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Posts posted by sukh123

  1. 1 hour ago, GoliGoliGoli said:

    You know what's funny, I was literally thinking about this very topic this morning but had never seen your post. Min is obviously a vasodialator, so who knows it's possible that it's allowing for greater leakage of the Fin out of the target area.  

    I am considering trying Xyon (Literally the only brand of Fin I would consider) but your post is giving me second thoughts for sure. Do you mind describing your sides? I'm assuming low libido and erection issues but how bad exactly? How old are you and did you have any initial signs of these issues prior to ever going on any type of fin?

    Thanks and best regards

    The problem with topical is how do you protect your donor you have use like so much topical to cover your donor which is the biggest drawback of topical

    • Like 2
  2. 14 minutes ago, RTC said:

    Really? I've never heard this. I thought shedding was completely normal and there was no correlation to future graft growth 

    Yeh it’s absolutely normal and in fact inevitable , what we’re saying is that if you have grafts that don’t shed it a good indicator for more grafts that have shed to survive. Tbh I don’t know if this is the case but makes sense if you think about it.

  3. 1 hour ago, Let me botch you said:

    Totally agree. 

    The outcome of a hair transplant is extremely unpredictable. 

    I've seen guys looking excellent between the surgery and the 2-3 weeks mark after removing the scabs and before shedding. 

    And yet ending with very low graft survival. 

    I've seen guys looking so so after surgery, dealing with infections and sunburns and at the end growing just fine. 

    You never know.

    SUPRISE baby ! 


    Three weeks after you get a idea about the density and how it. Will look . But as you said the big caveat is graft survival , if atleast 90 percent survive your in for a good result. If you don’t shed as much is that a sign of increased graft survival ?

    • Like 1
  4. 29 minutes ago, Your shill from the mill said:

    I totally understand the fact you are looking for cheaper options. We all try to save money and that's completely fair and normal. 

    But in hair transplants you have to understand that the cheaper you go the greater the chances of disaster....

    And in this game disasters are irreversible especially if they destroy your donor area while you already have significant baldness. 

    The grafts in your donor area are limited. You have to try to get it right from the first time... 

    That said, even top surgeons like Ferreira, Hasson & Wong, Mwamba have bad results. Even Couto and Freitas have some average results although very few of course. 

    Browse through the forum and you will see. Hair transplants are a gamble. All you can do is minimize as much as possible the risk of failure and maximize chances of sucess by diligently doing your research and chosing a great surgeon. 

    Ilker Apaydin is not the worst clinic in Turkey but his "best results"  are average at best, he outsources almost all the work to young technicians with highly questionable training and there were some really bad results published on this forum from Apaydin... Jambopilgrim is one of them...There was another one too.  Trust me, you don't wanna become one of those guys. 

    My honest advice is stay away Apaydin. He is zero and doesn't care about you. He will just leave to his techs and they'll most likely botch you. Then you'll have to go to an expensive surgeon for a repair and that'll end up costing you 10 000-12 000 $...... 

    Forget about Apaydin. 

    Same for Serkan. He's probably somewhat better but still Serkan is a lottery. Read my posts about hairmills. Okay I agree that Serkan has some fantastic results on belicapelli (that are cherry picked by Bola the moderator who has an affiliation with Serkan) and also on some french youtubers who got paid to document their journey at Serkan's clinic and hence were given the very best team of nurses.

    Brett Maverick also went to Serkan but in my opinion that is a risky bet. 

    Serkan  had some botched jobs and destroyed donors in the past although I gotta say he has improved a lot during the last 3-5 years.  But hey Serky does 20 patients per day and he doesn't give a s*** about your case. He just shakes your hand and draws your hairline. Some of his teams of technicians are great whereas others are crap. It's russian roulette. Literally. Why risk it ? 

    Same for Smilehair and ziya yavuz. All Hairmills although not the worst.  

    Don't be fooled by the SmileHair doctors. Mehmet Erdogan, Ahmedov etc...I know they look cool, their english is great but this is all marketing. The reality is their clinic is a hairmill. Again, certainly not the worst but you never know what kind of results you'll get and who will operate on you. Could just be a tech performing his very first surgery...

