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Posts posted by sukh123

  1. 56 minutes ago, Cantstandya said:

    Bicer is probably the best in Turkey. This has been talked about ad nauseum. Please use the search function. 

    Bicer been overhyped lol, if you compare her best work to hlc or Pekiner best work on this forum. There’s have much more density and naturalness. This hype about bicer overstated in my opinion 

    • Like 1
  2. 4 hours ago, Nccan said:

    I would also advise everyone to be cautious as ASMEDs social media teams are working overtime to get them back into peoples good graces, not saying OP is shady but a completely new account giving a detailed report 4 years after the fact... This clinic is getting blasted on pretty much every forum now as they consistently produce failed transplants, overharvested donors, poor hairline designs.. again, there are FAR better options both in Turkey and Spain at this price point, do not ruin your life by going to a hair mill guys.

    Yeh something very shady going on here , I’m quite suspicious too

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  3. 1 hour ago, propeesha said:

    I specifically talked about the front hair line and how I saw more gaps than usual in his work. I don't usually see this type of quality in the work, I totally understand every patient is different and their hair thickness is different, but regardless it does look way less packed than some of the other patients he's had work done. There are other examples of thinner hair types that I've seen with great results from Freitas, so my main point was, was this due to the patient using less hairs as costs were a blocker as that is more likely why the doctor was forced with less in this case? I ask because I see myself going to Freitas potentially and would want to know that lower number of grafts increase the risk of having a more sparse/"doll like" look and that more hairs in the first surgery is the best course of action, OR doing a follow up filling procedure is needed for cases to further get thinner hair types to really get the density that thicker hair types may get on their first surgery. It's not a knock on the work, its a totally valid question to ask and point out. I expect this to be a forum where we can ask questions like this, and not just blindly complement EVERY transformation given people are paying a lot of money here, and maybe some should budget more if we are seeing inconsistencies in the results.

    Dunno what your smoking lol. The guy was slick bald, you really are fishing in my opinion. I personally think it's great work, although his donor is very strong and that is one of the main factors that determine a hair transplant being good as well as graft survival. 

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  4. th

    4 hours ago, No cap said:

    At the 5 month mark I started re-using regaine foam again. I had foolishly thought I had been advised against it's use - as it can cause irritation, but after re-reading my after care document it said just for the first 2 - 3 weeks🤦🏽. At the five month mark I was desperate, so I also applied a little topical steriod cream to my scalp as well - once a day - as I know it is sometimes prescribed for alopecia and could help to increase blood flow to my scalp. I'm not advocating this by the way just documenting my journey.


    Interestingly, within just 2 weeks the quality of the new transplanted hair, which I believed was destined to stay thin and miniaturised like my hair in the frontal area before the pre procedure, thickened and matured immensely. Again, the use of the steriod cream and the foam may have had no direct impact on the thickening of my hair and that could have been it's natural cycle, but within the space of 2 weeks I went from thin and whispy to Jackson 5. The pictures below were TAKEN 2 HALF WEEKS APART.



    No way is there a two week gap between those two photos

  5. 2 minutes ago, Vann said:

    I think youre on the slow side for growth but its definitely growing in really well. I think month 7 will really be take off for you. The way your hair is already growing together is a good sign that its angled pretty well. Just keep doing whatever makes you feel most comfortable in terms of style. You probably wont be able to do much with the way your hair is curly but you can definitely reap the benefits in terms of a more covered look if they grow forward.

    Happy growing and keep your mind forward 12 months will go in the blink of an eye and youll forget you were even at this stage.

    Yeh atleast Someone says it how it is instead of “homerun” and “great growth” from the other people on this thread.

  6. 36 minutes ago, Eran said:

    No miracles guys. All depends in the donor area.

    I was Norwood 5A, not 7. 
    I don’t think it’s important if it’s Zarev or Bicer or whatever. Once you have good donor and thick hair, you’ll be ok.


    exactly as long as surgeons and techs carry out the procedure carefully, the biggest factor is your donor. Your just moving the hair from one place to another. It's the same hair, ironically a transplant actually doesn't give you more hair because your just moving the ones at the back to the front lol

    • Like 2
  7. 6 minutes ago, Egy said:

    The characteristics of the hair play a fundamental role in the success of the transplant, even @Eran. it was a norwood 7, but a thick type of hair that gave an excellent illusion of density.  I am sure that Dr. Biçer will remedy to make happy @tokerutaichouAlthough I am waiting to know what she had proposed to him before the procedure.

    Yes donor hair and obviously graft survival are the two main factors that determine a good result . I’m surprised she went ahead with his procedure considering he was on finasteride and the donor was still  thinning. He just had bad hair luck tbh

  8. 29 minutes ago, Hairmills and homeruns said:

    It's a decent result considering your Norwood 6 starting point. 

    It's a visible improvement compared to baseline. 

    I agree your hair isn't too thick though...And that is perhaps one of the main limitations in your case.  It's more on the thinner side of the spectrum but still I would expect a bit more coverage from 3800 grafts... That said, we cannot expect miracles on a Norwood 6. 

    I know Dr. Bicer, she is nice and  seems to care about patients but just as Dr. Keser,  HLC or Pekiner I've never seen impressive "miracle" type results from them on advanced Norwoods. 

