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Everything posted by Jackdaniels

  1. Good luck mate. It’s an interesting case, since you are a higher Norwood…
  2. Looking awesome for only 4 months. You are going to get a great final result. Dr Gur seems to be a great doctor in Turkey at a decent price !
  3. In most clinics the extraction of grafts. For example in eugenix in all surgeries the extractions are done by techs. Freitas and couto also use techs for grafts extractions. So you don’t have to worry about that. yea yaman is a great value for money choice…and dr yaman participates in all of his hair transplants by doing the plan, design and incisions into the scalp.
  4. Except of FueCapilar I would consider dr Yaman and Dr demirsoy. Search for them by typing their names on the search bar of the forum.
  5. Within your budget you could consider dr yaman, dr Gur, dr turan and dr demirsoy. These doctors can give you a good result at a reasonable price which is lower than your Max budget.
  6. If you don’t go to Asmed, then you could consider Pekiner,HLC, Bicer, Keser, Gur, Turan,Yaman, Demirsoy. All of these options are good and safe in Turkey with dr involvement in all of the procedures and the price range is between 1-2.5 euro/graft.
  7. Both 3 options (Yaman, Gur and Turan) are Great and safe options at a decent price around 1+ euro per graft. Their main difference is in the implementation method of grafts. yaman and Gur use the pre made slits method, where the incisions are done by the doctor and the grafts are inserted by techs. While dr turan uses the DHI method where the doctor implants directly the grafts into the scalp without incisions firstly. You can compare the results of these doctors by typing their names on the search bar and select the one you like mostly.
  8. Happy growing. Many grafts in one session is a routine for dr pittella. Can you tell us the total cost of your procedure ? Thanks 😊
  9. Happy growing. The design looks very nice 👍 Can you tell us the cost of your surgery ?
  10. So unless you pay the 4$ per graft, your surgery will be done by junior surgeons of pittella’s clinic. I think 2-3$ are too high for junior surgeons. It’s much better I think to go to Turkey to get your hair transplant for less price with more experienced surgeons.
  11. By saying conservative is not a bad thing to be honest. Conservative by means of hairline height. A conservative hairline should be done in higher Norwoods big large areas to cover. By lowering a hairline you spend more grafts, so less grafts for future use. But if you have small problem the hairline height doesn’t have to be in conservative height. dr Gur is a good doctor and you discuss about the hairline height with him
  12. Donor looks awesome. Dr yaman did good donor management 👍
  13. Thanks for sharing your experience with dr yaman.It’s very good to have real experiences from patients of each doctor so people can get a better idea about how a surgeon treats his patients. From what I read dr yaman and his stuff were very helpful and organised to give you the best experience and to achieve the maximum result without needing to spend all of your money to them.. did dr yaman used beard grafts in your case? And if yes how many of the total grafts ?
  14. Thats a a great result...Massive transformation and super natural...Enjoy your new hair!
  15. That’s a good price for a 2 day procedure with 6400 grafts. I think dr yaman is the best value for money option…
  16. You don’t have to worry about a conservative hairline. Think that dr Gur does conservative hairlines for your own profit. He want to save donor grafts for future use. He is an ethical doctor who doesn’t want to spend all of your grafts in lowering your hairline. but if you have small hair loss problem you can negotiate with him about the hairline height. I don’t think that’s a problem at all…
  17. Both turan and Gur are really good options..Gur’S hairlines are natural and he also does 2 patients a day. His is an ethical surgeon and take good care of every patient..the same apply for turan too.
  18. All the best 🙏 You did a good choice by selecting dr yaman. Nice density all over your scalp area. Can u tell us the price for the 2 day procedure ? Thanks 😊
  19. Higher price doesn’t mean better quality. There are ethical surgeons in affordable price who produce consistent and good results without having to spend all of your money to them. for example you could select either of dr yaman, dr Gur, dr turan and dr Demirsoy. Their price range is between 3000-4500€ for 3000-4500 grafts.
  20. For now i think its better to take finasteride, which is going to help you a lot. After 1 year you could take again photos and compare the before/after. There are good and skilled surgeons in Turkey in afforable price starting from 1 euro/graft. You could consider Dr Yaman, Turan, Gur, Demirsoy, Bicer, Pekiner, HLC, Keser. All those surgeons are safe choices in Turkey.
  21. 10000 grafts in one siting. ?? That’s interesting…how many of them are scalp and how many beard grafts ? Happy growing btw…If you get high yield this is going to be a massive transformation. I will be following ur journey.
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