    Now of course there is this thing that "sometimes hairmills hit homeruns". 

    Sure that happens too. I agree. 

    If you are lucky, if you get the right team of nurses, if you have great donor charactetistics IF IF IF (probably around 10 out of 100 cases)  you could potentially get a fantastic result for just 3000$. Yes it does happen sometimes with Cinik, Cosmedica, Serkan, Hair of Istanbul.. 

    But what happens if you get botched ? Your donor supply gets destroyed forever while the grafts on the recipient area do not grow back at all ?....What you gonna do ? 

    And if you "just shave it bruh" your donor area will have thousands of white little scars showing you had FUE...

    Think about it twice. 

    Stay away from Aypaydin. He is crap. 

    Try to save up for a decent surgeon. 

    Bicer, FUECAPILAR and Demirsoy are the only decent options in Turkey. 

    Is this your full time job, this is like a blog lol

  5. 1 hour ago, cesareborgia said:

    Do you think I am out of options if I have sides on oral fin as well?

    Money is not an issue for me. I am willing to spend but need my hair back.

    That will depend on your donor area, could you post pictures of that. your original images are very low quality too, you using a phone pre 21st century lol. Would help if better quality pictures 

  6. 13 hours ago, NARMAK said:

    Since i was specifically mentioned, i want to respond fairly with my own experience. 

    Dr Das did the incisions and there at the initial stages. I also saw her check in from time to time. However, despite being told Dr Das would do hairline/templepoint implantation and crucial extractions, i did bot recall her carrying this out and once you're in the chair, you feel a bit stuck to really disturb the flow of the technicians working. 

    I had a bandage wrap placed over my eyes too, but occasionally heard Dr Das in the room to overlook things at that stage. 

    I personally would say a weak point of my experience was possibly not feeling able to verify exactly how much involvement Dr Das had in terms of implantation and extraction for grafts. If somebody else was better suited for that, fair enough, i'd rather have the right person. It's just difficult to i guess placate those feelings that maybe my expectations were for a little more Dr involvement than i recall. Again, i'm not going to say i've had a negative experience or anything, i am waiting till my 12 month mark to judge a final result and so far, i think even with those things which imo can be easily addressed with slight tweaks to how Eugenix operate to out patients at ease, i hope that the actual operation will be a success. 

    That’s not right if you were initially told that the Dr would be doing those parts then midway through your procedure you find out that not the case is misleading. I would of gone in on them as that not professional.


    • Like 1
  7. 8 hours ago, Your shill from the mill said:

    Couto and Pinto also take on more severe cases too. 

    Especially Pinto. There are some amazing transformations on Norwood 5-6 guys. Check them out. 

    Pinto is pretty versatile. I wish I could get a surgery with him but he is fully booked. 💔

    Honestly what are you on lol, one minute your like I’ve had had a hair transplant with dr Harris then you were having one with hlc then thought about pulling out a week before it and now your trying to get one with pinto , wtf lol

  8. 44 minutes ago, NARMAK said:

    Personally i don't think it's super aggressive and especially if he's been responding well to medication but what i find alarming and i touched on this in my other "When YouTubers get hair transplants" post, that he said he wasn't going to get it until absolutely needed and then undermines himself because a "great opportunity" came up. Honestly, the U turn logic of this guy is why a lot of people watching him will also make this mistake. 

    He even acted as if its normal for a HT clinic to take significantly more hair than expected. He basically said they mentioned 1400 to him and then when he was there upped this to 2500. That's absolutely ridiculous. 

    Don’t think it’s that ridiculous for a clinic to underestimate the graft count via just pictures. In pictures you don’t really get a true representation of the amount of miniaturisation you have until they can see it with magnified equipment and really see it person and do a through analysis . Some even use less grafts and vice Versa

  9. 2 hours ago, cesareborgia said:

    Hi Melvin, Eugenix, and, others,

    As mentioned above, I started applying the solution which has "topical 5% minoxidil and 0.1% Fin solution" and experienced drowsiness and dizziness for about a day. I applied this solution for 5 days and stopped it a couple of days ago. I also saw my morning wood disappearing or not being very strong in the last 2-3 days of the application of the solution. I think this effect has gone today and although I am not completely back, I could see the recovery (libido wise)


    I stopped applying that solution and jumped on Minoxidil only 5% foam and could feel my heart racing(90 -100 bpm and then slowly stabilizing after an hour) and also experienced dizziness after applying(dizziness lasts for 3-4 hours) for the last 2 days(post quitting the above solution). I may applied a bit too much as well. 


