the other clinics you mentioned are not affordable but the op asked for affordable options…

  7. Mwamba is known for repair procedures. 
    otherwise any clinic could do repair procedure. For affordable and good options you should look in Turkey for clinics like dr turan, dr gur, d yaman and dr demirsoy.
    All these clinics are between 1-1.5 € euro/ graft which make these clinics affordable and Great choices to go with. 

  8. 7 hours ago, 12345 said:

    from reading past users experiences, and my own experience with fin, i think only a small percentage of men are truly side effect free on this drug. Of note when I was on fin for a year, apart from a few hours of ball ache the 3rd day of taking it, I never felt any side effects until I began having sex almost a year later when I realized that I had ED during the event, loss of semen volume, decrease force of ejaculation, and decreased orgasm. So I have a strong feeling that some men may think they are sexual side effect free, but they are not engaging in sexual intercourse on a regular basis to discover these side effects. 

    I also think that these anti-dht drugs affect us differently as we age, as in my case, I think i am more sensitive to them as I have gotten older. 

    the only good thing of notes is with fin, if you do have sides, the symptom reversal is weeks, not months like dut.

    That’s true. many people don’t even have sexual intercourse to see if they have side effects or not. If they try later to have sex they will see very decreased orgasms, watery sperm, and soft erections. And ’many people even get side effects with low dose of finasteride…

  9. Happy growing. Nice description of the whole procedure. This will help a lot people who are looking to book with dr yaman. It’s good that you were be treated well from the clinic. 

    Indeed the cost of hair transplants in the US is way too overpriced. That’s why a lot of people travel abroad to Turkey from us, as they can have a successful procedure with a decent amount of money in Turkey. It just need to do your own research and select the right surgeon like you did. 

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