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Everything posted by LookMaxx

  1. EDIT: Removed, I don’t want to give them any publicity
  2. So there is a hair clinic near me, it has a huge following on YouTube, shows results on YouTube, praised by clients…the few that post their videos, have yt channels. I have asked the clinic to post their results on this website, they said they would but still not done. In most of the videos, they show results from a far not zoomed in, sometimes they do zoom in. I have also noticed they use multi grafts in their hairlines ( no microscopes ) but multi grafts don’t really bother me so that’s not an issue for me. How do I know for sure it’s a good clinic? I can’t find any bad results or bad patients reviews, if I walk to the clinic see other patients results, will I be able to judge if the clinic is good? What is the criteria to judge a good clinic from a bad one? What red flags do I notice in my visit that should tip me off it’s bad
  3. If we were to believe PFS BS, finasteride has destroyed more lives than atom bomb has 😂🤌
  4. My advice don’t get a hair transplant. You appear a full head and the crown thinning is only in harsh lighting, you can easily hide it with fibers.
  5. Why not get a hair transplant? You’re not going to lose your hairs anymore so finasteride is useless for that. And finasteride at best will thicken existing hairs no regrowth. The only benefit I can see is it will shrink your prostate, maybe you want to take it for that
  6. I like Dr Turan results and technique more. Everyone else on this forum recommends Bicer more though
  7. Isn’t elitehair a hairmill? The results look no different than what any top doctor could’ve achieved, it seems and for 2400 euros damn Congrats on your new hair 🤌
  8. Everyone: For context, look at his thread He is in no danger of balding. I would use Nizoral shampoo and a better soap to get rid of the zits/acne though
  9. Calm down with the hyperbole Nobody goes bald at 15 and it’s very few that go bald as early as in their 20. You aren’t that special, don’t consider yourself a snowflake. You should listen to your parents and just forget about hairs at the moment. If it particularly bothers you, use essential oils which will help thicken up the hairs. Remember stress can also cause hairloss. I don’t mean this in a bad way but you come to a baldies den, of course everyone is going to tell you to medicate and start early etc etc. Go and live your life man. Hairline starts maturing in (late) teens but that doesn’t mean you go bald.
  10. Maybe his donor is depleted and he doesn’t want to use beard hair
  11. I see healthy hairs Transplanted hairs will never have the density of native hairs. If I was you, I would get off this forum, focus on life and not my hairs anymore but we’re obviously two different people
  12. It’s not entirely true. Oils do thicken up hair and nourish them. So they’re not completely useless.
  13. Fin doesn’t do anything bad to me either but saw palmetto killed my libido and made me nauseous. https://www.nature.com/articles/aps20091
  14. Neither of those essential oils inhibit DHT and they help nourish the hair follicles but don’t really do much for hairloss. So don’t worry you can take it as a teen. Saw palmetto is horrible, I tried it and it was the worst feeling ever. Finasteride is a lot better. Could just be me. Saw palmetto is more like a weak dutasteride as it blocks both types of 5 ar enzyme whereas fin only blocks one type. So yeah not really recommended for teens
  15. Depends on individual’s levels but you would be pretty much nuking all your DHT which is not needed or smart. Finasteride has a long half life and dutasteride has even longer. You are taking two different blockers, you know what that means for your DHT levels Why would you do this though?
  16. So this hair clinic near me recommended me to use Revivogen I couldn’t find much about it except promotional content. I take it it’s just marketing product and nobody had any good growth from it?
  17. Dr Turan ( no bad results I’ve seen ), Dr Bicer, Demirsoy, Keser You should be pleased with what they can achieve given your lower Norwood. Others that are mentioned positively but I don’t know much about - Dr Gur, HLC (for the most part good )
  18. Waiting times are irrelevant. Dr Bisinga is really amazing, go there without worries
  19. This is based on my research from the past few days. The impression I get is this forum hates Turkey but if you look around other countries as well, the situation is no different. US, Spain, Brazil, India where these top doctors are recommended everywhere there are horrible botch jobs and hairmills, no different than Turkey. Yet the hatred is intense towards Turkey but not Spain or US etc. I imagine because most members got enticed by the cheap pricing, ended up at a hairmill and then start blaming the whole country. If you’re really insistent on going to Turkey for cost or whatever reason, Dr Turan has great growth rates and I haven’t seen a single bad result!, Dr Bicer also seems legit and safe, I was also considering HLC but one guy here kind of ruined their reputation for me even though he seems fishy rather than the clinic ( 1950s era photos are his proof lol). I don’t know about Dr Gur but he is highly praised as well. Both of them are on this forum recommended list, check them out. If cost isn’t an issue for you, bro you must really go to the top doctors recommended for higher norwoods. The difference between them and the ones I mentioned in Turkey is not that you have risk of getting botched jobs etc but the top doctors are really good at giving the illusion of density and they plan those hair follicles at angles that fool the eyes well. They’re artists
  20. To me it definitely looks like you messed up, bro 😢 If it looks this empty this early then yeah the grafts are gone. But I could be absolutely wrong and I probably am given I’ve no experience.
  21. PRP definitely helps with survival of the hair grafts. There was an article about hair graft survival during transplant and among other things, hair grafts placed in PRP solution increases their survival rate because they’re far less time away from nutrients and have healing factors present in PRP transplanted with them so they survive more and heal faster. It’s useless as a hair regrowth or hairloss treatment but definitely not useless when used for HF survival. Most clinics it seem use either cold saline, some use organ transplant solution and very few use PRP solution
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