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Everything posted by wprevil

  1. Hi there... your statement is confusing. What exactly do you mean by, "break through the surface of the scalp." Are you saying that transplanted hairs are "trapped" under the skin and will eventually break threw it?
  2. Hey guys, I'll be traveling to Spain for a procedure. Is it necessary to download maps native to Madrid? Or is Google maps all I need to get around?
  3. Hi guys, I'll be traveling from NYC to Spain next month to get my 1st hair transplant. One roadblock in my way is the price of flights. Does anyone here know any websites where I can find cheap flights?
  4. 5 Months? I think you may be a it too early. I'd say wait 2 - 3 more months and see. I noticed something about your front. Try growing it out a bit and maybe that way you'd be able to see density imho since it looks too short. That may help. Btw I'm trying to find the cheapest flights from USA to Madrid. Could you provide any websites that can help with that?
  5. Hi guys, I'm scheduled for surgery with Couto next month, November. I'm worried the outcome may turn out bad. I read about youth_again's experience and I want to know what are the chances for a bad procedure. I'm very nervous here so its a natural feeling. Its understood that Couto is a great doctor but I still have doubts even in this late stage of the game. But when i read about posts about patient's bad experiences I get shaken up. Would you guys tell me what are the chances for a bad versus good outcome?
  6. Yeah but keep in mind that the russo-ukraine war doesnt spill over like israel does with terrorism.
  7. I will do my best not to. Appreciate the vote of confidence
  8. Last I read, Spain has a good navy, stronger than italy's and greece's. I'll try to relax.. I know its a crazy time with these wars around the world this year. But I'll try to be level headed for the most part.
  9. I understand. But keep in mind the enemy of israel is also the enemy of europe. And they always blame europe and remember what happened in on 3/11 in Spain in 2004... just saying.
  10. Hi Youth_Again, Will you consider seeing Couto again to help with your frontal part? Maybe he can redo it for free?
  11. Hi everyone, I'll be traveling to Spain from USA for a procedure in November, Whats going on with the attacks in israel leaves me a bit shaken because it may spill into areas outside of israel notably europe. The fear is that fanatics may attack allies of israel like europe in one form or another in the air or land - god forbid. I'm new to europe, never traveled there before so being heavily concerned is an understatement. Do you guys think I'm being paranoid?
  12. Hi guys.. At post op, do you need to sleep in a certain pose to avoid any injury? What instructions does your doc tell you to follow?
  13. Hey guys I need you to answer these few questions please: - I'm going for 3 days of surgery for 3000 grafts. Do some guys come out of surgery without a swollen face? - How long does it take for swelling to go away? - Can you buy a cheap sim card at the airport in Spain?
  14. Hey greatly appreciate the huge vote of confidence. I really need it going forward. Yes, the phone is one's best friend nowadays - an indispensable tool. As far as cell carrier is concerned, I plan to buy a cheap sim card at the airport since they go for $20 and provide free text and calls - not bad for 10 days. Very much looking forward to coming "out on the other side of all this wondering what" I was thinking.This is by no small measure the biggest decision I've ever made in my life.
  15. Yeah I just plan carrying a bookbag with 1 pair of pants, 2 underwears, 2 shirts, 2 sweaters, 1 towel, soap, toothpaste and toothbrush... and thats it. I'll only be there for 8 - 9 days.
  16. Thanks I'm trying to relax but 3 things bother me heavily about this process: Fear of flying, getting lost in Madrid and a bad ht outcome. Keep in mind this will be my 1st time traveling outside USA. Yes Spain is the most beautiful country in the world based on what people have told me.
  17. Ramsey thanks for the updated pics. You look amazing. If you would grow your hair like 2 more inches in the back you would look like a rock star. Hope I can share the same success you've had with Couto. But admittingly I'm scared which I'm sure you understand when you went to the clinic. Btw how many hours was your procedure?
  18. Hi everyone. I'm extremely scared of my upcoming procedure with Couto. I dont know how its gonna turn out and I'm scared of flying. Hope you guys can convince me or give me some encouragement as I really need it big time now.
  19. Thanks.. I'll check out your post. If I have any questions I'll be sure to pm you if thats ok. Thanks for the vote of confidence as well! Why weren't you able to lift your own luggage?
  20. I'm trying to keep costs down. Thats why I'm opting for cheap, no frills hotels or a hostel. Let me know what you think
  21. Hi Youth_Again, Happy that youre getting grgeat results this early. I'll be traveling to see Couto soon. Was wondering if you would answer my questions before I see him. If you would answer them on my thread I'd appreciate it..
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