    Have you seen Dr. Zarev's and Dr. Pitella's FUE work on higher Norwoods ?  Definitely worth exploring. 

    Hattingen also has some crazy transformations on Norwood 6 with FUT but you would have you have lower yield with FUT now since u already had FUE

    Last thing, you mentionned in the beginning of the thread that you starting shedding hairs as early as 8 days after surgery and by the 14th day most of your transplanted hairs had fallen out. This sounds a bit too early honestly...Some grafts may have not made it and might be this is one of the reasons why the yield/survival rate from your surgery with Dr. Bicer seems slightly below average.  But this is purely speculation on my part. 


    That’s  the point even with a less than ideal yield considering that many grafts were implanted he  should of had better  coverage. Scalp is visible throughout and this is not about miracles . I’ve seen hair mills get better coverage for high Norwoods and looking at other bicer results on social media and forums she has some impressive results with high Norwood s. I’m not trying to be harsh but honest for the benefit of the op

    • Like 1
  9. 2 minutes ago, MAIZE1694 said:

    Quote me where I said training causes MPB. You can't.

    I said if you're prone to MPB training and leaning out will definitely accelerate that.

    In your fantasy scenario a guy with minimal DHT who is losing hair, begins to train everyday and increases DHT = no additional effect on hairloss?

    Rethink what you're saying here.


    You said "training like crazy will accelerate hair loss " it doesn't matter if you train once a week or every day, that has no impact on hair loss, which is exactly what you implied. And yes you can have 0.01 DHT levels but if you are very sensitive to the androgen due to genetic predisposition, it does  not matter you will lose hair. Hence why a lot of people who have low t still lose hair and people with sky-high T and Dht who are not sensitive have a full head of hair in their 40's. 

  10. Hi, I've done much research on this clinic. They seem to be great at hairlines which is what I want to be done first; a friend of mine had his last year there and had a great result; I Was curious who performed your surgery; I researched the doctors and found out that one of them Dr. Elif I think was previously a heart surgeon and worked for the Turkish health ministry as a consultant which is impressive credentials.

  11. 29 minutes ago, MAIZE1694 said:

    PED's or not, training like crazy WILL accelerate MPB if you're prone to it.

    Its happened/happening to me. A few years ago I went from casual 2-3 times a week to training every day and leaned out while getting a lot stronger.

    What complete rubbish lol, training has nothing to do with mpb, yes it may increase your test and hence DHT but people can have minimal DHT and still lose hair due to genetic predisposition and DHT sensitivity. Honestly your talking nonsense.

  12. 33 minutes ago, Axel said:

    Not only placed against the patient's desired location, but over-harvested. Not sure why there isn't more of a negative response. Concerning, considering this forum is supposed to be an unbiased source of information.

    Weirdly, there is a "it's better than before!" attitude with the majority of comments. I don't know if this is more indicative of the clientele that hair transplants attract, or a lack of understanding about the transactional aspects of these high cost procedures.

    Yeh, I'm new to this forum and thinking of getting one done so joined to get real-life accounts of people's journeys . And what you just said is the exact same thing I get from this forum, having been on it for a short while. I thought i was the only one, but it seems people like you share my sentiment on this forum esp with regards to the "clientele" comment. I've seen posts where Turkey hair mills have done just the same, and the same people have gone hell to leather in chastising them, but suddenly quiet when its an affiliated doctor which is not good for what is supposed to be an "open" forum 

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  13. On 3/12/2022 at 4:55 PM, Skimzee said:

    Hello. I saved up annual leave for a year and a half so I’ve taken off January to April. I couldn’t have possibly gone back to work currently but I am mid ugly duckling stage. I have PRP booked in for April. I’m currently taking fin/Minox/biotin just to speed up the process. I use rose masqueda oil to help the redness. 

    You took three months lol wtf 

    • Like 1
  14. 12 minutes ago, Unrealistic expectations said:

    Good question bro. 

    I browsed through his thread and like he said himself, the immediate post op are always very deceiving because they give you the impression that you gonna have great density while in reality the blood, scabs, residue from the saline solution make it look much denser than it actually is. 

    Very hard to say what weng wrong. Even the best doctors in the world couldn't really tell...

    But let's speculate a little bit: 

    I don't think he had any condition such as scarring alopecia or lichen planopilaris...

    So it could be 

    -Poor planning and poor placement.  Not using the optimal harvested hairs to make it look as good as possible. Spacing out the incisions too much etc....There is always an artistry aspect in HT surgery. 

    -Poor survival rate due to either some transection  during extraction or simply poor genetic survival capacity of the grafts. Some people are genetically unlucky regardless of the doctor. It can happen sometimes.

    I don't think his subpar result is due to his hair quality. His hair quality is average. It's not  thick but it definitely isn't below average... After all 4000 grafts were used just for the hairline. That's a lot.

    I really have no idea honestly. Like I say in my posts, HT is always a lottery. 

    You have to accept that before you decide to move forward and get it done.

    Yes even  his pic without the scabs post two weeks looked really good, and the hair placement looked fine and dense. I think like you said he was just unlucky Which is rare or it’s genetic related 

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