    I have no other issues healthwise (touchwood)




    - What should I do with Topical fin and Topical Minoxidil (Min Only) giving me sides?
    - Should I continue with Minoxidil and see if the sides last for a few more days and if they continue, should I stop?
    - Can I not hop on either of these 2/3 for life?( I am so sad if this is the case)
    - Would oral fin give me further sides?


    Please HELP!



    You made a mistake not starting with oral finasteride which is proven. Topical fin would of been better to try if you experience sides from oral, but tbh I still think the studies are lacking with topical fin to say it’s as effective as oral and topical unless you apply it to your donor which requires a lot of solution does not protect your donor . Just keep it simple, I would advise using propecia branded Version, I personally don’t touch the generic because all the studies have been done with propecia. And use Rogaine brand foam

    • Thanks 1
  10. 20 minutes ago, Du90 said:

    Hey man! 
    It's great to see your post. It's Omar from the clinic we met on my first day there.
    Your results are looking great bud hope we both are super satisified 😁

    Although I stupidly insisted on a hairline that I thought was symmetrical (even though the doctors insisted it wasn't) so now I'm considering a followup session in 6 months to do my crown and fix the very slight asymmetry I have.

    Most hairlines are asymmetrical where one one side is more higher than the others, I assume you wanted the other side to be as straight as the other temple 

  11. 56 minutes ago, Your shill from the mill said:

    I'd say quality is similar. Maybe Bicer a little bit better from what I've seen. 

    Bicer has one of the best post operative care in the industry. 

    But Gur is cheaper like you said. 

    Demirsoy and Turan are also decent. 

    Bhatti is also a "decent budget option" in the same price range but we all know his controversial behaviour on this forum so I don't really feel comfortable recommending him anymore....

    Other than that, I wouldn't risk anybody else. Forget about Vera, Karadeniz, Yaman, Doganay, Musbeh, Civas, Caymaz, SmileHair etc...

    There might be a few decent  budget options in Spain as well. 

    Felicidad Espinosa & Ana Belen Rodriguez from Medecap, Javier Alvarez, Antonio Burgos, Hans Heinecke. 

    They are not nearly as good as Pinto or Ximena but they do decent work for a price comparable to Bicer's. 

    Are you a Russian bot lol

  12. 4 hours ago, Your shill from the mill said:

    No way. 

    I was just joking bro. Chill out. 

    Read my posts. 

    I don't even need to explain. Those who follow me know I give honest advice based on solid experience and well-balanced facts. 

    I am a fair and square guy. Those who read my posts know it very well. 

    I even recommend Dr. Sethi and consider him a top surgeon and he is amongst the top 5 best surgeons in the world for advanced Norwoods. 

    And even if some of the questionable cases from Eugenix such as Track-Rat and Captain Haddock my stance was well-balanced and I was giving the clinic the benefit of the doubt. 

    Tbh I wasn’t really off put by your stuff , but the thing I saw about hlc where you said you were going to have surgery with them, then a week before was like I’m not going after someone’s post about their experience. And now finding out that your initial username was hlc butchers, but you said you were going to get surgery from them is weird. You then said you had a transplant from dr Harris , who incidentally did Kevin manns, and after my post about you yesterday, you felt the need to change your name.

  13. I'm either going with Dr bisanga or de freitas for my procedure, got a consultation with bisanga in London on August 6th, and one with freitas via online consultation. So will make a decision after that. But he clearly is in my opinion one of the most established surgeons out there, so for me personally, I would want him to do my whole procedure and would be willing to pay whatever is necessary.  

