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Everything posted by wprevil

  1. Hi RobertoDeNiro... I'll be getting surgery from Couto in 2 months.. and I need your advice. Would you please answer my thread? Looking forward to it. Wow at 4 months and youre getting this growth fast already? Youre very lucky.
  2. Hi consequence, Hope you're well. I'll be seeing Couto in 2 months and need your feedback. Would you please reply to my thread linked below? Would appreciate it a lot.
  3. Hi guys.. I'm scheduled to see Couto in a couple of months and I'm scared shitless! It'll be my 1st time ever traveling internationally. I'll be traveling from the northeast of USA to Spain. I have a few questions: 1) Whats the cheapest and nearest hotel to Couto's clinic? How much did you pay a nite? 2) Is the hotel a walking distance to Couto? 3) What can I expect before, during and after the surgery while staying in Spain? 4) Any advice before going?
  4. Hi everyone, A section of my scalp is turning grey and i really dont like it. Its bugging the hell out of me. I dont want to use any hair dyes that you get from pharmacies. That being the case, are there any present treatments that restore grey hair to its original color?
  5. Appreciate the reply but kinda confused by it. If shock loss is temporary why have ht patients complained that at least some of their hairs became permanently lost from shock loss? So there does permanent shock loss from a transplant. Looking forward to your explanation. Unfortunately I cannot take meds as they carry side effects I cannot afford to have. I've read that some of the ht docs in europe work well with diffuse hair. Does rahal work with diffuse hair? If so please post some of the results to view. Thanks
  6. Hey good advice. What foods can provide all the protein a vegetarian needs? Is it true that meat protein is superior to non-meat protein like beans, spinach, avocado, etc?
  7. Does your or anyone's vegan diet have a negative impact on their sexual libido?
  8. I echo this question. Is there something a patient and doc can do to prevent shock loss?
  9. Hello, Can a doctor know from observing your scalp that you will encounter shock loss or issues with growth before having a ht? I ask because someone's review mentioned a doctor telling him before he went to another doctor who botched his surgery that he's hair will face major issues from a ht.
  10. Appreciate the link. Yeah he's diffuse but hes got more skin than being diffuse if you think about it. Yeah I'm willing to travel. Budget is no more than 13k
  11. Hi everyone, As a vegetarian, I haven't been eating meat for some time for ethical reasons. My diet consists of rice, veggies, milk and beans. Of course I want to keep my hair and protein from meat is no less essential to hair growth than other other nutritional factors but may be even more important. That said, do vegetarians risk greater hair loss than someone who eats meat and isn't a vegetarian?
  12. Would you please link his page or state his name? Appreciate it a lot.
  13. Hey guys, The front of my scalp is diffuse and I want a hair transplant. But I want to be sure such a procedure can be done on diffuse hair without any issues like shock loss. If not I won't get one. If anyone here has had a successful hair transplant on their diffuse hair PLEASE share your pics/profile. Thanks!
  14. Thank you sir for your truthful reassurance. Its been a psychological ride of hell for me.
  15. I really do hope youre right. But please keep in mind I do have a bump as I mentioned in my post.
  16. Appreciate this vote of confidence. But if I may ask, what brings you to this conclusion? .
  17. Someone please help me because I'm not doing good now. 3 days ago I was doing some house repairs. I kneeled down to plaster a wall. As I got up, my front scalp hit the edge of an overhead cabinet which shot me lots of pain. At that point I was verbally abusing the 2nd commandment like u wouldn't believe. I was red hot mad! I'm not worried about the pain as much as I am about the potential hair loss from this incident. For the first 2 days I felt some pain. Even though I dont feel pain now, it only hurts when I touch this bump about an inch in length. Last nite I carefully shampooed my hair and found no hair in the drain which is a good sign. But I'd like your honest opinion. And I'd appreciate it if you not sugarcoat it if you think that'll make me feel better. I just want the truth. Do you think I may have incurred any hair loss from this incident? Do you think the hair follicles that were affected were damaged permanently?
  18. Came across an issue with thinning hair to see if transplants can address it. I have thinning hair. But I can do combovers that make it look full. Would you guys name some docs that are really good in fulling thin areas with dense hair? Again, although I'm thinning I'm not that bad. But I still need density, as much as can be provided of course.
  19. Ok so thats just for themes in dark mode like for your menus for example. Themes are not global in darkening webpages.
  20. Hi Behappy, You hit it right on the nose! You described me to a tee. So yeah thats me, trying to not waste a lot of time in front of the mirror in efforts to hide the temple areas. It especially gets frustrating when trying to find that sweet spot of covering that area but looking good at the same time. Every day is seriously a unique challenge, I kid you not. So yeah I was looking into dr. pinto but his clinic notified me that its fully booked solid for a while. So I'm scratching him off the list at least temporarily. Also looked into dr. Couto. Again he's booked crazy solid. Blame covid! Your suggestion on a minimal procedure is something well worth pursuing. Its not high risk and its cheaper too! If you have any docs worth lookking into, give me a shout!
  21. Hi Hans, Thanks for the reply. Do you have any suggestions for firefox? I dont want to install any dark mode addons because I really dont trust addons. Looking forward to your suggestions. And would you be willing to create dark mode for this site? It would really help stop the eye sight strain and those of others as well.
  22. So say you apply min to only an area say the temple area with no hair. Youre saying that min can still cause hair loss in areas with hair even though you ONLY applied it in the temple area? So min travels under the scalp and can affect other unintended areas?
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