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Everything posted by Hairwolf

  1. Pekiner, by all accounts is more of a hairline specialist, and thus perhaps not necessarily the first choice for high nws. Defreitas, is similar, and as I understand he is more selective about what cases he takes on. I emailed DeFretias my pics along with many other Drs through this site and he rejected me, as according to my pics, my donor was too weak for a transplant. I am now just over 3 and a half months post op with Laorwong. As already mentioned he is good with higher Nws and no regrets so far- touch wood.
  2. You are in good hands with Couto, so wouldn’t worry to much about shock loss but contact him just to put your mind at ease.
  3. Thanks for uploading. The Dr has a good track record with higher Norwood's. 6 months seems a little early to go for the second however. I’m thinking about when I could go for my 2nd. I’m 3 an’ a half post op now.
  4. Can’t damage the grafts this long after surgery. Should avoid overexposure to the sun to allow the redness to subside and of course don’t get sunburned. Other than that you should be good.
  5. Sorry to hear about this-no doubt, uncomfortable situation. I think there is definitely a lesson to be learned for all parties. Your concerns were perfectly legitimate and all parties should definitely be on the same page with expectations. As already mentioned, it was ethical to call of the surgery. Bad luck
  6. You are right in the thick of it now. Quite a bit of shock-loss indeed. Hang in there
  7. As it seems you have had at least one unsuccessful procedure (have you had FUE also?) and the FUT scar is quite thick, for your budget it seems that Eugenix would be the best choice for you here. They specialize in use of body hair and high NWs If you could extend your budget, willing to travel and have patience, Pitella or Zagrev would be the ones I would go for here.
  8. Good write up and some sharp pics! Your unaffected hair is quite dense looking so this should be a one and done for you! Hairline design looks good, and yes you are probably just beginning the ugly duckling phase. Mine started at 3 weeks also. Keep updating and happy growing!
  9. Thanks for the link had a look and agree that right now it doesn’t seem worth it.
  10. I had a reaction to topical minox years ago but according to the advice of others, I believe that it’s better to let the hair do it’s thing first and then after 10-12 months then try minox to boost growth. Shedding is part of the process with minox. I am 3 and a half months post op and use fin about 3 4 times a week and also a biotin- saw palmetto supplement.
  11. Can start putting on the donor 2 days after and then after you remove the scabs after about 10 days can put on recipient area
  12. Good write up mate and the first pic shows dense packing and hairline irregularities. Any pre- procedure pics you could share?
  13. Good high magnification pic thanks, although I am having difficulty determining how these hairs are grafts that didn’t grow versus new hair growing. How did you decide they were grafts that weren’t going to grow? From touch or from how they looked?
  14. Cool, good luck with that. I just bought some multivitamin and biotin supplements from the clinic. Cool, good luck with that. I just bought some biotin and multi vitamin supplements from the clinic.
  15. Does anyone know what the stem cell therapy entails? Curious to know more about it?
  16. I thought they provided the black one as standard? They gave me one but I hardly wore it. I rocked a blue gangsta bandana I got online. Got pics somewhere, might upload for the laugh 😆
  17. Hey Cooper If topical worked ok have you thought about switching up to Oral Minox?
  18. Wow, that’s radical man. Tough choice for any man to make, but there’s no doubt in your mind. On another thread you said that you went back to the Dr to have some grafts pulled out and they slipped out very easily? The grafts just didn’t take? Thanks! Touch wood and all that for a good final result. Funny thing was I was told my donor was weak, according to pictures and an in-person consultation years ago. Said I lacked sufficient donor for a transplant. My hair was quite wavy pre MPB. Meds may have helped a bit, but not 100% sure.
  19. Good report! I am a Dr Laorwong patient (1 week behind you) also and my scalp was also very red several weeks after surgery, but I thought that was normal. Hopefully it won’t influence things too much. Living in BKK is a big advantage as you can check in with the Dr with any concerns. I am 3 months post op now and the redness started to subside about 2 weeks ago. Do you have any pics of the hairs that were pulled out? It seems that generally if you are susceptible to hair loss you should avoid TRT. Nevertheless the hairline is looking good and is shaping up well. Keep updating!
  20. Looking good mate. At 4 months the hairline has already made a big aesthetic difference to your face and a big leap from month 3!
  21. My surgeon recommended 2 days- I went at it 4 days after but by no means follow my lead 😆
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