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Posts posted by Hairwolf

  1. IMG_6715.thumb.jpeg.5944f960330335abc1ee484405ee049d.jpegRight so at the 8 and a half month mark here. Haven’t really noticed a dramatic difference- hairline might be a bit more defined and bit more growth in zone 3 perhaps. Anyway happy enough so anything more is the cherry on the cake really. Shaved it down just over a week ago again to a 6 on top and 3 at the sides 

    first 9 and the last 2  pics are from the 8 month mark and the following are from a week ago leading up to a couple of days ago, witj different lighting for context.

    looking forward to the 2nd crown op in July. Booked in January as just as well as like others have reported , I have difficulty reaching the Dr at the minute.




















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  2. 4 hours ago, Berba11 said:

    The difference between 3500 grafts and 4500 isn’t as big as it sounds in all reality. 

    Personally I’d opt for the 3,500 approach and assess from there. It’s the less risky option overall and will get you pretty close to where you want to be. And whilst I don’t advocate picking a clinic for convenience’s sake, it can’t be denied that staying in the UK is quite useful!

    I agree that I would go for the 3500 range here, as OP’s hair loss is mainly frontal and would make a big cosmetic improvement. Would wait until at least 10 months to a year on meds before surgery.

    Where I disagree is that 1000 grafts isn’t  much. Could be the difference between another scalp procedure without needing beard hair.

  3. Just now, jbd123 said:

    He drew the hairline, made the incisions, and did the checkup the following day. As others have mentioned he was not present during graft placement or on site at the end of the procedure. 

    Yes that’s concerning- for that kinda money you would expect more for sure. Multis in the hairline for a clinic of such  high regard is unacceptable.Anyway worth reaching out to them for a repair if you can guarantee more involvement. Keep us posted.

  4. 22 minutes ago, Anon94 said:

    It'll almost certainly turn out great, but I think it's absolutely crazy to use that many grafts on what's really a fairly minor case. 

    If this were posted from most other surgeons they'd get blasted about that. 



    Agree, however what is impressive is that the Dr can dense-pack like that and still maintain a high yield, and without grafts not surviving due to competition for blood supply. Nevertheless food for thought here about graft use.

  5. 7 hours ago, Recedingnomore said:

    245th day mark which is almost 8 months exactly. There are three groups of pictures below. I got my hair cut today, one group is in the public bathroom with dry hair and harsh light, second group is after applying my nightly minox so it looks wet in the harsh lighting of my bathroom, and the last group is dry in my bed with more forgiving lighting. 

    I wish I had more density and wish the angulation was better. But with some styling pomade I can get an almost natural look. I’m super critical of myself and I am sure no one else can tell. 

    Anyway, still, overall I am very happy with the outcome and would still go this route again if given the chance to. I have not told anyone close to me that I got it done and no one has asked. My parents, close friends, girls I’ve dated… no one knows. So if they can’t figure it out then I will take it as a good sign. 

    I hope to get that 8 month second wave that most people get their density from. I have very thin hair so I believe this is the best I am going to get with my type of hair. I wish I was able to stay on oral fin but topical will have to do for now. 












    I’m eight months post op as well and understand the nitpicking ( no pun intended lol) with the hairline regarding symmetry, but as others have pointed out no hairline is completely symmetrical and that would look unnatural. Anyway to echo others it’s a natural looking result and as your hair is more straight you can style it as desired.

    • Thanks 1
  6. 4 hours ago, Join77 said:

    Which would you choose from these 2? If you had to use one of them. Looking for answers from maybe previous patients from these 2 centers or if you know someone that’s gone here personally. Dr SErkan and HOI. I’m already aware SERKAN is considered hair mill and maybe so is HOI and the DR’s. Do not perform surgery’s. What other feedback can y’all provide? Thank you much!! I’m a NW7 with bad donor area. 

    You answered your own question. Don’t go near any of these. If budget is a constraint then save up for a surgeon with experience with NW7’s

    • Like 2
  7. 1 hour ago, Gatsby said:

    You have had a great response to the meds. However looking for one hair transplant based purely on price could cost you much more in the long run. The surgeons in Turkey you have chosen though are good ones. But rarely is surgery a one and done over the lifespan. 

    Yes one and done might be a bit optimistic I think rather get one for coverage and then a smaller one for improved density. Anyway the meds have opened up a lot of potential here so yes stay on them and see if you can boost further 

  8. 43 minutes ago, jjalay said:

    The hairline is way to straight without any microirregularities and you definitely didnt need 3300 grafts to cover this small area considering also the fact that you have curly hair. Te donor area looks in bad shape too. You were right about your assumption that the clinic you went is a hairmill.

    This and the temple points aren’t great either- looks like multi hair grafts were used and thus look unnatural. First call should be to get the temple points punched out or lasered off.

    Still , far from the worst  we’ve seen and the density is good at least.

    Edit*Get the hairline fixed up first see what you can get punched out and put back into the donor. maybe also get some beard hair implanted into it Nevertheless all fixable AFAIK.

  9. You responded well to the meds- fair play. Gur or Turan would be a good choice ( one is more aggressive than the other apparently). Yaman is hit or miss these days so couldn’t confidently recommend.

    Another great, value for money choice-who I went to- is Dr Laorwong. He could definitely give you a one and done.

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  10. Guess would have to get a proper skin fade to a 1 guard to see if there are any dot marks. 

    I can’t see any on the sides either, but I remember seeing them about 6 weeks post-op (you can see my 1st batch of pics and you should be able to see it)

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