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Posts posted by Hairwolf

  1. Good write up. The work looks neatly dense-packed overall, but also wonder why they scattered so few grafts in the crown. 5100 should be enough for at least a few hundred in the crown if they are going for the mega session approach.

    What’s also interesting is the use of chest hair. Usually beard hair is used after scalp, then body. What was their rationale here?

    Hard to tell about any over harvesting, but from the photos, look clean and spaced out.

    So according to the literature, it’ s €5000 for 4000 grafts and another €1000 for anything on top of that? 

    Interesting case here so keep posting.

    • Thanks 1
  2. 5 hours ago, YodaHead said:

    Dr. Pittella’s approach with high NW cases is that he assumes there is nothing at the top (even if there are some hair). Because he does not prescribe Finasteride, he fills the entire top with high density with an assumption that the person is going to lose the native/miniaturized hair in near future and so the implanted grafts should provide enough density for long term. 
    So with that said, I don’t think he would be able to work around every single native hair—especially with 12.5k grafts (on a small head such as mine). 

    Well we can see now that your username is somewhat ironic😊. Your hairloss pattern is interesting in that you are thinning diffusely, however the hairline is still intact! 

    That is an insane amount of grafts-did the Dr inform you during the consultation you would need so many? Were you happy with this number? Did they provide the density per square cm?

    From what you are saying:

    Dr. Pittella’s approach with high NW cases is that he assumes there is nothing at the top (even if there are some hair)

    the Dr goes for volume and may in fact implant over existing hair? Clearly must be a very skilled surgeon to implant such a quantity, but can’t help wondering if you really needed so many to get an optimal result.

     Anyway will be watching this one with interest. 


    • Like 1
  3. Pekiner is known for being very selective about who he takes on a patient so don’t lose heart and continue to get a 2nd, 3rd and more opinions before making your choice. 

    On the other hand, you are still very young and as others have pointed out, you could give dut and perhaps oral minox a try for another year before taking the plunge. 

    After a year, if you still want to go ahead with a procedure then Bisanga,Rahal, Keser, Pinto, Couto and Ferriera are all good choices.

    • Like 1
  4. You are in a similar situation to what I was when I was around your age. I think the 3500 plan 1st pass, then use of  BHT is a sound one- to confirm to transplant beard into the crown and not the donor right? Laorwong is a solid choice (went to him myself).

    To echo other posters , you need an in person consultation- which you have done and posted in another thread? If I read correctly, your FU average was low- like 1.5 per graft right? If so,then tread carefully going forward- and if not already, try adding an anti androgen like RU58841 to thicken up your recipient area.

  5. 10 hours ago, Fred2023 said:

    Hi Streethhawk,


    Thank you for the comments. I knew beforehand that Dr K would only perform the incisions for the FUE element. But I had expected his level of supervision of the other elements to consist of more than just checking in on their work once. To be honest, I was not overly concerned that his technicians would be performing the extraction and placement. Firstly, from what I understand, the hair design and the incisions are the most critical, and technicians can be easily trained to a high standard for the other elements. His technicians are not freelance and have been with him for a long time. I believe him when he says he does not recruit technicians trained elsewhere in case they have picked up bad habits.


    Secondly, using technicians to carry out tasks other than hair design and incisions seems to be an acceptable business model increasingly adopted by the recommended hair clinics from reading online reviews. I would love to have been in a position to afford to pay for a highly reputable doctor to do all the work, but my budget would not stretch that far, and at my age and financial situation, it is doubtful I could ever save that much and even by the time I did I would too old and what would be the point.


    They seem to have changed their rep as the name differs from what I read in older reviews ( a chap called Ahmed now), and I did not find him too salesy. That said, I was under no illusion that his motivation was to get the business. Like you, I would much prefer to deal directly with the doctor and to be honest, it did cause me to question whether the answers I was getting were the salesperson’s or the doctor’s answers. But I did reach out to the other clinics, such as Eugenix, Dr Bicer, Dr Dogany, Dr Gur and Dr Turan, and Dr Yaman, and with all of them, it was also a case of dealing with a rep.