    • Like 2
  14. 10 hours ago, Melvin- Moderator said:

    This is the dumbest thing I’ve read in a long time. Obviously, you’re trolling and failing. 

    I'm new to this forum and can tell he just trolls and tbh this is not needed on this forum, because genuine people like myself use this for informed discussion and honest accounts


    10 hours ago, Hope everything is nova said:

    Eugenix and Hasson & Wong are hairmills. 

    Honestly who are you ? I just think your here to troll a lot. You said you had your hair transplant in Colorado, but on some other post through me researching clinics you were like I'm going hlc, but then backtracked saying you're thinking not to a week before your supposed procedure. I dont think you were ever going to go there and just trolling which is not needed on this forum. Calling out eugenix and hasson and wong as hair mills is wrong too considering alot of people use this place for information and they are in fact the better clinics to go too 

  15. 1 hour ago, ahmed9500 said:

    I hope this isn’t true. I am due a complex HT with @Eugenix Hair Sciencein the coming weeks and hope the quality is still there! I have opted for the comprehensive package so i’m guessing my results will answer many questions for prospective patients fron the UK, US and other western countries. I have seen enough quality to have chosen this clinic and therefore would put them in the top 5, but does that include the cheaper packages?? I guess “Time will tell!”

    The best results have been from dr Pradeep sethi, those are the ones that I’ve have seen that have been good and hence why he the most expensive 

    • Like 3
  16. 13 minutes ago, Adier said:

    @sukh123It's called having an opinion. And i based my opinion with the reasons i mentioned in my post. You are free to disagree.

    Yeh but your reasons don't make sense with all due respect, you cite it on cultural reasoning and the fact that they cater for Indians and the west. All clinics cater to clientele around the world lol

  17. 1 minute ago, BaldBobby said:

    happens with every clinic

    It's the donor management that concerned me in the bad cases I've seen, sometimes growth is out of the surgeon's hands, but donor management isn't. Again I'm not hating on eugenix, think they're doing good work and really like Dr. Sethi's enthusiasm and personality, but just being balanced with my views on what I see. 

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  18. 1 hour ago, Adier said:

    My vote goes for Eugenix as the best. Because i know how hard it is to cater to the Indian expectations as well as to the Western domain equally well. Baldness is more accepted in the western countries as well as in European countries. In India it's getting accepted but still considered a wierd thing because most people here think it's a disease and not a natural process. Also the journey of Eugenix is quite inspiring especially Dr Pradeep from where he started from Odisha and where the clinic stands now. Their results aren't bad either and improving even with the lower packages. 


    Eugenix would not even be in the top 5 lol.

    • Like 1
  19. 2 minutes ago, HappyMan2021 said:

    not the person you are replying to, but super coincidentally I've had work done both by Dr. Harris and his assistant Shelly Lovitt. 

    Shelly Lovitt is a failed gynecologist turned amateur HT butcher. Horrible horrible horrible. 

    Harris is very meh. His portfolio seems to mainly consist of guys in their 50s or 60s whose objective is to look "less balding" and would be happy as a NW3. I have not seen any killer results from him. Ever. 

    His claim to fame is he is the inventor of the Artas robot. Its cool trivia, but no good doctor uses it anymore and being an inventor and going to a lot of conferences does not translate to surgical skill. 

    Pass on him and especially pass on Lovitt. 

    Hi thanks for that , yeh I can tell by the fact he didn’t reply , that he may have had a botch job too. Yeh i just realised he botched some YouTuber who you might know callled Kevin Mann, who basically never talks about his transplant since he had it from dr Harris. I’m from uk so will definitely be focussing on the top European ones

    • Thanks 1
  20. 1 hour ago, Hope everything is nova said:

    The number one golden rule is DO NOT GET A HAIR TRANSPLANT...

    Unless you have done your research extremely diligently, understand all the possible risks and limitations and have realistic/low expectations.

    Hair transplants a always a gamble. Even with a top surgeons...

    You have to accept and understand that before deciding to get one. 

    I'd say with a top surgeon 

    1/10 result is excellent 

    1/10 is subpar 

    8/10 are average to average +. 

    Where did you have your hair transplant 

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