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Posts posted by Hairwolf

  1. 14 hours ago, Newby888 said:

    Looks perfect. congratulations!

    The top hair appears darker now compared to the sides and the pre-transplant top hair.

    Are you using any thickening products or hair dye in that picture?

    How is your donor areas looking with the 3 length on the sides? Can you see the scars at 3 or 2 length?


    not using any products such as concealer or Toppik and so on and furthermore never will 😊. My hair can look somewhat grey on top depending on the light, but I am pretty grey at the sides. I also haven’t dyed my hair but it’s an option I am considering when the crown is grown out after the 2nd op.

    Here are pics taken after shaving it down. The hair will look more dense when grown out of course. The donor looks ok I guess but let me know what you think. 



  2. Right 7 and a half months post op. Pic dated exactly 7 months post op. Shaved it down to a 6 guard on top and 3 at the sides  last week again cos of the crown. 


    note could not resist changing my user name to a bad pun. 😆 


    • Like 3
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  3. Sound advice above, but would like to add that topical could put the hair into a shed, so personally, would just let the hair do its thing until it has grown out then can try it. Of course it would be better to try topical beforehand and see how you respond first, rather than using for the first time after surgery.


  4. Surgical  involvement: The surgeon must be involved in every procedure, from the consultation and design to the procedure itself. We understand some surgeons delegate certain aspects of the procedure. For example, technicians may extract the grafts or implant the grafts. The surgeon must be involved in one of those aspects of surgery

    @Melvin- Admin so that means that certain Drs on the recommended list will be automatically removed as they do not fit the above criteria? 

  5. 3 hours ago, Jamos1982 said:

    It was unshaven procedure dr laorwong shaved it but not my temple. You can see in the pics that he just added approx 20 single grafts to each side to make them more irregular and not so straight I think they worked out well 

    waiting on pics from clinic to be sent then I’ll post I know my pics aren’t the best quality sorry 

    Oh yeah can see them now after a closer look.

  6. 9 hours ago, Al - formerly BeHappy said:

    Very nice. A slight V pattern looks so much better than a flat line or circle line of hair across the forehead. I think more Drs need to do that type of design.

    In your opinion do you think the v pattern/widow’s peak is suitable for everyone or is it largely dependent on facial structure? 

  7. These are all good choices. I went to Dr Laorwong and am happy with the results. Dr Patty offers incredible value and some of the result on the forum looked promising also. As you are in the US presumably however it’s a long way to go, and Nader is a solid choice also, although would research cases with higher Norwoods first. Furthermore, as other posters will tell you, location should not be the primary factor for HT choice, so go with your gut as it determines what you will see in the mirror for the foreseeable.

    Dr Laorwong is good with higher NW cases, and from personal experience, would be my choice, so perhaps you could come and make a holiday of it too. Good Luck!

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