    He may well be narcissistic. I can’t comment, as I was not in his company long enough. However, being a little narcissistic might not be a bad thing, as he likely would want people to praise his work and so be motivated to do good work. I had read the doctor was arrogant, but it did not bother me if he was (although I did not find him like that). I was solely interested in the quality of his work and not his bedside manner. My perspective was that a charismatic Conman would have an excellent bedside manner but do poor-quality work. It would be nice to produce quality work and have a great bedside manner, but for me, quality took priority. Regarding quality, although I had read some people in 2019/2020 had said that he was turning into a hairmill, I could not find any direct firsthand evidence or pictorial evidence to show he produced poor-quality work. I guess I am the guinea pig, and my progress pictures will help provide proof one way or the other; fingers crossed, I chose wisely.


    So only 2 patients that day? Not too bad, but appears the Dr wasn’t too involved at all as you say. There was a recent review of them on here, I remember seeing but the work looks good here. 

    • Like 1
  6. Great comprehensive write up and a good read! Could I ask were you aware that the Dr is not involved in the FUE before you booked? If so, was that a concern? 

    I initially was looking at AEK as it looked great on YouTube and the Dr was highly credentialed. I contacted them and their rep was very salesy and just thew out a quote of 5000 grafts for an ‘aggressive’ strategy and couldn’t answer any donor-related questions. I think not being able to contact the Dr is a bit of a red flag also.

    I didn’t get a good vibe so I didn’t proceed. I since found out via this forum the Dr wasn’t involved in the surgery and so they don’t produce as much quality results as before and also that the Dr is quite the narcissist 😀

    Anyway the work seems pretty good here, and so will follow this one. Did you find any reports of Dr Nel btw? Didn’t see many online either. Happy growing 

    • Like 2
  7. 20 hours ago, Adriam said:

    Your result is good man, how bald were u on the top? It’s abit frizzy but man I’d prefer some hair then none any day. As long as it looks somewhat natural. I’m just worried I’ll do more damage then help if I do ht. Or if I should wait in the future to do it when there is better technology to deal with my limited donor. Be honest you reckon I should not do it and what result can really expect. I just wanna rock short hair always.

    IMO you can get a great result, especially if you try the other meds to make yourself a better candidate and with regrowth save yourself quite a few grafts. If you are willing to do that then wait about 9 months at least to gauge your response.

    Invest in a quality surgeon who is experienced with diffuse thinning, and avoid Turkish hair mills. 


    Yeah it’s a bit frizzy, but as you say better than none any day. Good luck !

  8. 20 hours ago, Adriam said:

    Your result is pretty good man, how was your donor prior to transplant? My donor and overall hairloss is pretty bad. Who’d you go to? Honestly you think I should try or just not do ht. I don’t expect perfection. But some density would be life changer as long as it looked natural. It’s okay if it’s not the densest 

    You can check the first post at the beginning of the thread- has the pre op pics and background. To reiterate, most clinics, when looking at my submitted pics thought my donor looked weak- perhaps it was the lighting. Dr Laorwong however, said I had medium thickness and no problem for 2 procedures.

  9. 3 hours ago, Adriam said:

    Thank you, would 3000 3500 grafts in the front and mid as they suggest be thick or sparse or just okay, what does that density look like exactly?

    I got 3500 grafts myself  in the frontal 3rd and I had less than you at the front- you can check out my thread.  I’m sure 3000 would be enough for a good density in that area for you. Even better or less if you get some more thickening on other meds

  10. 6 hours ago, Stoner said:

    If you are on a budget, Gur, Turan, Laorwong, Pekiner, Nader, and De Freitas are probably your best options imo.

    I would strongly suggest getting on fin/min treatment for some months prior to your HT, even the topical form if you don't want to take pills. I am afraid you will not get a satisfying result otherwise as your hair loss looks extensive and there is also thinning in your donor area.

    Laorwong would be a great choice in terms of budget and location - not a long flight from India- if that is where you are based

    • Like 1
  11. Hi I think your case is interesting as you probably regained some ground on Fin+min, so have a lot of miniaturized hair, a hairline and a crown that doesn’t dip: a true diffuse thinner in other words.

    I would look into some other meds to give the hair more of a boost tbh, specifically, dut, oral minoxidil (as you apparently tolerate topical well) and maybe RU. Would then give it 6 months and reassess the HT. I would favor a more conservative approach in your case now so reading between the lines, of the two would go with Gur.

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