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Posts posted by Hairwolf

  1. 15 hours ago, Cooper48 said:

    Once you you get the crown no one will ever know you were losing your hair.  Happy growing

    Wouldn’t that be something! Yeah well I am hopeful anyway. Good to see yours is coming through along nicely and also to see other Dr Laorwong results.

  2. 47 minutes ago, BackFromTheBrink said:

    Looking great - like the design and it appears you've had good growth, especially on the hairline. Sure it'll look great when you've grown it out a little, though understand you waiting until after the crown surgery for that.

    Thanks, I asked the Dr when designing the hairline not to make it too even or symmetrical for naturalness. Frizzes up a bit on one side though (or seems to) Been so long I forgot I actually did have wavy hair before lol!

    Yeah not really growing it out now cos there’s too much of a contrast between front and back really. Just have to wait till next summer for the 2nd.



  3. Hairline looks good and the right amount of grafts for your hair loss. How was your experience with Dr Nel? What was your motivation in choosing this particular surgeon-location? Did you consult with any other surgeons in Ireland?

  4. 12 hours ago, HatMaster said:

    Yes, I have seen that post. I’m hoping I’m just a slow grower as the left side only picked up recently. But I will certainly be contacting the doctor if it doesn’t improve in the next month or two. FWIW, I don’t have the scalp tightness he describes, and my pinkness has been fading. 

    Certainly no need to panic yet. Reassess in a month or 2. Chin up.

    • Like 1
  5. 8 hours ago, HHH said:

    Area looks to me about 60cm2 ish, so looks like they've gone for 50grafts per cm2, which should grow in nicely.

    Little higher than average which is about 45 per cm2 if I am not mistaken. However after viewing the OP’s pics still not convinced that 3000 would be required. 2500 would be enough for a good density, but if that’s what the OP requested then fair enough.

  6. At 19 days there is a good chance the shedding phase l, aka the ugly duckling phase hasn’t started yet so it might just look like a crew cut, especially since it is a repair and not, for example, the frontal third. Redness depends on your physiological reaction to surgery.

    I attended a wedding 5 weeks post op and was right in the middle of the uggie duckie. Scalp was red and everything shedded. Wear a nice suit😅

    • Like 1
  7. 3 hours ago, hairman22 said:

    Eugenix were by far the most pushy for me to have a transplant with them. Kept emailing me back in January 2022. Didnt like there approach tbh.

    I felt the same; didn’t get a good vibe at all. Firstly, they got the appointment time to call wrong twice: first time by a whole day and then again by an hour at the rescheduled time. Then after that call was over, I got another call immediately afterwards from someone else! Was like one hand didn’t know what the other was doing.

    They were very salesy indeed and kept emailing.  When I told them I chose another clinic, the rep said can we still talk ‘one and the same’ to try and persuade me out of it. Dunno about anyone else, but imo they should take note of this.

    • Like 3
  8. 10 hours ago, BackFromTheBrink said:

    Looking good! Sure that second surgery will give you a full head of hair given how well this one is growing 🙂

    Yeah well I’m confident enough to go ahead😀, so guess I will just go for as many grafts as I can. 

    Funny that many clinics- perhaps due to my lack of photography skills said my donor was on the weaker side and I was sure I would need BHT and so on. 

  9. On 12/16/2023 at 2:56 PM, hockeyman said:

    Wow! Your hair is looking great including the donor area. Did the doctor mention how many grafts you have in reserve if you decide to go for another procedure in the future?

    The Dr didn’t state specifically how many grafts I had left but I asked him about my donor quality and so on and he did a quick look with a microscope and said I had lots of doubles and triples and medium thickness hair. I then asked  so I have enough for another procedure? Said ‘no problem’.

    I am going for the 2nd next year midscalp and crown.

  10. 5 month update: just trimmed it last week, 3 at the sides and a 9 guard:) at the top so just trimmed it and left a bit more on top this time. Significant I suppose as I usually just shave to 2 or 3 all over.  

    let us know whadya think all.






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