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Posts posted by NikosHair

  1. Thanks for providing the post op pic. I think objectively there is nothing to indicate the you have been overharvested. The photo shows an even distribution of extractions. Hopefully temporary shockloss. The contrast between skin tone and dark hair does not help the visuals. This is also visible in your beard. 

    On a practical note, have you tried using a concealer? eg DermMatch. It's quick to apply and can be used on your beard.




    • How many fin users start the medication in some form of depression because of hairloss?
    • We then need to consider this group are already at a higher risk of suicide.
    • Fin maybe seen as a last resort to restore their hair and self esteem.
    • If that fails (Fin is not a magic bullet) this might be the to tipping point.

    The issue is multi-layered but on balance the risk/reward is considered favourable.

    As for the addition of multiple 'possible' side effects, remember we live in a highly litigious world, read ass covering by the pharma companies

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  2. You'll notice daily changes to the hairs if they are viable new growth from the PRP.

    In the case of post transplant the new hairs tend to be wiry and transparent but that changes very quickly and they start to get pigment.

  3. 1 hour ago, Melvin- Moderator said:

    everyone here see’s that were truly transparent and open.

    As you are aware the lack of transparency is often criticized (not just here but in all walks of life). I'm sure the community welcomes the transparent and open approach.

    In that spirit of transparency will HRN publish the disciplinary procedure for the removal of doctors? If one doesn't exist can you/Pat commit to producing one and publishing it.

    I know it's a thankless task trying to appease everyone but getting it down in black and white goes a long way.



  4. 1 hour ago, Melvin- Moderator said:

    This thread was created at the end of the day on Friday. I am not going to contact the physician over the weekend. I will contact him today, as I have already stated. 

    IMO this sets a worrying precedent for ANY doctor sponsoring the site.

    The fact that a doctor can be subject to a public execution without the courtesy of allowing them to present a formal defence is worrying. Remember the effects reverberate well beyond HRN

    I understand the clamour for action after the report of the young guy's procedure. BUT a measured response stating the doctor has been contacted and we await his reply is appropriate BEFORE further action. Fridays/weekend etc is irrelevant if a process is followed.

    The most disappointing aspect is any leverage the site may have had to help the young guy will have been lost.


  5. 40 minutes ago, Prof101 said:

    he only extracted from the sides

    Looking at your post-op pic he appears to have carried on the extractions to the back. It looks like the central area at the back is has been left. As you say you're predisposed to a NW6 which characterised by the crown continuing to descend into that central region. He also observed the back had been overharvested in your previous procedure. Scarring is visible.

    The extraction pattern does not look like an error based on information provided.

    Do you have post-op photos of the side? Ideally the clinics photos.


  6. 22 minutes ago, Melvin- Moderator said:

    I have not contacted the physician yet.

    This seems most irregular.

    Imagine a judge and jury deciding your fate without even getting the opportunity to mount a defence.

    There will be some members who have already made up their mind but equally others that deserve to hear from the doctor before they cast an informed vote.

    • Like 1
  7. 23 minutes ago, waterworld said:

    He agreed that the graft amount I had would not have been sufficient for straight hair, but he was adamant that it would be fine for my hair type. Thus, the issue with density is not a concern for him at the moment.

    To be 'adamant' he must have examples of a similar hair type that has yielded the results he expects. I would want to see example patient photos of pre op, post op and final results. At least then you will feel more relaxed about the outcome over the next few months.

    • Like 1
  8. No dog in the fight but the forum is clear on which surgeons are picked and remain as recommended.

    The key is 'continue to show evidence of excellent patient results and satisfaction'.

    They can't live off past successes, they are constantly under scrutiny and implication is ... they are given the boot if they fall below 'excellent'. 

     How we select the hair restoration physicians recommended on this site (hairtransplantnetwork.com)


    Their recommendation is continued as long as they continue to show evidence of excellent patient results and satisfaction.


    • Like 5
  9. I'm pleased Dr Bruno is embracing your desire for symmetry. He has produced a fantastic result with the 1st pass and shares your desire for perfection. Defo top tier surgeon.

    While it's true that all our faces are asymmetrical to a greater or lesser extent, there is enough evidence to indicate the closer to symmetrical you are the better. The caveat, perfect symmetry ie. a mirror image can look odd. For example, you have a mole on one side of your face, replicating it on the other side doesn't make you more attractive.

    Ideally, you have the main components of your face symmetrical with micro-irregularities within that structure.

    Below is your right side replicated on the left. I'll let the community to share their thoughts on the image.

    (I'd start a new thread linking back to your 1st surgery - keeps the presentation clean)


  10. On 6/11/2021 at 9:28 AM, Classygentleman said:

    6 month update.

    Progress is happening- I’ve spoken with the Dr and they advise that most growth usually happens from 6 months onwards so am hoping it now gets really exciting!

    (Frustrating when you see others with almost full results at 6 months, but I get that everyone is different)

    Crown is starting to fill in but also appreciative of the fact this takes much longer.

    I would welcome honest feedback from others as to how it’s progressing- positive or negative.

    I've attached pics with and without product (just hair gel- no fibres or concealer) to give a full picture as to where I currently am.














    You have made noticeable progress from the start point, especially in the crown.

    I see people referring to your 6 month update.

    It's hard to be objective on your progress between 6 - 12 months with wet and dry hair.

    Could you replicate the 6 month photos, with wet hair, like for like?


  11. 5 minutes ago, Melvin- Moderator said:

    OP if you had put this much energy into researching hair transplants to begin with, you wouldn’t be in this situation.

    We live in a blame culture. It far easier to point the finger at others than take responsibility for your own actions. Some people never learn but I'm optimistic for the OP.

    OP spends some time looking at the resources provided by this website.

    Hair Loss Learning Center | Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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